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Airport City Trading Centre

I find that the excavation flights drop a map about every 10 flights. Unless you are willing to use Golden Dice, in which case you get more like 3 out of 10 flights. All the excavation flights do is give a terrible drop rate for a single random map to one of those five destinations. So basically, it's just a way to get destination maps without spending greenies on a full map set (12 greenies for three random maps). As Nutty points out, you also get a shot at 15 more stars (3 stars for each of five excavation flight destinations), but since my 240 stars are entirely useless in the game, who cares?! LtCol Rehab (may show as "username") - need Long Distance (LD) flight items like spare props, osc beacons, fuel hoses, deicers. LtColRehab2 - need LD flight items, thanks all!

I got the map from Rome. The set contains just one map. Useless.
Going to send them a zinger about population tonight...

LtCol Rehab (may show as "username") - need Long Distance (LD) flight items like spare props, osc beacons, fuel hoses, deicers. LtColRehab2 - need LD flight items, thanks all!

Yes it seems funny how we have to delete buildings to make room for more buildings seems like,
They don't want to expand on more land, I've Demolished some money making building, to Decrease my population,
to make room for the quest building..
I will be completing the quest today, just want to try a few more flights for parts so I no longer need any Santa Bad gifts. Thanks for the help with old lanterns.

My needs now will be for Town Hall level 7 so I don't have to wipe out as much of my city to add the quest buildings:

office chair (2)
mayor's portrait (1)

Secondary items:

propellers, spare wire, fuel hose or any other repair item for larger planes
chocolate candies, filled candies, perfume, skin care products or any other duty free

Thanks neighbours for your help.
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FYI: population for the ice hotel (quest reward) is 0 so doesn't matter what your limit is, you can place it and get another 20 added to your limit. Now I just have to delete over 400 population to add some of the other buildings I collected. I gave up collecting more building items as even after speeding up a bunch of planes, nothing dropped.
FYI: population for the ice hotel (quest reward) is 0 so doesn't matter what your limit is, you can place it and get another 20 added to your limit. Now I just have to delete over 400 population to add some of the other buildings I collected. I gave up collecting more building items as even after speeding up a bunch of planes, nothing dropped.

Wow, That's a lot of population to delete
I found that the car dealership 22 pop and The movie theatre at 48 pop,
Were pretty high in population,

Please can everyone take a min to visit 'Rigby's City' airport.

All the airport buildings have now been deleted as to send a clear message to G.I. What I think of there game inshite.

When trying to build an ice skating ring earlier I had to delete half the airport to allow it to be built so I decided to go the whole hog and delete all buildings city side.

The airport was unfairly restricted over six months ago so it's no loss anyhow.

Now G.I. Are only repeating old quests then I'm sure it won't be long until my airport ends up in the same way.

Long distance items please.
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I will be completing the quest today, just want to try a few more flights for parts so I no longer need any Santa Bad gifts. Thanks for the help with old lanterns. My needs now will be for Town Hall level 7 so I don't have to wipe out as much of my city to add the quest buildings: office chair (4) mayor's portrait (1) laptop (2) Secondary items: propellers, spare wire, fuel hose or any other repair item for larger planes chocolate candies, filled candies, perfume, skin care products or any other duty free Thanks neighbours for your help.

Will be sending office chair soon.
Hi can everyone please visit 'Rigby's City' airport. All airport buildings have been deleted to send a clear message to G.I. (Don't visit if under the age of 12) When trying to build an ice skating ring earlier I had to delete half the airport to allow it so decided to go the whole hog and delete all buildings city side. The airport was unfairly restricted over six months ago so it's no loss anyhow. Since there only repeating old quests now I'm sure it won't be long until my airport ends up the same way. Long distance items please. My sons Airport is called "Rigby's city" He can't gift anymore as he's been unfairly penalised.

Fine. Will be doing so. I really dont visit much since the game has started giving me problems while visiting.
Hi Please can everyone take a min to visit 'Rigby's City' airport. All the airport buildings have now been deleted as to send a clear message to G.I. What I think of there game inshite. When trying to build an ice skating ring earlier I had to delete half the airport to allow it to be built so I decided to go the whole hog and delete all buildings city side. The airport was unfairly restricted over six months ago so it's no loss anyhow. Now G.I. Are only repeating old quests then I'm sure it won't be long until my airport ends up in the same way. Long distance items please.
Wonderful response Luke. Well said.
You should take a screen shot and send it to GI.

Hi Please can everyone take a min to visit 'Rigby's City' airport. All the airport buildings have now been deleted as to send a clear message to G.I. What I think of there game inshite. When trying to build an ice skating ring earlier I had to delete half the airport to allow it to be built so I decided to go the whole hog and delete all buildings city side. The airport was unfairly restricted over six months ago so it's no loss anyhow. Now G.I. Are only repeating old quests then I'm sure it won't be long until my airport ends up in the same way. Long distance items please.

Well said Luke, my sentiments exactly!
GI seem to be doing an excellent job of curing us of our AC addiction.
Thanks guys. I don't condoned swearing really but this company have really goat my goat.

To think I've spent money on this game in the past. I will never EVER play another Game inshite platform again.

To think you could spend literally hours upon hours building a game up, spending your hard earned and they could then brand you a cheat while they try to plug there newer games.

Worst company I've come across. I'm sure there Ukrainian support staff are nothing but robotic digital glitches!

Long distance items please.
Oh and by the way I've banned our lad from opening the app again. I've hidden the app amongst boring financial apps.

He's playing 'The simpsons tapped out' now along with the wife. To be fair it does look a really good game. You get to build a fairground known as crusty land,brill.

I've decided to ditch such games in future. The xbox one is keeping me amused for now.

I'll continue to check my AC and gift daily until my game becomes unplayable, which won't be long if G.I are reading this forum. :)

Long distance items please.
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Oh and by the way I've banned our lad from opening the app again. I've hidden the app amongst boring financial apps. He's playing 'The simpsons tapped out' now along with the wife. To be fair it does look a really good game. You get to build a fairground known as crusty land,brill. I've decided to ditch such games in future. The xbox one is keeping me amused for now. I'll continue to check my AC and gift daily until my game becomes unplayable, which won't be long if G.I are reading this forum. :) Long distance items please.

The Simpsons can be fun but I often have trouble connecting to their server, can recommend Megapolis.
Damn! I forgot to actually complete the ice rink and therefore the Santa quest before the deadline, now I will never have that wonderful Ice Hotel on my iPhone game. I'm devastated, how can I possibly live without it. Guess I'll just have to wait for GI to recycle it.

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