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Airport City Trading Centre

Jbg364 said:
Yes please, I have a little over 9 hours to finish the dock. Do you know what happens if we don't finish in time? Do we lose the dock, buy the last items . . . ?

Ok will send in about 40 mins.

Don't know the answer to that I'm afraid. I completed mine a few days ago.

Sian and David ( level 35 )
Captain flop - have tried again to sent sandbag. I think I have you as level 21 - footprint of the airport is the same and some buildings in same place as yoor picture. Tha hangers are all bottom right though. Let me know if you get it this time.

marsm said:
Getting really annoyed with this GI username mystery. I'm trying to find peeps with unique gift stores - based on the list I've tried to build here, crewman, estherv, lilly2 and Bloobuoy1975 have these - I almost have 300 neighbours though, and it's a painful process trying to figure our who's who.

@Bloobuoy1975 - invitation to connect sent

I also have a unique gift store.
Level 35
Grats Jdm & musicboxi!

I still need to banish 5 more black wraiths, but I'm out of aerosols... Please someone with insulation for repair base send me one asap. I can't send my jet to get more aerosols before I finish upgrading my repair base (my jet is broken and I can't repair it). If worse comes to worse, I'll just drop that broken jet and buy a new one. Hopefully it does not broke very quickly.

I sooooo wanted to finish this halloween quest. If you don't have insulation, please send me fuel supply for now as I'm going to try to get 5 more aerosols from flight to Machu Pichu.

Also, please let me know what you want in return please.
Thanks in advance for your help!

Little Angel (level 25)
Video Board, Air Conditioner, Cockpit Glass, Welder, Landing Lamp, Radar, Handling Line, Bath Towel, Flight Helmet, Jet Engine, Stapler, Power Source, Amperemeter, Laser Cutter, Landing Gear, Packaging Machine, Navigation Module, Archive Box, Fuel Hose, Gyroscope.

Insulation (1), Stamp (2), Stapler (1), Calculator (2), Bench (1), Video Board (2), Do Not Disturb Sign (4), Disposable Shampoo (4), All-inclusive Bracelet (1).
Jdm0101 said:
Captain flop - have tried again to sent sandbag. I think I have you as level 21 - footprint of the airport is the same and some buildings in same place as yoor picture. Tha hangers are all bottom right though. Let me know if you get it this time.


No I haven't had a sand bag today but I now have enough thank you.
If you have me as level 21 here is a description of my airport before I sold my lower level runways to get a level 4 runway

runways 2&3 with four hangars to right, a green and a red and 2 blue plus a blue one in the left.

Hope that helps you.
Want do you need tonight?

captain flop (level 26)

That's me alright, but something is weird there. That's my old airport. My airport have grown quite a lot since then. I've finished my flight school and now have unfinished stadium, hotel, 10 halloween shop, cemetery, etc. Totally bizarre!!!!! It's like you're stuck in my past airport ha...ha...ha... I wish I know how to attach my airport picture here so I can show you how it looks now.

Maybe try deleting me from your neighbour and re-add it again will fix it?

Little Angel (level 25)

The photo I took of your airport city has the Halloween shops, etc. but I took it before I added you. Now when I visit, your city looks like Fannie's photo. I don't think that deleting and re-adding you is going to make a difference. Until GI fixes this problem we'll continue to see cities as they looked awhile ago and not how they do now. Really, really annoying but there doesn't seem to be anything we can do about it!
Getting really annoyed with this GI username mystery. I'm trying to find peeps with unique gift stores - based on the list I've tried to build here, crewman, estherv, lilly2 and Bloobuoy1975 have these - I almost have 300 neighbours though, and it's a painful process trying to figure our who's who.

@Bloobuoy1975 - invitation to connect sent

I have one too but who knows if anyone can see it!
Jbg364 said:
The photo I took of your airport city has the Halloween shops, etc. but I took it before I added you. Now when I visit, your city looks like Fannie's photo. I don't think that deleting and re-adding you is going to make a difference. Until GI fixes this problem we'll continue to see cities as they looked awhile ago and not how they do now. Really, really annoying but there doesn't seem to be anything we can do about it!

Don't delete and re-add, people have tried this in the past and then not been able to get neighbours back as it says wrong promo code

captain flop (level 26)
I have finally completed the halloween quest too - hurrah!

Onto the next one now.
in prepartion for the airship I have 4 sandbags already and need everything else. Think I need landing lamps too. Also what to get my flight catering building up but need packaging machine and defrosters for that.


I can send you a channel bar or packaging machine - any preference?
L1ttle Angel said:
Grats Jdm & musicboxi!

I still need to banish 5 more black wraiths, but I'm out of aerosols... Please someone with insulation for repair base send me one asap. I can't send my jet to get more aerosols before I finish upgrading my repair base (my jet is broken and I can't repair it). If worse comes to worse, I'll just drop that broken jet and buy a new one. Hopefully it does not broke very quickly.

I sooooo wanted to finish this halloween quest. If you don't have insulation, please send me fuel supply for now as I'm going to try to get 5 more aerosols from flight to Machu Pichu.

Also, please let me know what you want in return please.
Thanks in advance for your help!

Little Angel (level 25)
Video Board, Air Conditioner, Cockpit Glass, Welder, Landing Lamp, Radar, Handling Line, Bath Towel, Flight Helmet, Jet Engine, Stapler, Power Source, Amperemeter, Laser Cutter, Landing Gear, Packaging Machine, Navigation Module, Archive Box, Fuel Hose, Gyroscope.

Insulation (1), Stamp (2), Stapler (1), Calculator (2), Bench (1), Video Board (2), Do Not Disturb Sign (4), Disposable Shampoo (4), All-inclusive Bracelet (1).

I have you down for a landing lamp. Would you prefer fuel supply?

Sian and David ( level 35 )
Jdm0101 said:
i was told previously that it's activated once you build the space dock. Hopefully it will still work after today!

I sure hope so because my clock is down to 22 hours and I'm still working on it. I sent something to Jdm last night (I got to see names!!!!) hoping it was you but I definitely didn't have Jdm0101. I tried adding you but got the incorrect code. Am I in your "waiting to accept" list maybe? If we can figure this out, I can send you handling line tonight.

User Fannie Fargo 32
Jbg364 said:
I have one too but who knows if anyone can see it!

Have you gotten any of the rope blocks yet? I still don't have any and I've had 2 planes flying to NY and 1 to Bali nonstop. I think GI is trying to force us to buy a spyglass. I'll be really pissed if the dock doesn't work or we lose it after today. Kinda cheap to make the last day on a holiday when a lot of people won't be able to play.

User Fannie Fargo 32
IRCRO - got the transmitter. Thanks! Let me know how I can help!

User Fannie Fargo 32

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