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Airport City Trading Centre

It seems that something is always broken or not working as it should with this game.

Your right there!

Level:40 Pingways, I need: catering / long distance flight items / duty free items - especially cookies and perfume
Is your capsule back already? We were in the same flight yesterday I thuought. I have to wait almost 5 hours

Still got around four and a half hours to wait for that one, I was planning to join from my iPhone game. It's my day off today, I had a little lie in and missed Fred's launch.
The good news is when it comes back we could have the most people on one launch, we could all put in 56 each and share the 1 st place that would mess up GI plans...

lv40 167 stars. Need lots of fuel hose(104) , or Beacons(29), Nav module(20) or props (4) please

That would be hilarious!
We should definitely try to organize that:D

Hey, that would be great - everybody puts in i.e. 50 points and 40 people get golden box! (calculations for 2nd pad launch)
But it's practically impossible to achieve when launches are open to join - one participant of the launch not aware of the agreement would ruin the masterplan :(
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My capsule should have come back, but it's just written ready and the capsule is nowhere to be seen :( I saw it happened to saw of you, but now everything should be normal for me too. Ahh the marvelous GI...

Same for me. Was going to launch again but will have to wait until GI decide I can have my capsule back!

Sian and David (level 40) need nav module, fuel hose or heart shaped candies. Thanks
Hi tele......

Somebody mentioned on here the other day that friends can't visit you....the game hangs when they try.

Same thing is happening to me.......did you contact GI? Did you get anywhere with them?

Have they fixed it for you?


They just told me that the problem was not coming from my game, but from all the people who could not visit me. They also said that it was not me who should contact them, but the people who were not able to visit.

I'm not sure the people who can not visit me have tried to contact them.

So yeah as usual they were really useful!! :)

Tele, Luke - I'll try to contact GI in your case, but personally I don't believe in their explanation. It's just beyond the probability that a group of people has simultaneous and constant problem with visiting you two.
Luke, AFAIR you moved your game from one iPad to another one and your problems started after that transfer. Tele - did you do the same action?

They just told me that the problem was not coming from my game, but from all the people who could not visit me. They also said that it was not me who should contact them, but the people who were not able to visit.

I'm not sure the people who can not visit me have tried to contact them.

So yeah as usual they were really useful!! :)

Thanks for your reply.

That really is awful customer service........

They (GI) know that it is very unlikely anyone will complain on your behalf.

They would probably say the same to them anyhow.

It's almost impossible to contact them, each time I submit to contact them it crashes and I'm unable to complete my message.

My wife keeps telling me to stuff airport city off. She can't believe that I've spent money on a game that has so many glitches and update problems. My wife believes they do it intentionally to limit us in certain ways so we spend money to complete missions etc.....perhaps she's right.

What beefs me most is that I've built this really huge cool airport and hardly anyone can visit/see it!

Until its fixed i won't spend another penny with them.

Im going to send you a friends invite tele. This will be interesting to see if either of us can visit each other! At the moment my add friend has disappeared.
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Tele, Luke - I'll try to contact GI in your case, but personally I don't believe in their explanation. It's just beyond the probability that a group of people has simultaneous and constant problem with visiting you two.
Luke, AFAIR you moved your game from one iPad to another one and your problems started after that transfer. Tele - did you do the same action?

Thanks rob....much appreciated.

To be honest I think it hard started shortly before I swapped over...

The game was crashing when I was visiting friends several times each day and I would often have to visit the friend again as once the game crashed it would reset to a time just before u had originally visited.
Tele, Luke - I'll try to contact GI in your case, but personally I don't believe in their explanation. It's just beyond the probability that a group of people has simultaneous and constant problem with visiting you two.
Luke, AFAIR you moved your game from one iPad to another one and your problems started after that transfer. Tele - did you do the same action?

Thanks a lot Rob ;) I don't believe them either.

I did not try to move my game. If I remember correctly it started after the awful update where the planes were mixed up. Before that I had tons of visits and now just one every few days.
Thanks for your reply.

That really is awful customer service........

They (GI) know that it is very unlikely anyone will complain on your behalf.

They would probably say the same to them anyhow.

It's almost impossible to contact them, each time I submit to contact them it crashes and I'm unable to complete my message.

My wife keeps telling me to stuff airport city off. She can't believe that I've spent money on a game that has so many glitches and update problems. My wife believes they do it intentionally to limit us in certain ways so we spend money to complete missions etc.....perhaps she's right.

What beefs me most is that I've built this really huge cool airport and hardly anyone can visit/see it!

Until its fixed i won't spend another penny with them.

Im going to send you a friends invite tele. This will be interesting to see if either of us can visit each other! At the moment my add friend has disappeared.

I'll try to add you, but in a few hours I can't right now.

I think I tend to agree with your wife, they do that on purpose. Or else they are the worst-organized company ever.

I am also very frustrated as I have all those cool buildings which can be very useful to others.
Just a joke. Some of us changed our avatars to spring theme.........boing!

captain flop (level 37) duty free items especially choc candies (the rectangular box) and single malt, passengers, fuel, repair items. Thank you, I love u all ;)

Thanks for explaining - I'm a bit thick.
I've never found out how to create a personalised avatar.
Is there a simple way? Or some place that explains how it's done in plain English for gormless people like me?
Thanks for explaining - I'm a bit thick.
I've never found out how to create a personalised avatar.
Is there a simple way? Or some place that explains how it's done in plain English for gormless people like me?

I hope my english is plain enough. I did the change of avatar, so you can do it as well. At the top of this page yuou find settings, tap it. You find your personal page, at the left the menu, my settings, edit avatar, tap it
With custom avatar you can upload a photo from your I pad/ phone. Sometimes they are to big, you have to make them smaller. I did search a help on the internet and it worked
Hop you can understand this. Lots of suc6
Thanks rob....much appreciated.

To be honest I think it hard started shortly before I swapped over...

The game was crashing when I was visiting friends several times each day and I would often have to visit the friend again as once the game crashed it would reset to a time just before u had originally visited.

Thanks a lot Rob ;) I don't believe them either.

I did not try to move my game. If I remember correctly it started after the awful update where the planes were mixed up. Before that I had tons of visits and now just one every few days.

No problem - I just wrote to GI and waiting for the answer. Hope they'll not mess my game in revenge :D
so I still cqnnot acess the launch initiated yesterday. Red dog, could you complete it ? If I loose all the item I have put in, I'll be very very angry...

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