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IPAD 2 jailbreak 4.3

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Thing is if there waiting for firmware 5 to come out so they can jailbreak it, maybe people aint worried about the firmware 5 been jailbreak why don't they release the 4.3.3 jailbreak if apple fix the firmware 5 that wont be a problem because i think us people with ipad2`s would be happy staying on 4.3.3 because some of the features in the firmware 5 we might never use, so i hope you can understand this and see what im trying to say

Sent from my iPad2 in Somerset
Thing is if there waiting for firmware 5 to come out so they can jailbreak it, maybe people aint worried about the firmware 5 been jailbreak why don't they release the 4.3.3 jailbreak if apple fix the firmware 5 that wont be a problem because i think us people with ipad2`s would be happy staying on 4.3.3 because some of the features in the firmware 5 we might never use, so i hope you can understand this and see what im trying to say

Sent from my iPad2 in Somerset

As I was following iPad2 JB scene for some time I can tell you that they're not releasing JB for iPad2 not because they're waiting for iOS5, but because they have problems jailbreaking even 4.3.1 and newer firmwares. As far as we know, only exploit(s) for v4.3 exist(s).

All those iOS v5 related assumptions are wrong in my understanding.
first off, we NEVER said we are waiting for iOS 5, hell the ONLY guarantee we have even given is the initial jailbreak will definitely support 4.3, thats it. don't see where anyone gets the idea that we are waiting till iOS 5, my only concern about iOS 5 is that they don't make it suck as much as they made the Lion re-invention suck ;-)
first off, we NEVER said we are waiting for iOS 5, hell the ONLY guarantee we have even given is the initial jailbreak will definitely support 4.3, thats it. don't see where anyone gets the idea that we are waiting till iOS 5, my only concern about iOS 5 is that they don't make it suck as much as they made the Lion re-invention suck ;-)

Well said!
Thanks bile for keeping us on track :)
bile said:
first off, we NEVER said we are waiting for iOS 5, hell the ONLY guarantee we have even given is the initial jailbreak will definitely support 4.3, thats it. don't see where anyone gets the idea that we are waiting till iOS 5, my only concern about iOS 5 is that they don't make it suck as much as they made the Lion re-invention suck ;-)

Thanks for the info now i got more in site on whats going on

Sent from my iPad2 in Somerset
You're a nice guy, blah blah... etc.
But you know.. it's about time to give us an ETA :) Don't you think so?

You gave us all the information except the ETA :( We will keep the secret. We promise :D
bullka said:
You're a nice guy, blah blah... etc.
But you know.. it's about time to give us an ETA :) Don't you think so?

You gave us all the information except the ETA :( We will keep the secret. We promise :D

lol Yeah please do tell us :)

Sent from my iPad2 in Somerset
You're a nice guy, blah blah... etc.
But you know.. it's about time to give us an ETA :) Don't you think so?

You gave us all the information except the ETA :( We will keep the secret. We promise :D

one thing to get to know about me VERY quickly is i personally will NEVER issue an ETA on ANYTHING ;-) sorry. josh said weeks and were working as hard as possible to make sure weeks doesnt turn into "month(s)" thats the best i can tell you.
You're a nice guy, blah blah... etc.
But you know.. it's about time to give us an ETA :) Don't you think so?

You gave us all the information except the ETA :( We will keep the secret. We promise :D

one thing to get to know about me VERY quickly is i personally will NEVER issue an ETA on ANYTHING ;-) sorry. josh said weeks and were working as hard as possible to make sure weeks doesnt turn into "month(s)" thats the best i can tell you.

That s fair enough to be honest, we just need to let the team carry on without interruptions. I'm sure 'bile' will keep us I formed regarding JB firmware versions etc. When necessary. :)
ETA's usually fall victim to murphys law, i firmly believe the second any kind of precise ETA is announced about anything it will automatically be missed.
bile said:
ETA's usually fall victim to murphys law, i firmly believe the second any kind of precise ETA is announced about anything it will automatically be missed.

Well, we do appreciate you coming back to us and keep us updated. Thanks for the work you guys do.

Good luck! We will be patiently awaiting :-)

iFrog - Sent from my iPad2 using iPF
We appreciate all of your hard work Bile..sorry to be a broken record but any further info about the jailbreak working with 4.3.3..just need to know..but if you don't know thats Ok too :-)
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