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Big Business - game discussion

Stick with it guys. I have managed to produce a 20% happiness module. It is possible

city - Squillion square player name amanda35
I am working on the happiness module today and my research center is fully updated now. It just takes a couple of days to get the bronze and glass pieces use. This is the second module I make. Need 1 more for the acheivement.
I just got another watch video for 5 bucks. Dont be too quick to X out the ads.

Trumpster2, city: Podunk, level 57

Thanks for the heads-up! One just popped up, and this time I watched it!

Finally, finally got my "Affluent" achievement this morning :-). Now, if only I can get my pop up a bit more (and the firefighter monument will actually give me just enough!) I can splash out on the Electronics Plant, and get rid of another task icon on the left-hand side!


SteveGPI, city=Hanham, level=51
Thanks for the heads-up! One just popped up, and this time I watched it!

Finally, finally got my "Affluent" achievement this morning :-). Now, if only I can get my pop up a bit more (and the firefighter monument will actually give me just enough!) I can splash out on the Electronics Plant, and get rid of another task icon on the left-hand side!


SteveGPI, city=Hanham, level=51


Trumpster2, city: Podunk, level 57
What makes the pet shop so popular? Does anyone know what ingredients are required for the products?

Here's a screen shot of the ingredients and what they produce



Hope this helps

City: Geldville player level 63 Player name: Germanmajor and I am from rural Maine. Turbines always appreciated for upgrading my dam
Does anyone know when they started the Halloween contest last year? Was it an energy/collecting thing or a production of products one?

Thanks for the info, just curious whether to start stashing factories at night or not....

City: Geldville player level 69 Player name: Germanmajor and I am from rural Maine. Turbines always appreciated for upgrading my dam
Does anyone know when they started the Halloween contest last year? Was it an energy/collecting thing or a production of products one? Thanks for the info, just curious whether to start stashing factories at night or not.... City: Geldville player level 69 Player name: Germanmajor and I am from rural Maine. Turbines always appreciated for upgrading my dam
Hi, last year it started about the day (probably because they were more disorganised then than now). You collect from the characters walking around, so factories are safe. To get an idea of requirements, go to the achievements tab, at the bottom of the specials are the Halloween tasks.

user : Must b Daft - town : Trashville2 - level : 58 (gifts stay in my queue until I can return it)
Hi, I'm new to the forum and the game, at level 8 and in need of chisels. Please add me Ping City, happy to help where I can!
Hi, I'm new to the forum and the game, at level 8 and in need of chisels. Please add me Ping City, happy to help where I can!

Added you - welcome to the forum :-) I have chisels available today, so I'll send one your way! And as I need friends under level 11 to complete my bridge task, you can be sure of lots of other gifts too :-)


SteveGPI, city=Hanham, level=51

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