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Official iPad2 Jailbreak Chat Thread

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bulletbilly said:
jailbreakme.com has a post-it note saying "We'll be back soon!", I hope it's really soon!

So far, we've learned that "soon" can mean months! Lol but I think this time it will be hours. (less than 24)


How about comex's tweet. "42"
Doesn't that mean 42hours? Or he just mistyped it and should be 24hours?lol
The Russian guy provided some more details. The device in the video is:

MC985LL - 16Gb wifi+3g Verzion CDMA with iOS 4.3.3

The same guys reported that:
1. His iPad refused to connect to Wifi at his office (wrong password),
2. Another iPad he jailbreaked (he didn't mention the model name) had problems registering gmail account.
3. On all models - using terminal ended in white apple and restore.

He tested 4 models:

Successfully (with the bugs above) jailberaked:
MC983RS/A - 32Gb wifi+3g GSM
MC985LL - 16Gb wifi+3g Verzion CDMA
MC948LL/A - 64 Gb wifi+3G

Couldn't jailbreak:
ipad2 32Gb wifi

As we see it's totally oposite what are success stories in the western countries. Russians somehow managed to JB 4.3.3 and 3G models (but not WIFI), and the rest of the world - WIFI only running on 4.3.

I video from that Russian site I wrote earlier today.
It runs on 4.3.3 8j2 model.

You can see in the left menu "сотовые данные" which means "cellular". I have only 3G model and my iPad has this menu. But what about Wifi models? Do they have that in Settings? If no - it means that 3G model is in the video.

What do you think?

YouTube - ‪Ipad2‬‏
How about comex's tweet. "42"
Doesn't that mean 42hours? Or he just mistyped it and should be 24hours?lol
Just click on who hes responding to to see what he was asked. It was just how many people will ask him when it will come out within a hour, meaningless.
antonio107 said:
Hey, there's not even a modem jack on the iPad for a dialup connection. Asking iPad users to be patient is like asking a Ferrari owner to obey the speed limit at all times. Ain't gonna happen...:D

This one made me <chuckle>.. I never understood iPadders until I got mine..

- "non est ponenda sine necessitate" (William of Occam)
Can I briefly hijack some cheer into the thread? Ok, thx :D

Search is your friend. . .


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I need to exchange my iPad 2 soon.. There is very bad bleeding (light bleed that takes up a quarter of the screen in just one spot) and I get less than 7 hours of battery life, which is being generous (I had an iPad 1 before and know what it should be)

Anyway, how long does Apple take to release these patches? I would probably die if I got an iPad 2 that I had to wait another 5 months to get a jailbreak on! The closest Apple store is 2.5 hours away and I don't want to drive that far
I need to exchange my iPad 2 soon.. There is very bad bleeding (light bleed that takes up a quarter of the screen in just one spot) and I get less than 7 hours of battery life, which is being generous (I had an iPad 1 before and know what it should be)

Anyway, how long does Apple take to release these patches? I would probably die if I got an iPad 2 that I had to wait another 5 months to get a jailbreak on! The closest Apple store is 2.5 hours away and I don't want to drive that far

It varies how long they take to release them. But if you exchange your iPad it won't be shipped with 4.3.4 lol, you'll still be able to jailbreak it when you get it.
iCuiD said:
The iPad 2 Jailbreak (JailbreakMe 3.0) should be released today/tomorrow according to besttechinfo, check it out! :D

Thanks, only mentioned here a zillion times.

I hope hope hope it is released soon so this thread can be locked and banished for ever and can enjoy the rest of IPF :)
elektrobank said:
Thanks, only mentioned here a zillion times.

I hope hope hope it is released soon so this thread can be locked and banished for ever and can enjoy the rest of IPF :)

If this thread gets closed, I'll be wandering aimlessly through other iPF threads, LOL.

- Sent from my BRAND-NEW iPad 2! :D
kevbo said:
I need to exchange my iPad 2 soon.. There is very bad bleeding (light bleed that takes up a quarter of the screen in just one spot) and I get less than 7 hours of battery life, which is being generous (I had an iPad 1 before and know what it should be)

Anyway, how long does Apple take to release these patches? I would probably die if I got an iPad 2 that I had to wait another 5 months to get a jailbreak on! The closest Apple store is 2.5 hours away and I don't want to drive that far

Same here with the light bleeding. Just go into an apple store, (if you live by one) and you can walk out with another same day. I need to do that tomorrow for sure.
KaiHD said:
If this thread gets closed, I'll be wandering aimlessly through other iPF threads, LOL.

- Sent from my BRAND-NEW iPad 2! :D

Not me - I can't wait to get stuck into the JB tweaks threads and stickys which I've been very disciplined not to look at as yet :)
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