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Airport City Trading Centre

For those who had the pleasure in participating in the group of 10 launch yesterday organized by Flight leader Fred, can you let us all know the contents of your prize package. I got Bronze. Will know in 40 minutes

Bernardngo level 40, 142 stars. Need fuel hoses, nav modules, propellers, and beacons . Thank you.

I got silver which gave me the last picture I needed for my space monument, 2x 50 fuel, 2 large fuel tanks and 2 items from the dark side of the moon collection.

Sian and David (level 40) need nav module, fuel hose or heart shaped candies. Thanks
For those who had the pleasure in participating in the group of 10 launch yesterday organized by Flight leader Fred, can you let us all know the contents of your prize package. I got Bronze. Will know in 40 minutes

Bernardngo level 40, 142 stars. Need fuel hoses, nav modules, propellers, and beacons . Thank you.

I got


On my iPhone game.


On the iPad

iPad - Troglodyte69, iPhone - Troglodyte96, I need flight stuff & duty frees, please.

<img src="http://www.ipadforums.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=40268"/>

On the iPad

iPad - Troglodyte69, iPhone - Troglodyte96, I need flight stuff & duty frees, please.

Should have taken a picture, I got junk :
50 fuel
Large fuel
Docking hatch
Radar ant
Ascent stage


Bernardngo level 40, 142 stars. Need fuel hoses, nav modules, propellers, and beacons . Thank you.
Sorry captain flop and abababababab! Just gifted you both the wrong items. I'll try again tomorrow. :(
Yeah, yeah , yeah, happy, happy, happy. Just got back from my work. Opend my new practice with a friday drink. Had a drink with my collegue. A little bit too much. Just a bit drunk. But find out: the last gagarin helmett: I have my space monument. Happy!
Could anyone gift me some cockpit glass please, only need about half dozen so one gift from a few of you would b really helpful. Thx

captain flop (level 37) duty free items especially choc candies (the rectangular box) and single malt, passengers, fuel, repair items. Thank you, I love u all ;)

Will send cockpit glass tonight.
If you can return a gift I would like flight items please ( long distance)
Yeah, yeah , yeah, happy, happy, happy. Just got back from my work. Opend my new practice with a friday drink. Had a drink with my collegue. A little bit too much. Just a bit drunk. But find out: the last gagarin helmett: I have my space monument. Happy!

Gefeliciteerd, it's your lucky day :)
Launch in process 1807/2000'. Anybody want a quick ride?

Bernardngo level 40, 142 stars. Need fuel hoses, nav modules, propellers, and beacons . Thank you.
Oh sorry, just be gone on my own. I did want to invite someone for the flight, but I did put in too much( just like Luke yesterday) and hoppekee, I am off. Its difficult to type in English when you are a little, just a little, bit drunk
Yeah, yeah , yeah, happy, happy, happy. Just got back from my work. Opend my new practice with a friday drink. Had a drink with my collegue. A little bit too much. Just a bit drunk. But find out: the last gagarin helmett: I have my space monument. Happy!

Me too. Must be our lucky day!

Sian and David (level 40) need nav module, fuel hose or heart shaped candies. Thanks
Oh sorry, just be gone on my own. I did want to invite someone for the flight, but I did put in too much( just like Luke yesterday) and hoppekee, I am off. Its difficult to type in English when you are a little, just a little, bit drunk

You sure it's just a little bit?

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