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Cracked the ipad screen, got a free replacement from the apple store

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josecheck said:
Wish I was going to the stores most of you go to. My 3 year old accidentally pushed my ipad2 off the table and the screen cracked. I saw this forum and decided to go in to my local apple store in Roseville California and tell them what happened. All they did was tell me stuff happens and it would be 260.00 to swap to another one. I was so upset I really did cry and they still charged me. I really don't understand how one store can offer a free replacement when others can't or won't. Doesnt make sense to me.

It's on a case-by-case basis that does vary from rep to rep and store to store. As I mentioned earlier in this thread, it doesn't hurt to try once more at another store, just in case the first store/rep didn't quite get your situation or that he/she was just having a bad day or something. Just be sincere, honest and polite. If still no joy, at least you had another shot at it. Failing that, $260 is still far and away better than anyone telling you "too bad, so sad...you want a replacement? Buy a new one at full price", which is the standard for just about any product and any business in today's world. Apple is an anomaly in this respect. The fact that they do this at all in any common circumstance is amazing.

Michael "Spam, spam, bacon, eggs and spam. Hold the bacon and eggs." Sent from my iPad 2 using iPF
if they replace it at their expense for your negligence more power to you... but why would you EXPECT this and call it bad service if they don't. As for you people that KNOW you need an appointment to go the the genius bar and still, just show up and expect to get to the front of the line... give your heads a shake for that too. You yourselves would would not stand for someone cutting in line right in front of your turn to be served and you know it. Being rude and throwing temper tantrums to get your way is not always going to work either....time for some you adults to grow up
Im from Mumbai, India...and was gifted a 64 gb ipad 2 wifi +3g...i managed to accidentally drop it from my backpack and was gifted with a full crack across the width of the screen..the pad still worked fine surprisingly....so i called the apple service centre here..and mind you..there are no official apple stores or service centre here..they are all franchisees...so the guy asked me to bring it over so he could have a look at it...i visited the centre today and afer a few phone calls..he offered to replace it with a brand new one for INR 27.5k...which is ~$500 US...a new one costs about 50k here...so i agreed and he has ordered a new one which i should get next week

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
I had the same problem! I guess I'm not the lucky one! I've been in 2 different stores and NOTHING! The best they could do is give me a factory recertified, for whatever that means, for $400.
I'm really disappointed at apple my ipad2 is2 months old.
Apple I slowing becoming a sour LEMON to me.:(
Tornan said:
I had the same problem! I guess I'm not the lucky one! I've been in 2 different stores and NOTHING! The best they could do is give me a factory recertified, for whatever that means, for $400.
I'm really disappointed at apple my ipad2 is2 months old.
Apple I slowing becoming a sour LEMON to me.:(

But was it your fault that the iPad was broken ??? SMH.

Sent from my Verizon Black 64GB iPad 2 With IOS 5.01 Update From NYC using iPF
biller007 said:
I don't know why the mods have not closed this tread. Unreal how many people think apple owes them something for nothing.

It hasn't been closed because it doesn't contravene any rules. Considering the number of posts and the emotive subject matter, it has stayed remarkably on topic.

Moderators are not there to censor speech, or decide what members opinions ought to be; they are there to enforce the rules of the forum.

Personally, I think people might be a little more careful with the way they treat expensive pieces of equipment, particularly when they are quite clearly fragile, but that is just my opinion, to which I am entitled as a member. Others are free to disagree with me. If people want to berate Apple and their customer service because the warranty doesn't cover stupidity, they are free to do so.

So long as this discussion stays on track, and doesn't degenerate into a flame war between those who keep their equipment safe, and those who think they can throw it out of an upstairs window, it will be treated the same as any other thread.

Sent from my iPad using iPF
KevinJS said:
It hasn't been closed because it doesn't contravene any rules. Considering the number of posts and the emotive subject matter, it has stayed remarkably on topic.

Moderators are not there to censor speech, or decide what members opinions ought to be; they are there to enforce the rules of the forum.

Personally, I think people might be a little more careful with the way they treat expensive pieces of equipment, particularly when they are quite clearly fragile, but that is just my opinion, to which I am entitled as a member. Others are free to disagree with me. If people want to berate Apple and their customer service because the warranty doesn't cover stupidity, they are free to do so.

So long as this discussion stays on track, and doesn't degenerate into a flame war between those who keep their equipment safe, and those who think they can throw it out of an upstairs window, it will be treated the same as any other thread.

Sent from my iPad using iPF


Michael "Spam, spam, bacon, eggs and spam. Hold the bacon and eggs." Sent from my iPad 2 using iPF
mrao said:
Im from Mumbai, India...and was gifted a 64 gb ipad 2 wifi +3g...i managed to accidentally drop it from my backpack and was gifted with a full crack across the width of the screen..the pad still worked fine surprisingly....so i called the apple service centre here..and mind you..there are no official apple stores or service centre here..they are all franchisees...so the guy asked me to bring it over so he could have a look at it...i visited the centre today and afer a few phone calls..he offered to replace it with a brand new one for INR 27.5k...which is ~$500 US...a new one costs about 50k here...so i agreed and he has ordered a new one which i should get next week

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk

Awesome! Sorry you couldn't get the replacement for free but that's still a good deal. Especially from a franchise, which is one of the last places I would expect any kind of courtesy discount or free replacement to occur. It's nice that they made that offer to you. I hope you get your new iPad soon!

Michael "Spam, spam, bacon, eggs and spam. Hold the bacon and eggs." Sent from my iPad 2 using iPF
Wow - I wish they had been that way on my iphone. Got the 3gs - wireless never worked. Called apple, they said no problem, we have new att store here, they'd replace it free. Took it in, they said it's software, buy a new iphone. So I have a iphone that has never worked with wireless, but the ipad works great thankfully!
Chinook203 said:
Wow - I wish they had been that way on my iphone. Got the 3gs - wireless never worked. Called apple, they said no problem, we have new att store here, they'd replace it free. Took it in, they said it's software, buy a new iphone. So I have a iphone that has never worked with wireless, but the ipad works great thankfully!

Surely the easy answer to that is get them to restore it in store and then connect to their wifi network......I'd be taking it back in.

The Archangel
This thread is entirely too long to read so Ill ask my question and apologize if its been answered lately. I see in the beginning of the thread that people were getting free ipads when they cracked theirs. I went into the apple store yesterday and they wouldnt replace it for free or let me purchase a different brand. My choices were half price for a brand new same one or not at all. That is still close to $400 bucks. Do they not do free replacement anymore or should I try another apple store?
I joined this forum specifically to find out what is available for a cracked screen. I had my ipad2 for Christmas and it is the first piece of tech I have ever really owned. My tech has always been work purchased. I have been very careful with my iPad and always put it down safely with it's cover on. I got home from work and the screen cracked when I opened it. It has never been dropped, missused or handled with anything but care. I am gutted and can't stand the look of it now. I will not be able to afford to replace it but will go and talk to the genius bar anyway. I do understand what Kevinjs means but I really have looked after this and did expect more than 3 months use.
I joined this forum specifically to find out what is available for a cracked screen. I had my ipad2 for Christmas and it is the first piece of tech I have ever really owned. My tech has always been work purchased. I have been very careful with my iPad and always put it down safely with it's cover on. I got home from work and the screen cracked when I opened it. It has never been dropped, missused or handled with anything but care. I am gutted and can't stand the look of it now. I will not be able to afford to replace it but will go and talk to the genius bar anyway. I do understand what Kevinjs means but I really have looked after this and did expect more than 3 months use.

Hi Dawn and welcome to the forum.

Just want to let you know that the only reason I pitched in on this thread was because people were asking why it hadn't been closed. My reasons, which are endorsed by the other moderators, were simple as I stated. We enforce the rules. We don't decide what the rules should be, or shut a conversation down simply because we don't like the subject matter. Our aim is to have as many useful and informative threads running as possible, as this is what the forum is all about. We are scattered all over the world so there is always at least one of us online, usually several, to help with any questions you may have. We are not all IT experts, but we do what we can, as you will find out if you spend much time here.

I understand that accidents happen, and sometimes things "just break", and this thread really does have some good advice on some avenues that may be open to you. I hope you can get your iPad repaired or replaced.
Hi p53, I live in England and I went to my nearest Apple store with regard to a cracked screen and damaged aluminium corner. No such luck with freebies. It'll cost £250 that's about $300 at current exchange rates. I think you've done rather well.
this may be false or the person having some insurance to cover the damage .... i went today to apple store in Tampa, FL .... they are asking me $300 to replace with new ipad2 ... no other option ...

Please let us know if you found anything in form of legal document
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