iPF Noob
Lakerfanalways said:Actually Musclenerd came on this forum weeks ago and said without any shadow of a doubt that the jailbreak was for 4.3.1-4.3.3 so of course many people updated assuming what he was saying was the my iPad 2 came with 4.3.3 so of course I have no choice but to stay on what I already have otherwise I would have downgraded a long time ago
True, but just as soon as someone asked him if they should update his answer was "its your ipad, so its your choice. I take no responsability..." .
As always...
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I tell ya what, its the rumors that have been circulating on twitter and other sites that have gotten me the most upset. I don't mind waiting for the jailbreak to come, if it takes another week so be it..but its the constant rumors about this whole thing being a giant scam that worries me. All over twitter people are accusing both Comex and Musclenerd of being liars and neither have them have said anything about it. I tell ya, if someone accused me of being a liar I'd want to clear my name yet they say nothing..sometimes the silence CAN be deafening..I will of course continue to hope for the best but when this is all said and done I hope I wasn't made to look like a giant fool