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Airport City Trading Centre

Vibbster said:
I think I will go for the grinding machine, I think/hope that there are others that don't have anything for the RepairBase that could send me the packaging machine (I'm only in need for one more Packaging Machine)

Thanx! I have you up for Propellers, that ok?

To give: Fuel, Video Board, Air Con, Welder, Landing Lamp, Handling Line, Do Not Disturb, Passengers Radio Transm., Fuel Supply, Jet Engine, Whiteboard, Fuel Additives, Power Source, Additional Radar, Shredder, Spare Wire, Hull Parts, Landing Gear, Oscillating Beacon, Flight Catering, Packaging Machine, Nav. Module, Archive Box, Fuel Hose, Gyroscope, Spare Propeller, Deicer, Controller

Ok will do.

Yes to the propeller


Sian and David ( level 35 )
Can anyone send me an ergonomic chair? Much appreciated. Let me know if I can send you something different in return. Thanks

Level 25 jkllkj

have:, robotic lawn mower, air conditioner, cockpit glass, welder, landing light, projector, DND sign, powerful radio transmitter, jet engine, textbook, whiteboard, fuel additives, drill machine, additional. radar, smoke detector, spare wire, server rack, oscillating beacon, landing gear, flight catering, cooling chamber
Barbara59 said:
Will do. Please can you confirm your new username as when I put jimghjj I got a level 32 airport which I am assuming was your old one.

Sian and David ( level 35 )

Yes my new game is jimghjj2,though strangely my old airport is still on the system!
I assume nobody has the ability to send TV Panels? I've done 35 Antartic flights and I'm still coming up dry. Now I'm out of deicer. :(

Please send deicer if you can't send TV Panels. I can also use Catering for the Antartic flights. I no longer need Air Vent Filters.

This is my gift list for today when the game resets, assuming I can find everyone. I'm having an attack of username this morning. :(

Vibbster: Controller
Jimghjj2: A-I Bracelet
OlaTomek: A-I Bracelet
Sian and David: Spare Propeller
Captain flop: Passengers
Little Angel: SmokeDetector
I Fly: Deicer
Rickcc: FlightCatering
Lilly2: Deicer
Fannie fargo: What would you like?
Hello folks, long time no see, reaching new level is really hard, i missed many tasks. now i really need Channel bar, handling line, 3 rope block for a new task. If you have, plz send me. Tell me what u need, i will send back, bunch of thanks.
Nhim beo
Bilove said:
Hello folks, long time no see, reaching new level is really hard, i missed many tasks. now i really need Channel bar, handling line, 3 rope block for a new task. If you have, plz send me. Tell me what u need, i will send back, bunch of thanks.
Nhim beo

Just added you. I can send you a channel bar.do you have all inclusive bracelet or flight goggles? If not passengers will be fine.
Just added you. I can send you a channel bar.do you have all inclusive bracelet or flight goggles? If not passengers will be fine.
I haven't seen ur friend request yet, maybe it will come later, when i see, i will send u passengers, thanks.
Bilove said:
Hello folks, long time no see, reaching new level is really hard, i missed many tasks. now i really need Channel bar, handling line, 3 rope block for a new task. If you have, plz send me. Tell me what u need, i will send back, bunch of thanks.
Nhim beo

Will send you a channel bar. If you have propeller or catering that would be great. If not then passengers. Thx

Sian and David ( level 35 )
jimghjj said:
Yes I've had the towels now and the textbook,thanks to all who sent them! I'm going to need stuff for this airship quest soon,I'll also be building a flight catering facility eventually. If you haven't got those surprise me,I'm going to need pretty much everything again anyway.

Is it too late to start the airship quest? Do you still have a clock or are they letting you get it without the time factor? I'll start sending you cooling chambers for the catering facility and handling lines for the airship.

User Fannie Fargo 33
Barbara59 said:
What do you need?

Sian and David ( level 35 )

All inclusive bracelet,flight goggles or passengers if you haven't either of those. Thanks.

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