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Airport City Trading Centre

Stuck, unless I burn some green, buddy can ya spare a dime a join?

Bernardngo level 40, 142 stars. Need fuel hoses, nav modules, propellers, and beacons . Thank you.

Yes but then I would have to delay tomorrow what do you think just landed and ful ready to go ? Shall we reset to 10pm tomorrow or ask robust to run it ? If he would be so kind

lv40 167 stars. Need lots of fuel hoses please
Yes but then I would have to delay tomorrow what do you think just landed and ful ready to go ? Shall we reset to 10pm tomorrow or ask robust to run it ? If he would be so kind

lv40 167 stars. Need lots of fuel hoses please

Just launched and will be back in 24. Gracious for you to wait, but do not want to hold up the group.

Bernardngo level 40, 142 stars. Need fuel hoses, nav modules, propellers, and beacons . Thank you.
Just launched and will be back in 24. Gracious for you to wait, but do not want to hold up the group.

Bernardngo level 40, 142 stars. Need fuel hoses, nav modules, propellers, and beacons . Thank you.

Yes spotted you had gone so will have a rest still working from playing so much last week so got a bit behind with my work so catching up so better be good...

lv40 167 stars. Need lots of fuel hoses please
Yes spotted you had gone so will have a rest still working from playing so much last week so got a bit behind with my work so catching up so better be good...

lv40 167 stars. Need lots of fuel hoses please

Wish I was not so addicted to this game, check out my collection! The space monument is so hard...and I want one!


Bernardngo level 40, 142 stars. Need fuel hoses, nav modules, propellers, and beacons . Thank you.
Good new finished my first space monument so going to try and get a few more so after group launch tomorrow will go in to major fast launching all week so if you see me on the pad it will only cost less than 100 points to join Monday onwards as have loads of points built up over 20 of those powerful bolts in store and 20 normal bolts and loads of those large and small fuel tanks been flying none stop jets and collecting like mad..so just want to reach space often... We can save the weekends for the big fun launches if everyone enjoys it,... I will, try and build up the feeling on the forum tomorrow .. Will start the list tomorrow so post tonight if you can join and haven't posted yet... Ahhh stopped working to type ....

lv40 167 stars. Need lots of fuel hoses please
Good new finished my first space monument so going to try and get a few more so after group launch tomorrow will go in to major fast launching all week so if you see me on the pad it will only cost less than 100 points to join Monday onwards as have loads of points built up over 20 of those powerful bolts in store and 20 normal bolts and loads of those large and small fuel tanks been flying none stop jets and collecting like mad..so just want to reach space often... We can save the weekends for the big fun launches if everyone enjoys it,... I will, try and build up the feeling on the forum tomorrow .. Will start the list tomorrow so post tonight if you can join and haven't posted yet... Ahhh stopped working to type ....

lv40 167 stars. Need lots of fuel hoses please

You are a great leader. Can our forum take a collection so you can quit your day job and be our Flight leader as a full time day job?

Bernardngo level 40, 142 stars. Need fuel hoses, nav modules, propellers, and beacons . Thank you.
Wish I was not so addicted to this game, check out my collection! The space monument is so hard...and I want one!

<img src="http://www.ipadforums.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=40330"/>

Bernardngo level 40, 142 stars. Need fuel hoses, nav modules, propellers, and beacons . Thank you.

I don't know if it's the game that is so addict ing or the forum. I have had to be away from the game before and that was fine. I found that I missed knowing what was going on with all of you! Addicted to the forum!
Good new finished my first space monument so going to try and get a few more so after group launch tomorrow will go in to major fast launching all week so if you see me on the pad it will only cost less than 100 points to join Monday onwards as have loads of points built up over 20 of those powerful bolts in store and 20 normal bolts and loads of those large and small fuel tanks been flying none stop jets and collecting like mad..so just want to reach space often... We can save the weekends for the big fun launches if everyone enjoys it,... I will, try and build up the feeling on the forum tomorrow .. Will start the list tomorrow so post tonight if you can join and haven't posted yet... Ahhh stopped working to type ....

lv40 167 stars. Need lots of fuel hoses please

I have 5 planes flying constantly for space stuff and I can't get powerful bolts to save my life!!!! You have them all Fred!!!!
Good new finished my first space monument so going to try and get a few more so after group launch tomorrow will go in to major fast launching all week so if you see me on the pad it will only cost less than 100 points to join Monday onwards as have loads of points built up over 20 of those powerful bolts in store and 20 normal bolts and loads of those large and small fuel tanks been flying none stop jets and collecting like mad..so just want to reach space often... We can save the weekends for the big fun launches if everyone enjoys it,... I will, try and build up the feeling on the forum tomorrow .. Will start the list tomorrow so post tonight if you can join and haven't posted yet... Ahhh stopped working to type ....

lv40 167 stars. Need lots of fuel hoses please

What time do you normally launch? I never see yours so I have a feeling they occur while I am sleeping. Might have to stay up late and tag onto one of those although I'll be traveling and away from the game a bunch later this week. Oh no!!!!
Good new finished my first space monument so going to try and get a few more so after group launch tomorrow will go in to major fast launching all week so if you see me on the pad it will only cost less than 100 points to join Monday onwards as have loads of points built up over 20 of those powerful bolts in store and 20 normal bolts and loads of those large and small fuel tanks been flying none stop jets and collecting like mad..so just want to reach space often... We can save the weekends for the big fun launches if everyone enjoys it,... I will, try and build up the feeling on the forum tomorrow .. Will start the list tomorrow so post tonight if you can join and haven't posted yet... Ahhh stopped working to type ....

lv40 167 stars. Need lots of fuel hoses please

As flight leader you deserve a special position, and some special gifts. So a few more powerful bolts than "normal" people, okay. But....20 of them, that is far too much. Ts ts ts , Fred Fred Fred, what a greedy type you are :D
I don't know if it's the game that is so addict ing or the forum. I have had to be away from the game before and that was fine. I found that I missed knowing what was going on with all of you! Addicted to the forum!

You are wise and sage. The forum is equally addicting and truly makes the game more fun! Hope the group can launch on 23.5 hours so I can participate but I may be too late...

Bernardngo level 40, 142 stars. Need fuel hoses, nav modules, propellers, and beacons . Thank you.
As flight leader you deserve a special position, and some special gifts. So a few more powerful bolts than "normal" people, okay. But....20 of them, that is far too much. Ts ts ts , Fred Fred Fred, what a greedy type you are :D

Used to work for GI so know how the coding works on the game :) what you need to do is... Nope not allowed under the contract to tell you .... Just kidding my programming not that bad..
Nope it's just a matter of the number of flights and odds
I do have 300 solid fuel never to be used things... I think GI must be nice to m account because I did complain a lot a while ago and maybe they have set something on their servers to make me feel better when ever they see me connected , and its working cause I can use them to help you get easy seconds...:) I am finds second places gives me the missing items in the collections more often than first so I try and come second when I john other launches.

lv40 167 stars. Need lots of fuel hoses please
You are wise and sage. The forum is equally addicting and truly makes the game more fun! Hope the group can launch on 23.5 hours so I can participate but I may be too late...

Bernardngo level 40, 142 stars. Need fuel hoses, nav modules, propellers, and beacons . Thank you.

Will keep the 120 and wait cause that will be fun seeing I you can get me in time

lv40 167 stars. Need lots of fuel hoses please
Used to work for GI so know how the coding works on the game :) what you need to do is... Nope not allowed under the contract to tell you .... Just kidding my programming not that bad..
Nope it's just a matter of the number of flights and odds
I do have 300 solid fuel never to be used things... I think GI must be nice to m account because I did complain a lot a while ago and maybe they have set something on their servers to make me feel better when ever they see me connected , and its working cause I can use them to help you get easy seconds...:) I am finds second places gives me the missing items in the collections more often than first so I try and come second when I john other launches.

lv40 167 stars. Need lots of fuel hoses please

Well perhaps thats the idea, second places. I thought that first places gave the best presents.
Nice item to sort out the next days

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