The Kleaner
iPF Noob
Been holding off saving my shsh...went ahead and downloaded TU and backed it up just in case. 

m0nk said:Activator just updated by iOS Dev @rpetrich to ensure compatibility with new jailbreak. Just another step, people.
Lysin said:What is the "activator"? XD
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graywolf said:A jailbreak tweak. It allows you to use gestures and button presses to control stuff. Like press and hold the home button to... say.... go to the next track if you are playing music.
Latest tweet from @comex with @willmerchan indicate final testing of graphix is underway before relaunch! Yay for no ETA- this is like Xmas!
Latest tweet from @comex with @willmerchan indicate final testing of graphix is underway before relaunch! Yay for no ETA- this is like Xmas!
He probably wouldn't release it until morning, though. At this hour he'd be limiting the window of useful time before it's patched by a few hours, no?
bulletbilly has a post-it note saying "We'll be back soon!", I hope it's really soon!
Lysin said:lol...
I give up!
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bulletbilly has a post-it note saying "We'll be back soon!", I hope it's really soon!