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Hay Day Discussion and Game Help Thread (NO FRIEND REQUESTS)

Thanks again Chumley! And Mikimoto and EyeC999 for filling up my crates.:) I need only now 6 apple jams. Still for trade with bolts 2:1.

Gc bientambling lv 44

Mission accomplished! Thanks for all your help!
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Hi all, I'm looking for some nails and one panel. I have some tapes, screws, bars, food, sauces, jams etc to trade. Please PM me if you'd like to trade.


GC: narab1 | HD: level 61 | DV: level 22
New competition for those wanting to win diamonds.. it's counting, it looks horrific, but I'm gonna give it a bash.. lol

Check HD Facebook page.. and look for the sushi! lol :-P

iPad RD | London, UK | GC: sapphireoceans | Level 73 | If YOU won't fill your own sugar/dairy boat, I certainly won't ~ also, manners are free :-)
New competition for those wanting to win diamonds.. it's counting, it looks horrific, but I'm gonna give it a bash.. lol Check HD Facebook page.. and look for the sushi! lol :-P iPad RD | London, UK | GC: sapphireoceans | Level 73 | If YOU won't fill your own sugar/dairy boat, I certainly won't ~ also, manners are free :-)

I jus put in a random guess usin probability :o :p
Are u done countin that mess of a pic??

- Ash GC: 1ash4

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