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Official iPad2 Jailbreak Chat Thread

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f4780y said:
Way to live up to your username! We take staying on topic pretty seriously here Paul. Can I suggest you try our sister forum iphoneforums.net, or post your problem in its own thread in the hacking section. Don't hijack another thread!

I'm well aware mr mod I've been following it sense post 70 and I've no intent on hijacking figured I'd save the trouble of having to back track through posts in another theses and getting the read previous posts and stay on topic. This was one of the things brought up before is saving and restoring older shsh files so I'm not much off topic but seeing how you were so polite about it mr mod sure thing I'll go to another topic.

Sent from my iPad with no flash :(

You are off topic. You are talking about your iPhone. This is an iPad forum. That is why the previous Moderator gave you the link to our iPhone site.

Don't go "to another topic". Go to the topic of this thread.

JB iPad2.;)
Sorry as I am sure this has been mentioned in stickys and here, but should we stay on 4.3.2 rather than 4.3.3.. or update?

Either way it seems we can't restore via SHSH (3G)? and may be forced to update to 4.3.4 (if there is one) if our iPad's get bricked by a jailbreak (that isn't out).

I know the standard rule is to stay as low as possible, but if the potential JB will be for 4.3.x then we may as well update to 4.3.3?

Is the only reason now to stay on 4.3.2 is if by some chance the JB works for this firmware but not 4.3.3?
elektrobank said:
Sorry as I am sure this has been mentioned in stickys and here, but should we stay on 4.3.2 rather than 4.3.3.. or update?

Either way it seems we can't restore via SHSH (3G)? and may be forced to update to 4.3.4 (if there is one) if our iPad's get bricked by a jailbreak (that isn't out).

I know the standard rule is to stay as low as possible, but if the potential JB will be for 4.3.x then we may as well update to 4.3.3?

Is the only reason now to stay on 4.3.2 is if by some chance the JB works for this firmware but not 4.3.3?

I think the best thing is to update to 4.3.3 because apple might release a new firmware anytime and stop signing 4.3.3 blobs. Thats for all ipad 2 users even 3g owners, even if they cant downgrade at the moment maybe one day they will be able to. But if u lost the 4.3.3 blobs and bricked the ipad after a jailbreak you will end up restoring to 4.3.4 or whatever apple will release. I also dont think apple will release anything bec the only working pdf in the leak was for 4.3.0 which is already fixed in later firmwares.

Sent from my NEVER going to be jailbroken - IPAD2 4.3.1 (32gb) Wifi Only -
elektrobank said:
Is the only reason now to stay on 4.3.2 is if by some chance the JB works for this firmware but not 4.3.3?

Correct. If a working 4.3.3 JB is released for iPad2 the advice would be upgrade immediately and run the JB. The chance of if working on 4.3.2 and not 4.3.3 is minuscule, but the common thinking is, why take the chance? You've already seen how staying on 4.3 has "benefited" some this weekend.
f4780y said:
OK. We'll agree to disagree on restoring an iPhone not being off topic!

I agree about the fact that iPhone being involved is off topic but everything else I said was mentioned as something that should be done for the iPad 2 for the (hopefully) upcoming jailbreak. If I'm having issues doing something on an iOS 3.3.3 using something I saved from the device then it could stand to reason the same thing could happen if trying to roll back an iPad 2 using the same method. (I may have the numbers a bit jumbled).

Correct me if I'm wrong on that thought

Sent from my iPad with no flash :(
Meanderpaul said:
I agree about the fact that iPhone being involved is off topic but everything else I said was mentioned as something that should be done for the iPad 2 for the (hopefully) upcoming jailbreak. If I'm having issues doing something on an iOS 3.3.3 using something I saved from the device then it could stand to reason the same thing could happen if trying to roll back an iPad 2 using the same method. (I may have the numbers a bit jumbled).

Correct me if I'm wrong on that thought

Sent from my iPad with no flash :(

You're not. But you're basically white noise on a thread that's not interested in your iPhone worries. I'm not trying to be rude to you here, just understand that even if you had the iPhone 5 and were having issues (which will probably have more in common with the iPad 2), it would still be off topic.

It's not really that hard to understand how it'll be so much more relevant in a separate thread, if not a separate forum. You can find similarities between your issue and the iPad all you want, but TWO moderators seem to think you should take this elsewhere. I think that's probably more reason to drop it than you'll ever find.
elektrobank said:
Is the only reason now to stay on 4.3.2 is if by some chance the JB works for this firmware but not 4.3.3?

Correct. If a working 4.3.3 JB is released for iPad2 the advice would be upgrade immediately and run the JB. The chance of if working on 4.3.2 and not 4.3.3 is minuscule, but the common thinking is, why take the chance? You've already seen how staying on 4.3 has "benefited" some this weekend.

Worst comes to worst and apple release 4.3.4 before you upgrade to 4.3.3 you will have to stay on 4.3.2 and JB that and stay there. Can you upgrade with SHSH blobs (3G) I.e. 4.3.2 to 4.3.3 even though 4.3.4 out (for arguments sake)?
Wookiee2cu said:
Huh? The vulnerability in 4.3 WAS patched in 4.3.1. Even if Apple does release a patch it's no big deal as long as you don't update to it. Apple would more than likely release a patch after comex released the official JB even if the beta never got leaked.

What I meant was, if the leaked JB was the old vulnerability (which was patched with 4.3.1) instead of a new one (unpatched, assuming there is one), Apple would be in no hurry to release 4.3.4. This would tell us if it actually was a new JB that will work on all versions.

Has anyone tried the Russian 4.3.3 thing and gotten it to work? I have Ubuntu on my HTPC... maybe I should give it a try.
"You're not. But you're basically white noise on a thread that's not interested in your iPhone"


There are a lot of frustrated ppl on this forum waiting for any sign of a jailbreak..

Anyway, like I keep posting, where the hell is @musclenerd or @bile? I would have thought they would have been all over this thread now :confused:

Sent from my JAILBROKEN ipad2 64gb wifi only model (3.40) :D
What should I do to be ready for the official jailbreak? New to jail breaking so if someone can tell me or point me in the right direction I would appreciate it. Currently have iPad 2 wifi running on 4.3.1 do I need to save something or use tiny umbrella? Really not tech savvy so need baby steps.
What should I do to be ready for the official jailbreak? New to jail breaking so if someone can tell me or point me in the right direction I would appreciate it. Currently have iPad 2 wifi running on 4.3.1 do I need to save something or use tiny umbrella? Really not tech savvy so need baby steps.

If you don't already have Tiny Umbrella downloaded, do so and save the SHSHs for 4.3.3. Even though you are currently on 4.3.1, you can only save SHSHs for whatever firmware Apple is signing, which currently is 4.3.3.
If you don't already have Tiny Umbrella downloaded, do so and save the SHSHs for 4.3.3. Even though you are currently on 4.3.1, you can only save SHSHs for whatever firmware Apple is signing, which currently is 4.3.3.

thanks for this info, was not aware. i am on 4.3 and when i saved, it was showing up 4.3.3.
What should I do to be ready for the official jailbreak? New to jail breaking so if someone can tell me or point me in the right direction I would appreciate it. Currently have iPad 2 wifi running on 4.3.1 do I need to save something or use tiny umbrella? Really not tech savvy so need baby steps.

SEARCH much? First BABY step.. use the search function.. this forum has loads of info than you can imagine!

engelke2011 said:
If you don't already have Tiny Umbrella downloaded, do so and save the SHSHs for 4.3.3. Even though you are currently on 4.3.1, you can only save SHSHs for whatever firmware Apple is signing, which currently is 4.3.3.

Thanks for this info.. This was very helpful, as I just now save 4.3.3, though I'm on 4.3.0...

Sent from Jailbroken my iPad Deux (32gb WiFi iOS4.3).. d(-_-)b
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