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Airport City Trading Centre

Letgnis said:
Have sent Siannnn lantern and passengers for you.

Thank you. Will send something later when my gifts reset.

Sian and David ( level 35 ) Need lanterns for Siannnnn or propeller for me. I will gift back for both of us.
Jbg364 said:
Was able to Return gifts to many neighbours this evening - Fannie, Lilly2, Captain flop, Sian and David, Fred123, Frederica, Jimghjj, Ircro, mastias, Porter029, Yorkshireguy. As well, sent a stapler to Redd3. Sian and David I sent a deicer to Siannnnn - let me know if she got it.

Avatars and usernames came and went while I was gifting so if I missed you and there is something you need, let me know and I'll try to send it.

She received it!

Sian and David ( level 35 ) Need lanterns for Siannnnn or propeller for me. I will gift back for both of us.
GLC23 said:

I've been gifting but still have some left if you have any requests. I'm in need of lanterns, catering, red paint x2, sleigh covers x3 and glass display case x2 if anyone can help!


Level:32 Pingways, I need: lanterns / xmas items / catering / pax / fuel.

Will try to get you something good soon!
Letgnis said:
I have sent you old lantern, did you receive it? Could you send me sleigh cover or heater? Thanks.

Btw, wld you prefer that I send lanterns or spare wire?

I can't find you. Can you try to get an avatar up? It makes it so much easier.
Response from GI re not allowing lost neighbours to be returned.

Thank you for contacting Game Insight Support Team!
My name is ... and I am glad to assist you.

Each username can be redeemed only once and if you removed your friend from your friends' list or your invitation to become friends was cancelled you can't add the same username again.

If you added your friend's username you can ask him or her to redeem your username. In case you have already shared and redeemed your usernames the way out may be to wait until the player appears in the list of players whom you can add (the list is formed randomly).

Another option I would like to mention is to reinstall the game but this is the ultimate step that might be taken, as after reinstalling the game progress is lost. I hope my answer will help you clarify the matter.


I have told them they should remove this restriction whilst the username problem as it's easy to lose neighbours if you can't tell who you might delete!


jdm- level 31. need: old lanterns, POS, security camera, anti-theft case
Jdm0101 said:
Response from GI re not allowing lost neighbours to be returned.

Thank you for contacting Game Insight Support Team!
My name is ... and I am glad to assist you.

Each username can be redeemed only once and if you removed your friend from your friends' list or your invitation to become friends was cancelled you can't add the same username again.

If you added your friend's username you can ask him or her to redeem your username. In case you have already shared and redeemed your usernames the way out may be to wait until the player appears in the list of players whom you can add (the list is formed randomly).

Another option I would like to mention is to reinstall the game but this is the ultimate step that might be taken, as after reinstalling the game progress is lost. I hope my answer will help you clarify the matter.


I have told them they should remove this restriction whilst the username problem as it's easy to lose neighbours if you can't tell who you might delete!


jdm- level 31. need: old lanterns, POS, security camera, anti-theft case

Good response back to them. Who wants to take bets on whether we ever see any action? I'm getting too pessimistic....
Thanks got it , but stuck with 4 sledges in hangers this quest Is a pain and gifts shops aren't gifting. Otherwise love the game
Time to change the aviator to a better Fred

lvl 35 Need old lanterns, pos terminal(x3). glass display (x2) , sleigh covers , propeller,spare wire. thanks

I only have 2 sleighs and they haven't gone anywhere in more than 24hrs. I collected 8 lanterns from my neighbours yesterday evening and didn't get a single star dust from my elves. Got a bunch of lanterns this morning - maybe I'll have better luck today. But . . . On the bright side my Halloween buildings dropped two pieces of wood and a crystal all at once yesterday. Maybe my games confused and doesn't realize Halloween is over and it's time to move on.
Sent out gifts, jdm I'm sorry about the stapler, my finger slipped. Loved that you instantly returned it;)

Let me also put in a friendly reminder that I'm finished with the Christmas mission and hence will have one, what so ever use for lanterns. So instead of sending lanterns to me there are plenty of others that seems to be needing them, send it to them;)

My gifts will also soon reset, so haul at me if you have any special wishes.

After sending the first batch of gifts, I couldn't see any avatars, no usernames . . . Just like the good old days. You're on my list and will send something as soon as I can see you again.
I have sent you old lantern, did you receive it? Could you send me sleigh cover or heater? Thanks.

Btw, wld you prefer that I send lanterns or spare wire?

I couldn't find you when I was gifting yesterday evening and still don't have any usernames this morning. Will send you one of the above as soon as I can see you again. Right now I have heaters but that could change. Is there anything else you need just in case I can't send either of the above? I gots lots of lanterns this morning but no usernames so I can't tell if one is from you. For now, lanterns are good.
She received it!

Sian and David ( level 35 ) Need lanterns for Siannnnn or propeller for me. I will gift back for both of us.

Good - I think we've worked out a system. You send me what you need and I'll return it and I'll start sending Siannnnn old lanterns again.
Jbg364 said:
Good - I think we've worked out a system. You send me what you need and I'll return it and I'll start sending Siannnnn old lanterns again.

Ok thx. I am going to keep going with propellers for now.

Sian and David ( level 35 ) Need lanterns for Siannnnn or propeller for me. I will gift back for both of us.
Response from GI re not allowing lost neighbours to be returned.

Thank you for contacting Game Insight Support Team!
My name is ... and I am glad to assist you.

Each username can be redeemed only once and if you removed your friend from your friends' list or your invitation to become friends was cancelled you can't add the same username again.

If you added your friend's username you can ask him or her to redeem your username. In case you have already shared and redeemed your usernames the way out may be to wait until the player appears in the list of players whom you can add (the list is formed randomly).

Another option I would like to mention is to reinstall the game but this is the ultimate step that might be taken, as after reinstalling the game progress is lost. I hope my answer will help you clarify the matter.


I have told them they should remove this restriction whilst the username problem as it's easy to lose neighbours if you can't tell who you might delete!


jdm- level 31. need: old lanterns, POS, security camera, anti-theft case

That's too bad. I've lost several neighbours (including you) and I know that I haven't deleted them. One day they are there and the next day they are gone. I wonder what GI's reasoning is behind this rule. I agree with you, it's hard enough keeping track of neighbours when you can see usernames but when you can't, it's almost impossible.
Letgnis said:
Will send you red paint when gift reset. Could you send sleigh cover or heater? If not, lanterns or spare wire would be fine. Thanks.

Thanks, I don't have sleigh covers but can send any of the others when it resets.

Level:32 Pingways, I need: lanterns / xmas items / catering / pax / fuel.
Jbg364 said:
I only have 2 sleighs and they haven't gone anywhere in more than 24hrs. I collected 8 lanterns from my neighbours yesterday evening and didn't get a single star dust from my elves. Got a bunch of lanterns this morning - maybe I'll have better luck today. But . . . On the bright side my Halloween buildings dropped two pieces of wood and a crystal all at once yesterday. Maybe my games confused and doesn't realize Halloween is over and it's time to move on.

I believe I will be grounded a lot today too.

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