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Official iPad2 Jailbreak Chat Thread

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Wookiee2cu said:
You mean if you go to different wifi locations you have problems connecting? I've seen a few comments regarding this issue but wasn't sure if it was a legit problem or just an issue for very few people.

yup i tried several wifi access points and it cannot connect. i tried it on my laptop and my iphone and it worked fine.

the only access point that is working is the one i used to jailbreak my ipad2.

Looks like fake. Somebody replied to that forum that it doesn't work on 3G models. Will wait for a response from author of that thread. Because he wrote that 3G models are supported.

I don't think it's fake, only thing what they explain there is how you can redirect traffic from the hardcoded IP address to one of your own...

What I do doubt though is that their copy of the pdfs contains one that does work on 3G models...

I tried writing a PM to you, but I can't ofcourse (this is my first post), could you send me one with the relevant links from that forum post??
Maybe their pdfs are different, doubtful, but worth a try :)
kustard said:
Just saw a 'leaked email' between comex and will stating that the jailbreak will be released tomorrow...me thinks this email may be a fake! Has anybody else seen it?

way too may fakes to feel comfortable.
I'm not sure if this will help those who missed out yesterday or if this will work. I have 4.3 but I have 3G so I can't check it. Here is a link that still has all the files.

Since I have only posted once it would not allow me to post a link.

~ removed ~

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Well there's something happening cos have a look JailbreakMe

You won't get another warning after this. You are new here, but you need to catch up on the news. There are literaly hundreds of posts in this thread relating to that site and why you are NOT seeing anything change. You are simply seeing a chacheing error. Don't post about seeing a change on jailbreakme.com until you see a real change!
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- Sent from my BRAND-NEW iPad 2! :D
I video from that Russian site I wrote earlier today.
It runs on 4.3.3 8j2 model.

You can see in the left menu "сотовые данные" which means "cellular". I have only 3G model and my iPad has this menu. But what about Wifi models? Do they have that in Settings? If no - it means that 3G model is in the video.

What do you think?

YouTube - ‪Ipad2‬‏

Regardless of the 3G issue it clearly says 4.3.3 when he boots into Cydia, so that will at least be good news for Wi-Fi only guys anyway.

I'll probably wait for the official release, but its good to see progress on the later firmwares.

However if this is true them apple will certainly try and patch it quickly.
Regardless of the 3G issue it clearly says 4.3.3 when he boots into Cydia, so that will at least be good news for Wi-Fi only guys anyway.

Yep.. I was excited as well that 4.3.3 and not 4.3 is in that video.

Sorry for my bad English.. but could anybody explain what @comex had in mind writting something about a window of two days or whatever.

Does that mean that (if ofcourse the mail is genuine) @comex plans to release JB in two days? 6th of July? (email was received on 4th).
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