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Official iPad2 Jailbreak Chat Thread

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But I honestly wouldn't waste your time talking about multimediawill. Why are you all of a sudden putting any weight behind what he says? He has absolutely no inside knowledge of the scene or it's players at all. He simply got "lucky" and leaked the files.
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Among the leaked files were PDF files for the other versions, including 4.3.3. This suggests that the jailbreak isn't just for 4.3 (aka 4.3.0). I doubt this has changed, or that there has been some kind of 'scam'. The fact that the leaked PDF files crash the browser in other versions (I tried in 4.3.1), suggests that the exploit works in other versions (only thing missing in the leak was the working jailbreak programs for other versions; only 4.3 worked, although it wasn't final).

More silly rumours I think, they will blow over soon enough.
I have a question.. Where might the leaker have gotten this jailbreak in order to leak? Where exactly was it being hidden, or not hidden waiting for someone to 'find' and 'leak'?

The details have been covered in various places including this thread. The files were being tested in a folder belonging to Comex on www.qoid.us. They were discovered and "stolen" by Ryan Lobbins, and passed on to the guy Will who leaked them. Neither of them are anything to do with Comex or the JB teams. They are just random guys.
Will wait for moderator approval before I post the link

You are free to post a link to a forum post provided it is entirely relevant to the subject of the thread and is not a promotion or significantly breaches our rules, e.g. condones piracy. OK?

But I honestly wouldn't waste your time talking about multimediawill. Why are you all of a sudden putting any weight behind what he says? He has absolutely no knowledge of the scene or it's players at all. He simply got "lucky" and leaked the files.

Your absolutely right. I won't give any mind to what that guy has to say..he just loves starting trouble and going on and on about how happy he is on his jailbroken iPad..basically rubbing it in that we can't jailbreak and he has been able to..what an absolute(Well I cant say the rest of what I think of him LOL) the ONLY two people that really matter are Musclenerd and Comex..those two people are the only ones that can give legit info
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f4780y said:
The details have been covered in various places including this thread. The files were being tested in a folder belonging to Comex on www.qoid.us. They were discovered and "stolen" by Ryan Lobbins, and passed on to the guy Will who leaked them. Neither of them are anything to do with Comex or the JB teams. They are just random guys.

Thanks for the clarity..

Sent from Jailbroken my iPad Deux (32gb WiFi iOS4.3).. d(-_-)b
I want the jailbreak to be true for 4.3.3 but I am starting to doubt a little. Bear in mind I never did before. It just sounds strange that he does not say anything other than innuendos, hints and teasers. What for? He is not divulging the jailbreak details. I don't think this will happen guys.
Ultimately, Comex can either show his hand and prove the leaker wrong by releasing the bigger badder jailbreak which works for all iOS versions and be the hero, OR, cry foul then take his toys and go home.. After allegedly working tirelessly for MONTHS...

Which do y'all really believe he'll do?

Sent from Jailbroken my iPad Deux (32gb WiFi iOS4.3).. d(-_-)b

Comex owes, you, me, or anyone else nothing. Not like he is under contract to do this. And yes, like I said I am ot looking for anything to come out, if it does its a bonus, if not, I am not disappointed.
Psunate77 said:
Comex owes, you, me, or anyone else nothing. Not like he is under contract to do this. And yes, like I said I am ot looking for anything to come out, if it does its a bonus, if not, I am not disappointed.

You are correct..

Sent from Jailbroken my iPad Deux (32gb WiFi iOS4.3).. d(-_-)b
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