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Airport City Trading Centre

stewartsathome said:
Cool. Didn't have anything u wanted so logged out of game, then back in and gifts changed, so could sent it. This changing of gifts can work in our favour to help send neighbours exactly want they need - provided we can find them.

captain flop (level 28 ) old lanterns, single malt, choc candies, pearl earrings, skin care prod

I now see your pic correctly in the game so I should be able to find you all the time now! (Or until gi decide to spoil it for us!)
THERSE said:

Please add me..my username is theres..

I am in need of 2 sleigh cover, 2 heater, 2 do not disturb sign, 1 bath towel and 2 all included bracelet..I will send you gift in return..thanx

I can send you ai bracelets in a few hours time(as long as gi don't change what I can gift by then!)
Other than generating money, is there any purpose to the duty free shop?
I added u and already you have no name and show up as level 19. Gr8 and I don't have gifts to send yet either. Stupid grossly inept, great idiotic, GI poopy heads. Sorry where's my wine!!!

captain flop (level 28 ) old lanterns, single malt, choc candies, pearl earrings, skin care prod

Hi, thanks for the add. I will try to send you something in a few hours ( I'm not sure when exactly the gift-timer is nulled and you can send again) Does anybody know how to add a profile picture or is it thru Facebook only?

I have a cemetary at the far left corner of my city, next to a grocery store, if anybody needs to identify me :)

If anyone is needing duty free level 2 items then send them to me and I will send them back. i need 4 of all items at the moment! i am returning all santa items when I receive them if anyone else needs stuff they want to gift to themselves.

Jdm level 31. I have reorganised my airport recently and I'm not sure what version you will see. Still have 2 coal stations at the bottom left of my level 4 runway.
i am returning all requests for santa / duty free items. If you need something you can gift then send them to me. Otheriwse I need all items for duty free shop level 2. If you send something and want something different back then let me know and I'll try and find you.

Jdm - level 31. 2 coal stations to bottom left of level 4 runway. Have had a reorganisation lately and now have 4 multi-story buildings at the top of the airport rather than 2.

Sorry for the repeat post. First one crashed with an error and i thought it hadn't gone!
Jbg364 said:
Since you added pic I can see your new and improved city. You made a lot of changes. It looks good! I did some major building and rearranging this evening. It passed the time while I was waiting for my planes to drop something - anything.

Thanks! I keep messing around with mine now that I have some land. I still see everyone at such old levels that I rarely get to see the changes they've made. I hope I get to see yours! I hope I recognize it! Did you get an avatar up?
EstherV said:
Hi Captain! Which link are you taking about?
Btw, i have an old photo of my airport as avatar in the game? Does anybody can see it?

I see it. Just a suggestion though, you may want to put up something that absolutely nobody else would have a pic of (the airport pic is easy to spot now but other people use airport pics for avatars too). It will make it really easy to spot you all the time!
Fred123thytdytdg said:
Yes thanks can you change me to old lanterns. I have worked out to get the most from Lapland as soon as you get gifts fly first to the get rid of them, then you get much more from Lapland

Xmas gifts only please sleigh cover, sleigh oil, security camera, pos terminal, glass display cabinet or lots of old lanterns or fuel if you not playing

Put you down for lanterns. Thanks for the advice. It will be awhile before I'm flying the sled. Still have to get the darn covers and I spent all my $ on land. I have 6 planes flying but so far only 1 cover.
jimghjj said:
I now see your pic correctly in the game so I should be able to find you all the time now! (Or until gi decide to spoil it for us!)

Yay! :)

captain flop (level 28 ) old lanterns, fuel supply, spare wire, single malt (for when my wine runs out), choc candies, pearl earrings, skin care prod
Mrpepper said:
Hi, thanks for the add. I will try to send you something in a few hours ( I'm not sure when exactly the gift-timer is nulled and you can send again) Does anybody know how to add a profile picture or is it thru Facebook only?

I have a cemetary at the far left corner of my city, next to a grocery store, if anybody needs to identify me :)


I sent a friend request but I need more info to find you once you accept. What level? What runways? Any other distinguishing features that would make it easy to find you? The only way I got an avatar to work was by connecting my FB account to the game. If you do it, make sure you put a profile pic up on FB that you want to use in the game because that's what it picks up. To do it, press the red GI button in the game, then profile. You can do it there. While you have the GI button open, hit the events button and click join. I got 5 free $. Don't know what event I joined but I bought my last piece of cheap land with the money!
Frenetta said:
Good day Captain!

Good day 2u2. I'm loving these pics in the game, i even like the changing gifts. We are getting round the problems GI keep sending our way.

captain flop (level 29) old lanterns, fuel supply, spare wire, single malt (for when my wine runs out), choc candies, pearl earrings, skin care prod
Thanks to Jbg, fannie, Little Angels, Ircro, Jimghjj and Jament for your gifts!

This is what I have sent to day:

Jbg - Glass display (please send in return)
Fannie - I was trying to visit your airport several times, but didn't have the opportunity to gift any of the x-mas/DFS items you wanted, sent catering instead)
Little Angel - Old lantern
Ircro - POS terminal (please send in return)
Jimghjj2 - I messed up when gifting, had been in and out of your airport to hopefully have the opportunity to gift stuff from your need list, but I suddenly was to imprudent and unfortunately sent away something else, "your neighbor will appreciate your help" ​ appeared and I think I sent away an transmitter, not sure! Sorry about that gift!
Jament - Malt whiskey

Lilly2 - POS terminal (please send in return)

Let me know if there is anyone else that wants to trade gifts whit me today :)
stewartsathome said:
Good day 2u2. I'm loving these pics in the game, i even like the changing gifts. We are getting round the problems GI keep sending our way.

captain flop (level 29) old lanterns, fuel supply, spare wire, single malt (for when my wine runs out), choc candies, pearl earrings, skin care prod

I know. I'll have time to play with gifting today and see if I can get everyone what they want. Problem is, my friend list is bigger than 20. How to choose? What do you need? I start in an hour.

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