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Airport City Trading Centre

I hope my english is plain enough. I did the change of avatar, so you can do it as well. At the top of this page yuou find settings, tap it. You find your personal page, at the left the menu, my settings, edit avatar, tap it
With custom avatar you can upload a photo from your I pad/ phone. Sometimes they are to big, you have to make them smaller. I did search a help on the internet and it worked
Hop you can understand this. Lots of suc6

Thanks for the help. I think that I am closer to solving the avatar issue but I'm still not convinced that I will get there.
I can now see the avatar that I have chosen in my facebook page but it isn't showing in the app. I hope that this may be resolved if the server issue is fixed by GI.
I have my fingers crossed,
So in fact I tried to add Luke, but I can't. The place where it was possible to add new neighbors has just disappeared!! Am I the only one?
Hi there,

is anybody here able to join or see a launch? I still cannot access the one started yesterday by red dog, of which I am supposed to be part
Thanks for the help. I think that I am closer to solving the avatar issue but I'm still not convinced that I will get there.
I can now see the avatar that I have chosen in my facebook page but it isn't showing in the app. I hope that this may be resolved if the server issue is fixed by GI.
I have my fingers crossed,

Sometimes it helps when you allow game to publish any of your "achievements" on Facebook - but in my case it didn't work; my avatar changed after update of game server.
Thanks for the help. I think that I am closer to solving the avatar issue but I'm still not convinced that I will get there.
I can now see the avatar that I have chosen in my facebook page but it isn't showing in the app. I hope that this may be resolved if the server issue is fixed by GI.
I have my fingers crossed,

You can still change your avatar in the forum but obviously it's not linked to Facebook. To change in forum click profile tab, then click the pic, it gives option to change avatar from library or from camera

captain flop (level 37) duty free items especially choc candies (the rectangular box) and single malt, passengers, fuel, repair items. Thank you, I love u all ;)
So in fact I tried to add Luke, but I can't. The place where it was possible to add new neighbors has just disappeared!! Am I the only one?

Same problem here tele.....

No add friend button.

Can't access launch either.

Need to launch Prometheus spaceship to complete challenge, only day half left...

So frustrating.......
hello guys,
i am abababababab.
new to this thread.
i say,i thought only i was having the problem for the add neighbour list to disappear.i cannot visit my neighbours and it says server connection error.so it may be a problem with their server.
please add abababababab( 6 ab) to your friends list
want:2 bath towels,2 all inc. bracelet,3 flight goggles,4 flight helmet,3 side rules,4 textbooks
Just had a tweet from GI confirming that the servers are down for maintenance until later!

Sian and David (level 40) need nav module, fuel hose or heart shaped candies. Thanks
Just had a tweet from GI confirming that the servers are down for maintenance until later!

thats bad now.did they tell you till when? server down means no friend adding and visiting.hopefully sending gifts can be done.when the server is restored,please try to ad me:abababababab (there are 6 ab)


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