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Airport City Trading Centre

Provost76 said:
Thanks Jim
I got the paint.
Hmm, I have to check this avatar settings.


Need: sleigh cover, red paint, heater, stamp, city model, master plan

Even though I can't see your name on my friend list I see your picture of the elephant with the balloons so I know when I send a gift it's going to you. If we an all do this we can identify each other even when we lose names!
Hello all!

I hope everyone who has been getting gifts from me last week received them again when I sent 12 hours ago. I still have about 50% "usernames". I just need sleigh covers for my Santa hangar now, not giftable it seems?

I need a Stamp, Server rack, and amperemeter if anyone can see my name, pdxsk2.

Has anyone gotten the skating rink or other new land items, like the Ice Palace? And I read about items found in Santas House...but not sure how to get that unless it is the final prize after completing present deliveries to the continents?

Pdxsk2 said:
Hello all!

I hope everyone who has been getting gifts from me last week received them again when I sent 12 hours ago. I still have about 50% "usernames". I just need sleigh covers for my Santa hangar now, not giftable it seems?

I need a Stamp, Server rack, and amperemeter if anyone can see my name, pdxsk2.

Has anyone gotten the skating rink or other new land items, like the Ice Palace? And I read about items found in Santas House...but not sure how to get that unless it is the final prize after completing present deliveries to the continents?


You always show on my list. I can sort you out with a server rack when my gifts re set tomorrow. I don't think you can gift sleigh covers,I got mine from flights to San Francisco.
L1ttle Angel said:
Here's the first batch of gifts I just sent:
Fannie: security camera
Vibbster: security camera
Jbg: security camera
Sian & David: old lantern
Jimghjj2: heater
Captain Flop: ATM

Please send me items for level 2 duty free shop or old lantern.

Can you add me please for a security camera I can send back a pos or old lantern

Xmas gifts only please sleight cover,red paint,sleigh oil,heater ,security camera, gate, glass display cabinet
Just clicked on GI tab in game and then event tab. It said join us for 5 airport cash. Clicked it and got it. Don't have a clue what I joined but cash is useful :) lol

captain flop (level 28 ) old lanterns, sleigh covers
Pdxsk2 said:
Hello all!

I hope everyone who has been getting gifts from me last week received them again when I sent 12 hours ago. I still have about 50% "usernames". I just need sleigh covers for my Santa hangar now, not giftable it seems?

I need a Stamp, Server rack, and amperemeter if anyone can see my name, pdxsk2.

Has anyone gotten the skating rink or other new land items, like the Ice Palace? And I read about items found in Santas House...but not sure how to get that unless it is the final prize after completing present deliveries to the continents?


You gets Santas House by completing the Santa Suit collection - all items come from flights to Lapland

Sian and David ( level 35 ) Need old lanterns
Hello all!

i'm new to this Forum, nice to meet you all :) I've been playing AC for a couple of months (level 30), but now I'm kind of stuck with the
new Xmas-related buildings. I have a lot of neigbours (most of them "username"s) but most of them never send be back anything
(I guess many people stop playing
when the game gets more demanding). My username is Mrpepper, feel free to add me. I need: sleigh cover, sleigh oil, red paint, heater,
ATM and ImPrinter. Thank you and good night ;)
Tonight's gifts sent as follows.

Lanterns to Fannie, Jbg, Captain flop, Ircro, Little Angel, Jimghjj, Fred, Pdxsx2, Super123. Paint to Tigasef and Provost 76. camera to Vibbster.

Sian and David ( level 35 ) Need old lanterns
Barbara59 said:
Tonight's gifts sent as follows.

Lanterns to Fannie, Jbg, Captain flop, Ircro, Little Angel, Jimghjj, Fred, Pdxsx2, Super123. Paint to Tigasef and Provost 76. camera to Vibbster.

Sian and David ( level 35 ) Need old lanterns

Thank u :)

captain flop (level 28 ) old lanterns, sleigh covers
Pdxsk2 said:
Hello all!

I hope everyone who has been getting gifts from me last week received them again when I sent 12 hours ago. I still have about 50% "usernames". I just need sleigh covers for my Santa hangar now, not giftable it seems?

I need a Stamp, Server rack, and amperemeter if anyone can see my name, pdxsk2.

Has anyone gotten the skating rink or other new land items, like the Ice Palace? And I read about items found in Santas House...but not sure how to get that unless it is the final prize after completing present deliveries to the continents?


Just got the skating rink but it needs lots of items to complete it freezer, snow maker,ice,refrigerator which you get from completing the. Xmas flights which means collecting lots of lanterns to collect the star dust tor the flights to Lapland for the presents for all. The flights....

Xmas gifts only please sleight cover,red paint,sleigh oil,heater ,security camera, gate, glass display cabinet
Gave up waiting for sleigh covers to drop and bought last 2 with 5 cash I just acquired. Oh well, easy come, easy go!

captain flop (level 28 ) old lanterns, single malt, choc candies, pearl earrings, skin care prod
musicboxi said:
Please send me sleigh cover, sleigh oil, red paint.

Whoever send to me, please leave me a MSG here so that u know who to give back. It is so hard to find with "username" neighbors.


I sent you single malt whiskey today. I only had a heater available when I was on your turn and I didn't think you needed it.
Barbara59 said:
Thx received it. Siannnnn needs the items for the sleigh hangar.

Sian and David ( level 35 ) Need old lanterns

Sent her a prop today because I didn't know and was in a hurry. Will send sleigh items tomorrow.
stewartsathome said:
Just clicked on GI tab in game and then event tab. It said join us for 5 airport cash. Clicked it and got it. Don't have a clue what I joined but cash is useful :) lol

captain flop (level 28 ) old lanterns, sleigh covers

Ok, that was cool! Thanks!!!

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