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Official iPad2 Jailbreak Chat Thread

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Don't buy the email at all. Comex is getting abused on twitter, his email is probably filled and the guy who he chooses to give info too is the guy who released his work earlier? The same guy he called moron? Sorry something is fishy.

Seriously if this isn't out today, don't look for It. Be wasteful to do it with IOS5 around the corner.
How would it be wasteful if the exploit is already exposed and thus fixed in future firmwares? What would be wasteful is throwing away all his work.....
I think the best thing for jailbreak devs would be not to give out any info or hints whatsoever on when jailbreaks will be available.

Damn I'd flat out deny that I was even working on one.

Geohot plays it about right on that score.
I think the best thing for jailbreak devs would be not to give out any info or hints whatsoever on when jailbreaks will be available.

Damn I'd flat out deny that I was even working on one.

Geohot plays it about right on that score.

I'm curious as to your reasoning. As long as he does not disclose his coding, why does it matter Comex giving out an ETA. How does that help Apple? I see it helping settle a lot of anxiety of hundreds of thousands of people waiting on the JB. That's a lot of power for a couple of people to have.
Hi noobie here. So I have been following the thread for sometime now and still, I can't understand about shsh blobs etc... Like most of you, I'm waiting for the JB as well. So I have an ipad2 with 4.3. Do I have to save anything or do anything to get it ready for JB? Thanks...
Hi noobie here. So I have been following the thread for sometime now and still, I can't understand about shsh blobs etc... Like most of you, I'm waiting for the JB as well. So I have an ipad2 with 4.3. Do I have to save anything or do anything to get it ready for JB? Thanks...

really?..... three spaces above this thread and mentioned in the several pages of posts and nothing?


on the prep part. Get TU (above thread) and save 4.3.3 SHSH blob.
Feel it for you guys, I'm happy I got the jailbreak for my iPad 2 WIFI only- no bugs encountered thus far, but some say using outside wifi hotspots are troublesome..?

ALL cydia apps are working, cannot see any difference between my ex-JAILBROKEN iPad 1 (sold it this morning) and my JAILBROKEN ipad2- apart from apps running a lot quicker & smoother now :D

Hang in there guys, main thing is the jailbreak IS possible now- we HAVE the proof- only a matter of time when it is released by comex or, dare I say it, leaked?

What I wanna know is where is @musclenerd and @bile these days, we could do with some clarification on the scene right now...

Sent from my JAILBROKEN ipad2 64gb wifi only model (3.40) :)
If we dont hear anything from Comex today(Since today is the 4th of July we should hear SOMETHING) then forget the whole thing..just consider it a giant epic fail..I doubt the email is legit anyone could have made it, but with all of the tweets Comex has been getting couldn't he just say something..anything..?? He has been accused these last few days of being a liar, of never having a jailbreak, just making stuff up for publicity and not a peep from him..makes you think there is something to those accusations
If we dont hear anything from Comex today(Since today is the 4th of July we should hear SOMETHING) then forget the whole thing..just consider it a giant epic fail..I doubt the email is legit anyone could have made it, but with all of the tweets Comex has been getting couldn't he just say something..anything..?? He has been accused these last few days of being a liar, of never having a jailbreak, just making stuff up for publicity and not a peep from him..makes you think there is something to those accusations

To comex defense the whole thing was made and then leaked. He cold be totally mad about the leak and just basically said screw it. He really owes nobody an explantion or apology.
If we dont hear anything from Comex today(Since today is the 4th of July we should hear SOMETHING) then forget the whole thing..just consider it a giant epic fail..I doubt the email is legit anyone could have made it, but with all of the tweets Comex has been getting couldn't he just say something..anything..?? He has been accused these last few days of being a liar, of never having a jailbreak, just making stuff up for publicity and not a peep from him..makes you think there is something to those accusations

To comex defense the whole thing was made and then leaked. He cold be totally pissed aout the leak and just basically said screw it. He really owes nobody an explantion or apology.

he could, but if you worked on something for 10 months, you'd probably want to finish it. anyway, considering that comex pointedly debunked the fact that he was responsible for the jailbreakme auction, i'd say he's still working on it.

whether or not we'll get the jailbreak today, check again at 7am GMT 5th of July
If we dont hear anything from Comex today(Since today is the 4th of July we should hear SOMETHING) then forget the whole thing..just consider it a giant epic fail..I doubt the email is legit anyone could have made it, but with all of the tweets Comex has been getting couldn't he just say something..anything..?? He has been accused these last few days of being a liar, of never having a jailbreak, just making stuff up for publicity and not a peep from him..makes you think there is something to those accusations

Yay... more senseless accusations....
If you consider the email to be false, why should we hear something from him today then? Did he say it? Did he give a deadline himself? Nowhere to be found (still considering your assumption the email is bogus).
It's all just been exagerated to a level where it isn't funny anymore, just sad.
And that has been done by posts like yours. Here, macrumors, twitter, anywhere people think comex owes them this jailbreak.
But, wake up call, he still doesn't....
If we dont hear anything from Comex today(Since today is the 4th of July we should hear SOMETHING) then forget the whole thing..just consider it a giant epic fail..I doubt the email is legit anyone could have made it, but with all of the tweets Comex has been getting couldn't he just say something..anything..?? He has been accused these last few days of being a liar, of never having a jailbreak, just making stuff up for publicity and not a peep from him..makes you think there is something to those accusations

Yay... more senseless accusations....
If you consider the email to be false, why should we hear something from him today then? Did he say it? Did he give a deadline himself? Nowhere to be found (still considering your assumption the email is bogus).
It's all just been exagerated to a level where it isn't funny anymore, just sad.
And that has been done by posts like yours. Here, macrumors, twitter, anywhere people think comex owes them this jailbreak.
But, wake up call, he still doesn't....

I NEVER said he owed anyone a jailbreak..HE is the one that came out and asked for the 4.3.1-4.3.3 files..no one put a gun to his head and forced him to do anything..he said he would create a jailbreak..then for weeks posted "Almost ready" and "running out of bugs to fix" and stuff like that..of course he doesn't owe anyone anything but when he feeds info like that then doesn't deliver on what he said yeah people are gonna be pissed..if I promised a jailbreak and did the same thing I would be getting the same kinds of messages
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