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Airport City Trading Centre

Just reading newspaper and a 4 year old girl being treated for ipad addiction , we must be next.....

lv40 167 stars. Need lots of fuel hose(104) , or Beacons(29), Nav module(20) or props (4) please

Saw that too. It made me think of us as well!

Sian and David (level 40) need nav module, fuel hose or heart shaped candies. Thanks
I have joined Pingways launch (Big Rocket). Join us.


Launch is under - Pingways
I am not able to locate my capsule either on a launch with Irco.

hi, I could use all types of long distance items, thanks.
Forum is more fun than the game. Missions are possible to complete and cost nothing. Spring mission is lovely and colourful and cheers me up. When planes return with no goods I come on here and it makes me smile. I'm not addicted though, honest... what do you mean you want the iPad for a minute, what do u want it for? Can't u use the laptop?

captain flop (level 37) duty free items especially choc candies (the rectangular box) and single malt, passengers, fuel, repair items. Thank you, I love u all ;)

Am I missing something here?
What's this about a spring mission?

Same here my launch is locked up

The good news is when it comes back we could have the most people on one launch, we could all put in 56 each and share the 1 st place that would mess up GI plans...

lv40 167 stars. Need lots of fuel hose(104) , or Beacons(29), Nav module(20) or props (4) please
The good news is when it comes back we could have the most people on one launch, we could all put in 56 each and share the 1 st place that would mess up GI plans...

lv40 167 stars. Need lots of fuel hose(104) , or Beacons(29), Nav module(20) or props (4) please

That would be hilarious!
We should definitely try to organize that:D
Came third and did not receive any collectible items. Going to take a while to complete three sets.

hi, I could use all types of long distance items, thanks.
Is anyone else struggling to visit neighbours? I can't seem to visit anyone for the past 24 hours?
Is anyone else struggling to visit neighbours? I can't seem to visit anyone for the past 24 hours?

Hi, I was able to visit you and a few others tonight but could not complete my visits, kept getting a server error message.

hi, I could use all types of long distance items, thanks.
It seems that something is always broken or not working as it should with this game.
Good morning, woken up after a good night sleep and I thought: what a brilliant moment to visit all that lovely neighbours at airport city.
The brilliant boys of GI would have solved the problem in the last 12 hrs, joepie!

But live isn't easy, still a server problem, still no gifts received, still no visits to make. No brilliant boys of GI, its just like the dutch weather: all grey and drizzle.
I wish you all a lot of patient today and hope everyone will make it without their neighbours
Specially the one's who have a launch going. What a frustration

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