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Airport City Trading Centre

Hi Jbg,

I just sent you flight catering. Can you send me a shredder first (only need 1 more) please? Then bath towel (also only need 1) and the rest can follow later.

Thanks Jbg!

I can no longer find you. According to my records, I've lost a neighbour and it seems to be you. I tried to re-add you but couldn't. Please try adding me and hopefully I'll be able to send a gift.
Hi! i have just sent all inclusive bracelet. I am sorry i do not have the things that you need more in a hurry...

Thanks Esther! I'll need one more all inclusive bracelet from you. I just sent you an archive box. If you need something different tomorrow, please let me know.

Little Angel (Level 26)
Video Board, Air Conditioner, Cockpit Glass, Welder, Landing Lamp, Radar, Handling Line, Bath Towel, Flight Helmet, Jet Engine, Stapler, Power Source, Amperemeter, Laser Cutter, Landing Gear, Packaging Machine, Navigation Module, Archive Box, Fuel Hose, Gyroscope.

Power source (1), Insulation (2), Shredder (1), Stamp (2), Wide-angle Binoculars (1), Weather Display (2), Stapler (1), Calculator (2), Bench (1), Video Board (3), Do Not Disturb Sign (4), Bath Tower (1), Disposable Shampoo (4), All-inclusive Bracelet (1).
Well folks I've finally got a response from max wing at gi,this is the guy who basically told me that the game couldn't be at fault the last time when my bucks vanished! He says I should have backed up my game data in iCloud,I wasn't even aware that was possible but I strongly suggest you all do that with your own games now.(please let me know how to do it when you've figured it out).
The next piece of good news was if I couldn't retrieve my game myself he was willing to return the airport dollars I bought for the game,I.e. 96 bucks I spent on a weekend bonus. There is no way I'm going to be able to rebuild my airport for 96 bucks as it took me months of levelling up to buy all of my buildings.
I'm sorely tempted to ask for my real cash back,I know it's only a few quid but I don't know if I have the will to start from scratch again.
How is everyone finding the new version? Have the bugs been fixed or is it just a new way of getting everyone to shell out more cash?
Ircro - I could really do with 3 defrosters!

Everyone - I've managed to get all the parts for the Airship Dock except the Rope Block. I've been flying to Bali like crazy and haven't had a single drop. I've just activated a spyglass to see if that makes a difference. Is anyone having better luck? Can anyone gift this item - I can do Sandbags and sent a load out yesterday, got 4 back almost immediately - thx guys. I hope you know who you are, cos you're all just username to me!! :)
Will send cash counter. Please send back passengers or fuel.

User Fannie Fargo 32

Hello, i tried to find u on my list but all my friends name are username now, could u plz send me something ( stamp is best) then i will know u and send u passsengers back? Thanks. Nhim beo
jimghjj said:
Well folks I've finally got a response from max wing at gi,this is the guy who basically told me that the game couldn't be at fault the last time when my bucks vanished! He says I should have backed up my game data in iCloud,I wasn't even aware that was possible but I strongly suggest you all do that with your own games now.(please let me know how to do it when you've figured it out).
The next piece of good news was if I couldn't retrieve my game myself he was willing to return the airport dollars I bought for the game,I.e. 96 bucks I spent on a weekend bonus. There is no way I'm going to be able to rebuild my airport for 96 bucks as it took me months of levelling up to buy all of my buildings.
I'm sorely tempted to ask for my real cash back,I know it's only a few quid but I don't know if I have the will to start from scratch again.
How is everyone finding the new version? Have the bugs been fixed or is it just a new way of getting everyone to shell out more cash?

Still having the username issue. I don't see any changes myself other than that they added new characters and quests.

User Fannie Fargo 32
Bilove said:
Hello, i tried to find u on my list but all my friends name are username now, could u plz send me something ( stamp is best) then i will know u and send u passsengers back? Thanks. Nhim beo

I don't have stamp but will send another cash counter. Hope it helps.

User Fannie Fargo 32
jimghjj said:
Well folks I've finally got a response from max wing at gi,this is the guy who basically told me that the game couldn't be at fault the last time when my bucks vanished! He says I should have backed up my game data in iCloud,I wasn't even aware that was possible but I strongly suggest you all do that with your own games now.(please let me know how to do it when you've figured it out).
The next piece of good news was if I couldn't retrieve my game myself he was willing to return the airport dollars I bought for the game,I.e. 96 bucks I spent on a weekend bonus. There is no way I'm going to be able to rebuild my airport for 96 bucks as it took me months of levelling up to buy all of my buildings.
I'm sorely tempted to ask for my real cash back,I know it's only a few quid but I don't know if I have the will to start from scratch again.
How is everyone finding the new version? Have the bugs been fixed or is it just a new way of getting everyone to shell out more cash?

If you read HVHW's article about backing up in the cloud, you may have done it without ever realizing that you did. All may not be lost! Check it out!

User Fannie Fargo 32
Has anyone found a neighbour with a unique gift shop? I have 118 neighbours and haven't found one with a unique gift shop yet although I know some of you have them!

Also would you all be able to send me flight catering for the foreseeable?


bloobuoy1975 said:
Has anyone found a neighbour with a unique gift shop? I have 118 neighbours and haven't found one with a unique gift shop yet although I know some of you have them!

Also would you all be able to send me flight catering for the foreseeable?



I have one
bloobuoy1975 said:
Has anyone found a neighbour with a unique gift shop? I have 118 neighbours and haven't found one with a unique gift shop yet although I know some of you have them!

Also would you all be able to send me flight catering for the foreseeable?



Don't have a gift store but do you want me to send only catering and forget about beacons, landing lamps and fuel supplies?

User Fannie Fargo 32
L1ttle Angel said:

Can anyone else help me with 1x Power Source and 2x Insulation for my repair base please? I desperately need those to repair my jet and hopefully still have time to complete this Halloween event (still need to banish 30 more black wraiths, but I'm out of aerosol).

Thanks in advance for your help!

Little Angel (level 26)
I know I had you as a neighbor. I have a picture of your airport. I spent over an hour trying to find you yesterday and you just aren't in my neighbors any more. I don't no what happened!

User Fannie Fargo 32

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