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Airport City Trading Centre

Hi guys I've sent a few friends invites out....please except if you have on from me......

Only seem to be able to send a couple of friends invites as starts saying promo code is wrong?

I promise to always return gifts! Please send me a friends invite if you can!

Sent you an invite
Ha Janietub, join the launch club. Gezellig!

Hi, thanks!
Hoping to offload some small stuff, like the useless solid fuel...
Hope you're not in too much of a hurry.
Isn't it bedtime where you are;)
Hi, thanks!
Hoping to offload some small stuff, like the useless solid fuel...
Hope you're not in too much of a hurry.
Isn't it bedtime where you are;)
Yes, you're right, bedtime in Europe
If you go on loading your small stuff, we can launch tomorrow morning ( your bedtime)
Tried to add you but when I visited you it just hangs the game , any one else had luck visiting this player ?

lv40 163 stars. Nav module,beacons,props please

Same for me, hangs the game every time. Strange thing is I visited OK while he was in my wait list.

iPad username : Troglodyte69 : need : catering & duty frees. iPhone username : Troglodyte96 : need : landing lamp & duty frees.
Yes, you're right, bedtime in Europe
If you go on loading your small stuff, we can launch tomorrow morning ( your bedtime)

We'll see what happens. There's always a chance someone in a big hurry climbs on board ;)
About 500 points left.
Hey everyone, has this happened to anyone else? For the past hour, each time I load up Airport City, my game advances about 5 hours. Buildings that require 48 hours to construct, now take 5 minutes. I am landing a lot of planes, collecting a lot of cash and am getting some great space items. Any thoughts how long this will last?
I can see butterfly's on here , but here game picture has changed , does my game picture change as I set that one up ages ago so no idea what you see in the game
Getting a bit bored with this quest as its the same as the other space one so you need 3 sets to get anything which is boring to wait for, be better if we could fly 2 rockets

lv40 163 stars. Nav module,beacons,props please

It's the old image of Fred's face.
Newmanic said:
Hey everyone, has this happened to anyone else? For the past hour, each time I load up Airport City, my game advances about 5 hours. Buildings that require 48 hours to construct, now take 5 minutes. I am landing a lot of planes, collecting a lot of cash and am getting some great space items. Any thoughts how long this will last?

I tried to visit a neighbour, it froze, and then reset itself back to where i was hours ago. I knew it was too good to be true!
I have a launch going on the new pad. 2nd place and on up for grabs. Over 1000 points in already. You're welcome aboard if you wish!
Tried to add you but when I visited you it just hangs the game , any one else had luck visiting this player ?

lv40 163 stars. Nav module,beacons,props please

The same thing happened to me twice. Have not tried again.

Sian and David (level 40) need beacons or fuel hoses. No space stuff. Thanks
I can see butterfly's on here , but here game picture has changed , does my game picture change as I set that one up ages ago so no idea what you see in the game
Getting a bit bored with this quest as its the same as the other space one so you need 3 sets to get anything which is boring to wait for, be better if we could fly 2 rockets

lv40 163 stars. Nav module,beacons,props please

Your game picture does not change. Only the forum one.

Sian and David (level 40) need beacons or fuel hoses. No space stuff. Thanks

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