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Airport City Trading Centre


Please could someone send me a spotlight?

10 hours left on my old pad launch if anyone wants to hitch a ride. Need a few hundred more.

I was going to send you a jacket this evening but would you rather have fuel adds?

Yes I am out so until I get those last two amps a balance of each is best so fuel adds please or landing lamps.

hi, I could use all types of long distance items, thanks.

Please could someone send me a spotlight?

10 hours left on my old pad launch if anyone wants to hitch a ride. Need a few hundred more.


Hey Adam, are you the guy on the surfboard? I have him as 'username only' and it could be you :)
Not yet! I'm only up to 36 so far.

Frenetta, I will send you a jacket tonight but no need to return it; I'm all done with those.
I know you can't send me anything else but that's fine, you can make someone else happy.
Safe travels.:)
Hi, I sent you a gift last night, I just checked to confirm and it does show a gift went. I sent you a jacket, maybe you don't know it is me as I do not have an avatar in the game.

hi, I could use all types of long distance items, thanks.

I've also sent you a jacket earlier today....

Maybe I had not yet seen your gifts till then. I told those whose I recieved on the first day. I got a lot more jackets then the day before when i checked next including luke, boyington and some more. So it might have been a miscommunication amongst us.
I did understand you. Hence the no issue comment and the smile after the Xmas list comment.

Taking some off the Xmas list in the UK is a common joke in the UK . It's not real :) keep forgetting this forum is world wide

lv40 167 stars. fuel hoses only if possible

Thanks for understanding.
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Help for Conrol Tower 6 level, need Dispacher Console

enDriu 38 lvl

New launch pad started - let's input 120 for now

Ops fell asleep watching iplayer just joined your launch just 3of us in so will finish it off so now my launch time has moved to the morning , lots of launches running ..

You got 3rd place with someone called dropshot69 taking first with 1500 points

lv40 167 stars. Nearly finished flights so need just fuel hose, nav mod or beacons thanks
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Help for Conrol Tower 6 level, need Dispacher Console

enDriu 38 lvl

<img src="http://www.ipadforums.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=40671"/>

Sorry don' have any of those to gift , 6 in store , but not in gift list .

lv40 167 stars. Nearly finished flights so just Fuel hose(8) or Nav module (12). 150 flights to end..
Ops fell asleep watching iplayer just joined your launch just 3of us in so will finish it off so now my launch time has moved to the morning , lots of launches running ..

You got 3rd place with someone called dropshot69 taking first with 1500 points

lv40 167 stars. Nearly finished flights so need just fuel hose, nav mod or beacons thanks

That's fine I fell asleep and thought we would finish off in the morning - I would have added a few hundreds more if needed. Also I have a good 1500 or more left for more launches :)
Thanks for joining!
Thanks Barbara, what would you like back? :)

Troglodyte69, can send haze machine, need haze machine & jackets, Troglodyte96, can send loudspeaker, need light, speaker & jackets please.

Either landing lamp or fuel adds thx.

Sian and David (level 40) need landing lamps or fuel additives. Thank you

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