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Airport City Trading Centre

Barbara59 said:
I have finished the Christmas quest and wanted to warn you about the building of the ice castle. Once you construct this building you can no longer get anything from any of the sleigh flights but you need liquid nitrogen, freezer, 2 snow makers and artificial ice to complete it. These cost 8 green notes each so make sure you have them before you construct this building otherwise you will have to buy them like I did or just not build it. I have logged a complaint to GI.

Sian and David ( level 35 ) Need propeller, nav module, beacon, fuel hose or catering.

A great heads up! Thanks! I, for one, spent all my $ on land.
Mrpepper said:
Thank you! There are so many new messages coming to this thread that I might have missed something. I thought I had gifts left to send but now it says I don't. Can anybody send sleigh covers? I logged in and out a couple of times, the sendable gifts changed evey time but no sleigh covers. I downgraded to a propeller plane, I hope I'll get something from Cyprus. It takes so little oil that i can hurry the flight quite often. So far no luck, though.

Thanks for the lantern! Will try to get you some sleigh parts in an hour. Tell me if there's a particular one (other than covers because they seem to be ungiftable) you need most. I finally got my covers yesterday by converting 3 planes (I chose to fly to San Fran but Cyprus would work just as well) and getting all 3 going to the same place all day long.
lilly2 said:
Thanks, Vibbster! I figured that'd be easier to remember. Did you all notice that now when someone visits your city their avatar pic shows up? Never noticed that before. Must be because more of us have them.

Unless anyone happens to have an imprinter or sleigh cover to gift, I think I will need lots of old lanterns. Seems like that will be a limiting factor in flying. Need lots to get the elves in your city to drop the dust.

And we know those elves are stingy! Will gift you in an hour. Have a good day!
lilly2 said:
I can't yet. I also closed the game and reopened it. I can see Marsm again.

Jim - did you "link" your game to Facebook? I did that and then mine showed up. (Created a pseudo page so I could get the right pic)

I created a fake page and it still somehow linked to my real one. I couldn't undo it.
Barbara59 said:
I think that is part of the username issue in that you can only see older versions of people's airports.

Sian and David ( level 35 ) Need propeller, nav module, beacon, fuel hose or catering.

It's a bummer because I can't see Christmas buildings. How am I supposed to collect from friend's holiday buildings? I guess it's time to write a little letter to GI...
This is what I have put down for today:

Fannie, Jbg, Captain, Lilly, Little Angel = Lanterns
EstherV = Glass case if not available, other DFS stuff? Like POS which you will need for level 3?
Sian & David = Beacon

Jimghjj, Bloobouy, Pingways, Super123, OlaT, Fred123, FLJim, Marsm, Pdxsk, Ircro - What can I get you guys?

you can send me Old Lantern. What do you need back?

I Fly said:
Remember I told you I would check to see if you are one of my neighbors the next time by neighbor list showed all the names. It finally came back with all the names and you are there on my list. I was afraid to take a look at your neighborhood to report back, but it does show you as level 34, which seems current.

I Fly

I found you too. Sometimes you are a low level and once you were level 35 but I couldn't see any of your holiday buildings (I'll be writing to GI). Your airport is amazing! I've got you on my list for gifts so, I'll see what I can get you this morning. If there's something special you need, let me know right away. Thanks for looking for me!
Frenetta said:
It's a bummer because I can't see Christmas buildings. How am I supposed to collect from friend's holiday buildings? I guess it's time to write a little letter to GI...

Good luck with that! The only way is to visit neighbours whose names you can always see.

Sian and David ( level 35 ) Need propeller, nav module, beacon, fuel hose or catering.
Hi guys!

Has any of you tried to make the second sleigh hangar? I've been flying like crazy to Cyprus and San Fransisco today, but didn't get anything! Anyway, I'll keep trying.

I also haven't had much luck in getting many star dust for flying to Lapland. The drop rate from those elves are pretty bad. Please send only old lantern to me and if I don't have items you need for the hangar or duty free shop, I'll just send old lantern.
Thanks for the lantern! Will try to get you some sleigh parts in an hour. Tell me if there's a particular one (other than covers because they seem to be ungiftable) you need most. I finally got my covers yesterday by converting 3 planes (I chose to fly to San Fran but Cyprus would work just as well) and getting all 3 going to the same place all day long.

I didn't get anything from San Francisco so I downgraded to a propeller plane. One flight to Cyprus gave me both red paint AND sleigh oil, but no sleigh covers at all. I think I'll waste my cash for those if I'll get nothing from Sydney either (takes 4+ hours and a spare wire). I added spare wires to my wish list, I have completed Rio ages ago so it's frustrating to fly there just for spare wires (it gives the most money so I used to fly there all the time :)) I have two Delta planes but no flight catering facility yet, so I can't fly to Moscow and flying to Nice, Lima and Dubai doesn't help me at all. I shouldn't have upgraded the planes so early, I guess.
I have linked mine to FB now so hopefully you can find me too.

Vibbster - sent you a request a while ago to be friends - hopefully you can tell which is me now and accept. lilly2 I have tried many times to add you but always get wrong code message - can you add me please. Thanks.

Barbara59 said:
Good luck with that! The only way is to visit neighbours whose names you can always see.

Sian and David ( level 35 ) Need propeller, nav module, beacon, fuel hose or catering.

That leaves 2 people. I hope they have holiday buildings!!!
L1ttle Angel said:
Hi guys!

Has any of you tried to make the second sleigh hangar? I've been flying like crazy to Cyprus and San Fransisco today, but didn't get anything! Anyway, I'll keep trying.

I also haven't had much luck in getting many star dust for flying to Lapland. The drop rate from those elves are pretty bad. Please send only old lantern to me and if I don't have items you need for the hangar or duty free shop, I'll just send old lantern.

Will send lantern soon. Good luck with the stingy elves and flying!
Mrpepper said:
I didn't get anything from San Francisco so I downgraded to a propeller plane. One flight to Cyprus gave me both red paint AND sleigh oil, but no sleigh covers at all. I think I'll waste my cash for those if I'll get nothing from Sydney either (takes 4+ hours and a spare wire). I added spare wires to my wish list, I have completed Rio ages ago so it's frustrating to fly there just for spare wires (it gives the most money so I used to fly there all the time :)) I have two Delta planes but no flight catering facility yet, so I can't fly to Moscow and flying to Nice, Lima and Dubai doesn't help me at all. I shouldn't have upgraded the planes so early, I guess.

You could convert those deltas into other planes for the time being, since you can't use them anyway. It's expensive because you'll have to buy them back but at least they'll be flying. Just an option to consider (but pricey).

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