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Airport City Trading Centre


I invited 3 neighbours from that site and they've all accepted me. But with one of the neighbour, I can only see their buildings, but can't click on any of them. Their buildings appear like just finished from construction. Anyway, I already started sending gifts to them (I'm Ipad 3 user), let's see if I managed to get shampoos back. I'll update you guys again later.

Sian, can you send me jet repair supplies (i.e. tire, jet engine, paint)? I'm getting low on these and need to restock.

Little Angel (level 27)
Video Board, Air Conditioner, Cockpit Glass, Welder, Landing Lamp, Radar, Handling Line, Bath Towel, Flight Helmet, Jet Engine, Stapler, Power Source, Amperemeter, Laser Cutter, Landing Gear, Packaging Machine, Navigation Module, Archive Box, Fuel Hose, Gyroscope, Spare Propeller.

Handling Line (1), Stamp (1), Calculator (1), Bench (1), Video Board (1), Disposable Shampoo (4), Ergonomic Chair (5), Smoke Detector (3), Archive Box (3).
L1ttle Angel said:

I invited 3 neighbours from that site and they've all accepted me. But with one of the neighbour, I can only see their buildings, but can't click on any of them. Their buildings appear like just finished from construction. Anyway, I already started sending gifts to them (I'm Ipad 3 user), let's see if I managed to get shampoos back. I'll update you guys again later.

Sian, can you send me jet repair supplies (i.e. tire, jet engine, paint)? I'm getting low on these and need to restock.

Little Angel (level 27)
Video Board, Air Conditioner, Cockpit Glass, Welder, Landing Lamp, Radar, Handling Line, Bath Towel, Flight Helmet, Jet Engine, Stapler, Power Source, Amperemeter, Laser Cutter, Landing Gear, Packaging Machine, Navigation Module, Archive Box, Fuel Hose, Gyroscope, Spare Propeller.

Handling Line (1), Stamp (1), Calculator (1), Bench (1), Video Board (1), Disposable Shampoo (4), Ergonomic Chair (5), Smoke Detector (3), Archive Box (3).

I don't think that you can visit neighbours on android.

I have sent you a jet engine.

Sian and David ( level 35 )
jimghjj said:
Yes I've had the towels now and the textbook,thanks to all who sent them! I'm going to need stuff for this airship quest soon,I'll also be building a flight catering facility eventually. If you haven't got those surprise me,I'm going to need pretty much everything again anyway.

Hi Jim if you want anymore neighbours I am happy to help. Send me a request if you do.

Sian and David ( level 35 )
So I've been trying to think of a solution to our username problems! I've taken a picture of my airport and made it my avatar so every time I post my airport is shown. I've had to reduce it to 65 percent size to make it acceptable so it's a bit fuzzy but it gives you an idea. I think it would also be helpful if everyone listed their haves and wants in their signature and their current level. Be aware that it has to be under 5 lines to be acceptable to the forum so don't put line spaces between sentences.
Can anyone think of anything else we can do? The only other thought I had was a separate thread for pictures of our airports as it gets confusing scrolling through all the pages to get a picture. This way we have an airport photo album in one place. I don't know if the forum would allow it but it would certainly help! What does everyone think?
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Barbara59 said:
Hi Jim if you want anymore neighbours I am happy to help. Send me a request if you do.

Sian and David ( level 35 )

Hi,I tried to add you but got this promo code is invalid! Can you try to add me instead? Thank you.
I took a photo of your city when I could see your username and, of course, when I lost the usernames again your airport changed. The airport I sent to today is the airport in the photo you attached. I don't know what's going on but think that others have had similar problems. All I can do is try again tomorrow.

Thank you, and everyone for trying so hard. I really appreciated it! This username situation is a true pain in the butt for everyone! I have 27 friends and 23 of them are showings as username. I have a paper where I keep sketches of all airports ranked after username level, and the real name in a parenthesis, so when I'm gifting I start at the highest level username and work my way down. e.g. at level 30 I have 5 usernames, a group which OlaT, Jbg and Daddo is in. I start at the first username and look at my sketches, it's a hassle, but I work my way..

Again, thanks for the effort Jbg and all of you guys!
Let's make a list for defrosters, you can just add yourself to the list:
Fannie fargo, 1 defroster sent, one to go
Dano2010gs, 3 defrosters
Ewikaa, 3 defrosters

You can add to the list if you need ergo chairs or stamps as well.

Dano2010gs and Ewikaa, add my Android device afyrfto as friend because I can not add you. It will appear as ircro75 to you, DO NOT reply with gifts to that account from Ipad because it can not receive them. You can send me some gifts to Ipad device Ircro instead. I have some friends from whom I succesfully received gifts on that Android (popcity, Spare.ribs, Rouxbeau), which device are you using?

I need 3 defrosters please!
Vibbster said:
Thank you, and everyone for trying so hard. I really appreciated it! This username situation is a true pain in the butt for everyone! I have 27 friends and 23 of them are showings as username. I have a paper where I keep sketches of all airports ranked after username level, and the real name in a parenthesis, so when I'm gifting I start at the highest level username and work my way down. e.g. at level 30 I have 5 usernames, a group which OlaT, Jbg and Daddo is in. I start at the first username and look at my sketches, it's a hassle, but I work my way..

Again, thanks for the effort Jbg and all of you guys!

After all my searching for you I thought I had it covered as you appeared next to a person I had the name of. This morning the game has decided to move you. I hate g I......
jimghjj said:
Hi,I tried to add you but got this promo code is invalid! Can you try to add me instead? Thank you.

Will do. Please can you confirm your new username as when I put jimghjj I got a level 32 airport which I am assuming was your old one.

Sian and David ( level 35 )
Vibbster said:
Can you please send me a Packaging machine? Will send you a handling line

Do you want a grinding machine or a packaging machine from me today?

Sian and David ( level 35 )
My signature

HAVE: Land. Lamp, Projector, Do Not Dist. Sign, Powerful Radio Trans.,Textbook, Fuel Supply, Jet Engine, Whiteboard, Fuel Addict., Drill Machine, Addit. Radar, Smoke Detect., Spare Wire, Hull Parts, Land. Gear, Oscil. Beacon, Flight Cater., Packag. Mach., Nav Module, City Model, Fuel Hose, Gyroscope, Spare Propel., Deicer, Air Vent Filter.
NEED: Defroster, Smoke Detector, Oscil. Beacon, Additional Radar, DNS Sign, All-incl. Bracelet.

Pls send sth from list.


HI Ola, I have been sending you controllers, I would we very happy if you could sent me a Beacon, will send you a beacon this evening.
Do you want a grinding machine or a packaging machine from me today?

Sian and David ( level 35 )

I think I will go for the grinding machine, I think/hope that there are others that don't have anything for the RepairBase that could send me the packaging machine (I'm only in need for one more Packaging Machine)

Thanx! I have you up for Propellers, that ok?

To give: Fuel, Video Board, Air Con, Welder, Landing Lamp, Handling Line, Do Not Disturb, Passengers Radio Transm., Fuel Supply, Jet Engine, Whiteboard, Fuel Additives, Power Source, Additional Radar, Shredder, Spare Wire, Hull Parts, Landing Gear, Oscillating Beacon, Flight Catering, Packaging Machine, Nav. Module, Archive Box, Fuel Hose, Gyroscope, Spare Propeller, Deicer, Controller

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