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Airport City Trading Centre

I've updated and have plasm clot as the gift, I've sent some tonight as still had some gifts left but when it resets in the morning I'll gift plasm's out....

Level:40 Pingways, I need: catering / long distance flight items / duty free items - especially cookies and perfume

Could you add me as a friend please?
For some reason it won't let me add you.
I thought we were neighbours but I can't find you anywhere....
I can gift Air Magnetometre's

Gifts reset 1st thing in the morning.

Lukehakesley level 40 stars 147 Looking for Spare Propellers at present. My son's airport is called 'Rigby's city'. He needs 2x server racks & 1x cash counter.
Could you add me as a friend please?
For some reason it won't let me add you.
I thought we were neighbours but I can't find you anywhere....

We are neighbours! I'll gift tomorrow

Level:40 Pingways, I need: catering / long distance flight items / duty free items - especially cookies and perfume
Crop circles.....I wonder if they will increase your population.

I hope they do something or its just a waste of valuable space!

Level:40 Pingways, I need: catering / long distance flight items / duty free items - especially cookies and perfume
Has anyone found where the Area 51 flight is?

Level 33 - TV Panels, Grinding machines, air vent filters needed to upgrade repair base. De-Icer please.
I can gift magnetometers from my iPhone game and plasma from the iPad game, so If anyone wants anything different please let me know.

Troglodyte69 (iPad) any flight stuff always welcome, Troglodyte96 (iPhone), need grinding machine & defroster please..
I have had people sending me plasma but they turn into fuel. Whenever I re-open the game it tells me to update but I obviously already did. This is sooooo frustrating because I can't fly to the new destinations. Ughhhhh
Sent a ticket to GI :mad:
I have had people sending me plasma but they turn into fuel. Whenever I re-open the game it tells me to update but I obviously already did. This is sooooo frustrating because I can't fly to the new destinations. Ughhhhh
Sent a ticket to GI :mad:

I think I may have the same issue. I have just received two lots of fuel!

Sian and David (level 40, 183 stars) need plasma clot. Thank you :)
Has anyone found where the Area 51 flight is?

Level 33 - TV Panels, Grinding machines, air vent filters needed to upgrade repair base. De-Icer please.

One of the new collections is for a plane that flys to Area 51 so maybe it becomes available when you finish that.

Did you just send me fuel?

Sian and David (level 40, 183 stars) need plasma clot. Thank you :)
Has anyone found where the Area 51 flight is?

Level 33 - TV Panels, Grinding machines, air vent filters needed to upgrade repair base. De-Icer please.

A Map to Area 51 drops from the new flights so . . . Who knows when or how we'll find out about the actual flight. Do you still need air vent filters?
I think I may have the same issue. I have just received two lots of fuel!

Sian and David (level 40, 183 stars) need plasma clot. Thank you :)

Me too! I did get one plasma clot but I think it arrived while I was in the game.
One of the new collections is for a plane that flys to Area 51 so maybe it becomes available when you finish that.

Did you just send me fuel?

Sian and David (level 40, 183 stars) need plasma clot. Thank you :)

No I sent you a plasma clot...looks like we are all having issues with the update, I am having the same issues as janietub and jbg

Level 34 - TV Panels, Grinding machines, air vent filters needed to upgrade repair base. De-Icer please.
A Map to Area 51 drops from the new flights so . . . Who knows when or how we'll find out about the actual flight. Do you still need air vent filters?

Yes please, I sent you a plasma clot, did you get that or just fuel?

Level 34 - TV Panels, Grinding machines, air vent filters needed to upgrade repair base. De-Icer please.

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