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IPAD 2 jailbreak 4.3

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Yes 4.3 came with the iPad 2 when it initially shipped. 4.3.1 was released within a week I believe and units started shipping with 4.3.1 within a few weeks of initial launch. As far as the seller having saved shsh blobs I do not know if it would be an issue since you would be loading it on a different computer and a new iTunes account. As far as I know there were no performance/new features with the firmware updates. 4.3.1 was to patch the exploit, 4.3.2 supposedly fixed connection issues for some Verizon 3G models and 4.3.3 was the update for no longer saving the cache of location services. To verify the firmware, go to settings-general-about-version.
Yes 4.3 came with the iPad 2 when it initially shipped. 4.3.1 was released within a week I believe and units started shipping with 4.3.1 within a few weeks of initial launch. As far as the seller having saved shsh blobs I do not know if it would be an issue since you would be loading it on a different computer and a new iTunes account. As far as I know there were no performance/new features with the firmware updates. 4.3.1 was to patch the exploit, 4.3.2 supposedly fixed connection issues for some Verizon 3G models and 4.3.3 was the update for no longer saving the cache of location services. To verify the firmware, go to settings-general-about-version.

Well I have found a few sellers on craigslist but no one has responded..I have noticed that the majority of people selling iPads or even iPods for that matter on craigslist have never even heard of a jailbreak so I doubt I am going to have any success here. Even the used iPads they are selling I bet they already upgraded so I don't know where to turn from here. Too bad there isn't a store that sells the iPad 2 from the launch date..if you find a place online that sells iPad 2's from April release please let me know..
Hopefully you hear back from the sellers. I wouldn't be surprised that when a jailbrake does come out and if its only for 4.3 you would see some on craigslist and eBay and specifically mentioning that they can be jailbroken; don't be surprised to see them asking for more money as well.
Hopefully you hear back from the sellers. I wouldn't be surprised that when a jailbrake does come out and if its only for 4.3 you would see some on craigslist and eBay and specifically mentioning that they can be jailbroken; don't be surprised to see them asking for more money as well.

Well hopefully we will be hearing word in the next few days about this jailbreak working with the latest firmware..it would be a shame if it only worked with 4.3..Maybe they are just holding onto some secret info because they don't want Apple to patch it and release an updated firmware..just wish they would at least say something about what is going on
iRuthlessPad said:
Ok i have 4.3.. And i was thinking of rplacing it as it has backlight bleeding..now i m unsure if this news is true!

Yea, I'd rather deal with the little bit of light bleeding and have an awesome iPad2 with a Jailbreak!!!

iRuthlessPad said:
Ok i have 4.3.. And i was thinking of rplacing it as it has backlight bleeding..now i m unsure if this news is true!

I've got the same issue, I think I'll jailbreak it when I can and then just exchange it once the jailbreak comes out for all iOS versions
Lakerfanalways said:
So for those like me who want to get the iPad 2 we would have to hope that the new IOS 5 isn't patched as well so they can jailbreak it..I wish I knew where to purchase an iPad 2 that has 4.3 on it
I just got replacement iPad2 from apple store and it has 4.3 my older ipad2 had 4.3.2 so may be I am lucky!!!
Lakerfanalways said:
So for those like me who want to get the iPad 2 we would have to hope that the new IOS 5 isn't patched as well so they can jailbreak it..I wish I knew where to purchase an iPad 2 that has 4.3 on it

Just thinking logically: newer version will have patches from old versions plus new features.

You can expect exploits in a new features only as the old bugs will be 100% patched.
iRuthlessPad said:
Ok i have 4.3.. And i was thinking of rplacing it as it has backlight bleeding..now i m unsure if this news is true!

I've got the same issue, I think I'll jailbreak it when I can and then just exchange it once the jailbreak comes out for all iOS versions

But dude dont u think apple wud have patched all units by then?
iRuthlessPad said:
Ok i have 4.3.. And i was thinking of rplacing it as it has backlight bleeding..now i m unsure if this news is true!

I've got the same issue, I think I'll jailbreak it when I can and then just exchange it once the jailbreak comes out for all iOS versions

But dude dont u think apple wud have patched all units by then?

if bootrom exploits are found for the A5 chip, bootrom exploits cant be "patched" by apple...
holymasteric said:
if bootrom exploits are found for the A5 chip, bootrom exploits cant be "patched" by apple...

They can't patch the ones already out in the market, but they can patch it so future ones can not be exploited
HedgeHogLuvva said:
They can't patch the ones already out in the market, but they can patch it so future ones can not be exploited
From my understanding once a bootrom exploit is found the only way apple can 'patch' it is by changing the hardware (eg from A4 chip to A5 chip).

User land exploits are the ones that can can patch easily through firmware updates.
iRager said:
From my understanding once a bootrom exploit is found the only way apple can 'patch' it is by changing the hardware (eg from A4 chip to A5 chip).

User land exploits are the ones that can can patch easily through firmware updates.

I'm not that up in this area of electronics, but isn't the bootrom just a bit of software on a chip? Kind of like a bios on a pc motherboard, where the pc one can be updated by the user, the ipad only by apple?

I guess we will find out soon enough
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