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Airport City Trading Centre

Is anyone able to send calculators?

Will try to gift back but I am still having the problem where a lot of my friends names aren't showing, it just says username.

Hi everyone,
I've been away for a few weeks, but still able to work on the challenges with only two short spurts of Internet access over two weeks. I have a unique gift shops and six car dealerships if this can help anyone with the current Thanksgiving challenge.

I Fly
Somehow managed to complete the Halloween challenge. A little bit underwealming, but I always appreciate a free building, plus the shed load of extra fuel that I have in my warehouse.

In answer to all those who asked, yes please put me down for Flight Catering although anything else in my signature won't go amiss. Now need a few bits for my airship dock, control tower & repair base.


Somehow managed to complete the Halloween challenge. A little bit underwealming, but I always appreciate a free building, plus the shed load of extra fuel that I have in my warehouse.

In answer to all those who asked, yes please put me down for Flight Catering although anything else in my signature won't go amiss. Now need a few bits for my airship dock, control tower & repair base.



I can send you goggles tomorrow morning. Do you by any chance have sandbags?
Airship Dock
If anyone needs a channel bar for their Airship Dock, let me know and I will send when my day resets. And, if anyone has sandbags or rope blocks to gift that would be great. Thanks!
bloobuoy1975 said:
Somehow managed to complete the Halloween challenge. A little bit underwealming, but I always appreciate a free building, plus the shed load of extra fuel that I have in my warehouse.

In answer to all those who asked, yes please put me down for Flight Catering although anything else in my signature won't go amiss. Now need a few bits for my airship dock, control tower & repair base.



How did you get enough aerosols? Haven't seen any in a couple of days
Airship Dock
If anyone needs a channel bar for their Airship Dock, let me know and I will send when my day resets. And, if anyone has sandbags or rope blocks to gift that would be great. Thanks!

I could do with some please.
How did you get enough aerosols? Haven't seen any in a couple of days

LUCK! I reckon I needed 20 odd after the update and you stopped picking them up from Black Wraiths at neighbours airports. Basically I just kept flying to the Transylvania / Machu Picchu / Salem & Fontainbleau and enough dropped. No tricks or shortcuts I'm afraid.
Activate the soul net and hit neighbours - that's the most efficient way to rack them up.

I don't think that works anymore after the latest game update. All you get is the white ghosts on neighbours airports.

What a surprise, GI mucking up a game update!

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