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Airport City Trading Centre

marsm said:
Sure thing FF32 - will send you nav modules (if can find you :) )

I now have planes off to New York to get these last pieces (one statue of liberty to show for it).

Not sure why I have a time limit - has everyone else had one?

We all have time limit. I've been flying for 2 days , trying to get rope blocks and still don't have any. Times running out!

User Fannie Fargo 32
marsm said:
Sure thing FF32 - will send you nav modules (if can find you :) )

I now have planes off to New York to get these last pieces (one statue of liberty to show for it).

Not sure why I have a time limit - has everyone else had one?

We all have the time limit and it's running out fast! Good luck! I'm doing the same thing. I have flights up to Bali and New York but so far nothing.

User Fannie Fargo 32
L1ttle Angel said:
Hi Fannie & Letgnis,

This is weird, but I haven't received the binoculars Fannie sent and stapler Letgnis sent. Not sure what's wrong. Maybe the postman is on Thanksgiving holiday ha...ha...ha... Or could there be another Little Angel (maybe L1ttle Angel)?

Little Angel (level 25)
Video Board, Air Conditioner, Cockpit Glass, Welder, Landing Lamp, Radar, Handling Line, Bath Towel, Flight Helmet, Jet Engine, Stapler, Power Source, Amperemeter, Laser Cutter, Landing Gear, Packaging Machine, Navigation Module, Archive Box, Fuel Hose, Gyroscope.

Insulation (1), Stamp (2), Stapler (1), Calculator (2), Bench (1), Video Board (2), Do Not Disturb Sign (4), Disposable Shampoo (4), All-inclusive Bracelet (1).

Here is the pic of the airport that came up last night when I actually had real names. It has your name. I don't know how this could be someone else's airport. Perhaps there is a problem in how you are receiving gifts and you should contact GI. I don't know what else to suggest.

User Fannie Fargo 32


  • image-4114296294.jpg
    83.7 KB · Views: 284

That's me alright, but something is weird there. That's my old airport. My airport have grown quite a lot since then. I've finished my flight school and now have unfinished stadium, hotel, 10 halloween shop, cemetery, etc. Totally bizarre!!!!! It's like you're stuck in my past airport ha...ha...ha... I wish I know how to attach my airport picture here so I can show you how it looks now.

Maybe try deleting me from your neighbour and re-add it again will fix it?

Little Angel (level 25)
Video Board, Air Conditioner, Cockpit Glass, Welder, Landing Lamp, Radar, Handling Line, Bath Towel, Flight Helmet, Jet Engine, Stapler, Power Source, Amperemeter, Laser Cutter, Landing Gear, Packaging Machine, Navigation Module, Archive Box, Fuel Hose, Gyroscope.

Insulation (1), Stamp (2), Stapler (1), Calculator (2), Bench (1), Video Board (2), Do Not Disturb Sign (2), Disposable Shampoo (4), All-inclusive Bracelet (1).
Captain! I can send a gift to you right now, but no towels in my list. :( what else?
L1ttle Angel said:

That's me alright, but something is weird there. That's my old airport. My airport have grown quite a lot since then. I've finished my flight school and now have unfinished stadium, hotel, 10 halloween shop, cemetery, etc. Totally bizarre!!!!! It's like you're stuck in my past airport ha...ha...ha... I wish I know how to attach my airport picture here so I can show you how it looks now.

Maybe try deleting me from your neighbour and re-add it again will fix it?

Little Angel (level 25)
Video Board, Air Conditioner, Cockpit Glass, Welder, Landing Lamp, Radar, Handling Line, Bath Towel, Flight Helmet, Jet Engine, Stapler, Power Source, Amperemeter, Laser Cutter, Landing Gear, Packaging Machine, Navigation Module, Archive Box, Fuel Hose, Gyroscope.

Insulation (1), Stamp (2), Stapler (1), Calculator (2), Bench (1), Video Board (2), Do Not Disturb Sign (2), Disposable Shampoo (4), All-inclusive Bracelet (1).

I'm afraid if I do that, I won't be able to re-add you at all. I think that is the problem that Jeka is having. She deleted a bunch of usernames and now she can't get some of us re-added. Let me try to send to your old airport again tonight and see if you get it. I know that a lot of people see a much older version of my airport too and it doesn't seem to be a problem.

User Fannie Fargo 32
whew! Finally finished the halloween quest. I can't receive any aerosols from flights, ending up buying them to speed up the completion.

Question: how to activate the thanksgiving quest now? I need to catch up now. =)

musicboxi said:
whew! Finally finished the halloween quest. I can't receive any aerosols from flights, ending up buying them to speed up the completion.

Question: how to activate the thanksgiving quest now? I need to catch up now. =)


Did you ever update the last time? That's when I got it. Today is the last day to complete it, so good luck with that. I can send you handling line but not for 12 hours. Let me know if you decide to try for it. I've been trying for 2 days to get the last 4 items that you have to fly for and I haven't gotten a single 1 yet.

User Fannie Fargo 32
I have finally completed the halloween quest too - hurrah!

Onto the next one now.
in prepartion for the airship I have 4 sandbags already and need everything else. Think I need landing lamps too. Also what to get my flight catering building up but need packaging machine and defrosters for that.

musicboxi said:
whew! Finally finished the halloween quest. I can't receive any aerosols from flights, ending up buying them to speed up the completion.

Question: how to activate the thanksgiving quest now? I need to catch up now. =)


i was told previously that it's activated once you build the space dock. Hopefully it will still work after today!
Jdm0101 said:
I have finally completed the halloween quest too - hurrah!

Onto the next one now.
in prepartion for the airship I have 4 sandbags already and need everything else. Think I need landing lamps too. Also what to get my flight catering building up but need packaging machine and defrosters for that.


I can send you channel bar, landing lamp or packaging machine. Let me know which you want.

Sian and David ( level 35 )
i was told previously that it's activated once you build the space dock. Hopefully it will still work after today!

what is the space dock? I never see this quest. I have the Mayday quest to collect 5 gas canister. Is this the task I need to complete first? Hopefully the Thanksgiving quest is still going on....

Yes please. Do you still want landing lamps?

Sian and David ( level 35 )

Yes please, I have a little over 9 hours to finish the dock. Do you know what happens if we don't finish in time? Do we lose the dock, buy the last items . . . ?
musicboxi said:
what is the space dock? I never see this quest. I have the Mayday quest to collect 5 gas canister. Is this the task I need to complete first? Hopefully the Thanksgiving quest is still going on....


I am hoping the canister is the right one as it's from davy crooker.

Channel bar please Sian and David - thanks.

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