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So it's finally here! The latest and greatest of Apple's home baked temptation.


iPF Noob
Now what do you do?

Few days more and we should all be facing the mother of firmware updates. It's likely to be grand for vanilla users and filled with trepidation for the haXors. Will there be zero day device hacks? Will some models get locked out from quick jailbreaks? No one knows the time and hour except that it's close! Do you know what you will do then? Perfectly content with your current setup or eager to get the real thing gussied up with some jailbreaker innovation?

I want to remember fervently all the ways the jailbreak makes my experience better and hold off but its so hard in this situation. What will you be doing?
well they recently said they have at least 5 userland jailbreaks right? I think at this point it doesn't even matter how good iOS5 is, jailbreak is just an essential psychological thing for me. I NEED IT. So I guess I'll be waiting. Only thing is, I hope my favourite jailbreak tweaks get ported soon.
well they recently said they have at least 5 userland jailbreaks right?

What "they" said was there were up to 5 potential userland exploits which have been identified. It can still be a long journey between having an exploit to having a working jailbreak ready for release, but none the less that was very welcome news!
Let's not forget the months of agonising wait and frustration for the iPad2 4.3.3 JB despite that PDF exploit being identified by Comex for a very long time beforehand. Just keep your fingers crossed they don't get patched for the IOS5 GM and that the Chronic guys can step up to the plate and deliver another JB in Comex's absence ;)
Now what do you do?

Few days more and we should all be facing the mother of firmware updates. It's likely to be grand for vanilla users and filled with trepidation for the haXors. Will there be zero day device hacks? Will some models get locked out from quick jailbreaks? No one knows the time and hour except that it's close! Do you know what you will do then? Perfectly content with your current setup or eager to get the real thing gussied up with some jailbreaker innovation?

I want to remember fervently all the ways the jailbreak makes my experience better and hold off but its so hard in this situation. What will you be doing?

I'll wait until it drops and I can see what features are included. Sometimes, these big deals mean nothing because they do not provide value.
I've been thinking this question over, because there is no doubt in my mind that iOS 5 is oh-so-tempting.


I'll wait. Because no matter how pretty iOS5 is, it won't have SBSettings, OverDrive, Inpulse, AnyAttach, DoubleAt, Inspell, RetinaPad, Safari Upload Enabler, Gridlock, Shrink, SleepDepriver, PC Networking... well, you get the picture! :D You know, all the tweaks I've got installed...

I'd rather sit at iOS 4.3.3 than go to iOS5 and lose my tweaks, especially SBSettings, OverDrive and Inspell (my most often used tweaks).

I've been thinking this question over, because there is no doubt in my mind that iOS 5 is oh-so-tempting.


I'll wait. Because no matter how pretty iOS5 is, it won't have SBSettings, OverDrive, Inpulse, AnyAttach, DoubleAt, Inspell, RetinaPad, Safari Upload Enabler, Gridlock, Shrink, SleepDepriver, PC Networking... well, you get the picture! :D You know, all the tweaks I've got installed...

I'd rather sit at iOS 4.3.3 than go to iOS5 and lose my tweaks, especially SBSettings, OverDrive and Inspell (my most often used tweaks).


So ~ if we went with iOS5, we will lose our JB? Right?
I guess the best thing I can say about it is that because this is a newer 3G iPad 2 and I don't have blobs I'm sometimes nervous about screwing up my jailbreak. This makes it seem like less a potential catastrophe.
I've been thinking this question over, because there is no doubt in my mind that iOS 5 is oh-so-tempting.


I'll wait. Because no matter how pretty iOS5 is, it won't have SBSettings, OverDrive, Inpulse, AnyAttach, DoubleAt, Inspell, RetinaPad, Safari Upload Enabler, Gridlock, Shrink, SleepDepriver, PC Networking... well, you get the picture! :D You know, all the tweaks I've got installed...

I'd rather sit at iOS 4.3.3 than go to iOS5 and lose my tweaks, especially SBSettings, OverDrive and Inspell (my most often used tweaks).


But once a jailbreak becomes available for iOS5 wouldn't you upgrade? Or am I missing something like those tweaks will not be compatible with iOS5 regardless if a jailbreak is available?
Oh, sorry for any confusion!

I will stay at iOS 4.3.3 until there's a jailbreak for iOS5. AND - I'm not moving up even if a jailbreak is available unless my favorite tweaks will run on iOS5. Which is to say - all the ones I currently have installed. :D

Hope that makes more sense.

I'm looking forward to how this shakes out. You know the community will be impatient to drop any available hacks, and I think iOS 5 will drop at the keynote.
One thing that I'm curious to see is if the over the air updates are able to be turned off. Would be lame to go to bed with a jailbroken ipad and wake up to find it locked again. I'll probably end up staying on 4.3.3 until they get that figured out.
Wookiee2cu said:
One thing that I'm curious to see is if the over the air updates are able to be turned off. Would be lame to go to bed with a jailbroken ipad and wake up to find it locked again. I'll probably end up staying on 4.3.3 until they get that figured out.

You can't do a over the air update if your jailbroken.

Sent From my jailbroken interestingcompanionPad using iPF!

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