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Airport City Trading Centre

Sorry for my late entry.
I joined the launch without reference to the forum and nearly threw in a big bolt.
Just in time, I noticed all the names, so I then took a look at the forum.
I was trying for 200 when all what-sit was let loose and I lost the plot a bit.
Anyhow, it was ok in the end and fun once again.

We always try to go slow and easy, but end up fast and furious, one day we will get it right! Till next time

Bernardngo level 40, 144 stars. Need power amplifer, spotlight,fuel hoses, nav modules, propellers, and beacons . I can gift haze machine, biker jacker and bright lantern? thanks
I've been trying to catch up on the forum while my daughter is talking away. That launch was hysterical! I kept getting too distracted!
You can join me if you like.
I will join your launch. I don't think in in your friend list.

If I don't join that launch I will be launching in like 8 hours when I get home from work.

Anyone can send me rock quest items that would be appreciated. I will respond with what I have.
Would you mind if I join as third? As our rocket will come back at the same time I'll know when you start.

Sure I will pm you when ready just add 2 points less the ping ways so if he adds 56 you add 54 which is the easy points with coins option

lv40 167 stars. Quest items please and fuel hoses

I will join your launch. I don't think in in your friend list.

If I don't join that launch I will be launching in like 8 hours when I get home from work.

Anyone can send me rock quest items that would be appreciated. I will respond with what I have.

Add me if you like and then join Fannie and I.
Thank you all for the biker jackets, keep 'em coming! I will gift them tonight when my gifting resets, unless I read you need something else.

I received an odd gift from a neighbor...it is an "Oil Container". Has anyone heard of their usage?
Fred123thytdytdg said:
Welcome your user name had me thinking you we're a hijacker , welcome to the world of how many can we get into a rocket :)

lv40 167 stars. Quest items please and fuel hoses

Thanks everyone for being understanding! No hijacker here, just a friendly Canadian

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