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Official iPad2 Jailbreak Chat Thread

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Pod2g just bought an iPhone 4s and he will be testing it..If the jailbreak on 4s success then not need to worry for iPad 2 as both the devices using A5 processor...
Hi all.. New member here
Thank God i bought this iPad in the state of iOS 4.3.3 and successfully jailbreak using jailbreakme3.0. Wanna share something here.
My experience here was happen 2 days after the jailbreak. Having problem with crash and cannot do anything because the view on the screen became out of scale.. So frustrated that i need to upgrade to 4.3.4 because at that time was the new release of iOS. 4 days i kept reading about jailbreaking because this is my 1st Apple product i'd puchased.

Finally found the step using Tinyumbrella saying about shsh blob and i knew i can downgrade it. Succesfully downgrade, jailbreak again using the same as mentioned before and i know the reason why the problem happen to me at that time. I miss the step and didn't put the PDFpatcher as Cydia and Comex adviced.

Since then..everything seems to be ok. Now, i'm also waiting for the untether jailbreak on 5.0.1 like everyone here. For those who still not succesfully jailbreak your device..be patient..

Thanks for ipod2g that still keep the hardworks for us all.
Which has already been covered here - http://www.ipadforums.net/ipad-hacking/57345-news-new-version-redsn0w-0-9-9-many-new-features.html

and to avoid the inevitable questions that your post will cause, THIS CHANGES NOTHING AS REGARDS THE IPAD2 JAILBREAK STATUS!

I get where you are coming from, but since this is the Official iPad 2 Jailbreak thread, i checked the first post and didn't see any updates, and was just hinting for it to be updated, as i would believe, this is where people might be looking for anything new, especially those that subscribed to this thread and will receive an Email.

And i always forget about the news section too, didn't see it.
We're not sure yet. podg didn't say what firmware his a5 units are on, though his a4 jailbreak works on 5.0.1 Hopefully we'll hear something before the update.
glassheart said:
Hello everybody... Anybody.... I own ipad 2 3g i would like to update to 5.0.1 and i am also hoping for a jailbreak... Is it fine?
Depends what software version your on.

If your on 4.3.3, then jb is available

If your on 4.3.4-4.3.5 I'd say you should update, as far as we know, no one is working on a jb for anything under 5.0

If your on 5.0, I'd stay there for the time being, however save your SHSH blobs ASAP
Depends what software version your on.

If your on 4.3.3, then jb is available

If your on 4.3.4-4.3.5 I'd say you should update, as far as we know, no one is working on a jb for anything under 5.0

If your on 5.0, I'd stay there for the time being, however save your SHSH blobs ASAP

I started on 4.3.5 and now I am on 5.0. I think that I have done everything right to save available SHSH blobs. This is what it appears I have saved:
5.0b1, 5.0b2, 5.0b3, 5.0b4, 5.0b5, 5.0b6

Have I done everything that is possible at this point?

rickyricardo said:
I started on 4.3.5 and now I am on 5.0
If your on 5.0 then stay there at the moment

rickyricardo said:
This is what it appears I have saved:
4.3.5, 5.0b1, 5.0b2, 5.0b3, 5.0b4, 5.0b5, 5.0b6
It looks like 5.0.1 blobs aren't saved, you might need to uncheck the cydia thing in advanced app.

I'd link you to the tutorial on how to save blobs (including those from cydia) but don't know to to link from the ipf app.

edit: here's the link:
Follow it step by step and you'll be fine
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If your on 5.0 then stay there at the moment

It looks like 5.0.1 blobs aren't saved, you might need to uncheck the cydia thing in advanced app.

I'd link you to the tutorial on how to save blobs (including those from cydia) but don't know to to link from the ipf app.

edit: here's the link:
HOW TO - Save your SHSH Blobs with TinyUmbrella
Follow it step by step and you'll be fine

I did read this tutorial, but thank you for the link. But for whatever reason I cant save 5.0.1. So let me make sure i got this right, you are saying I can save blobs for 5.0.1 even though I am not on it???

rickyricardo said:
I did read this tutorial, but thank you for the link. But for whatever reason I cant save 5.0.1. So let me make sure i got this right, you are saying I can save blobs for 5.0.1 even though I am not on it???


You are not following the steps in the tutorial if it is not saving 5.0.1. You can ALWAYS get blobs for the current firmware, which is 5.0.1 today. Otherwise you would never be able to install it, would you? ;)
You are not following the steps in the tutorial if it is not saving 5.0.1. You can ALWAYS get blobs for the current firmware, which is 5.0.1 today. Otherwise you would never be able to install it, would you? ;)

Well sir, I appreciate your help, really.........but I was following the steps to the T. What I did realize though, I was using an older version of TU, not sure if that really made a difference but what I did discover after installing the newest version of TU was that my Antivirus was blocking TU. After installing the newest version of TU a popup window appeared asking me if I wanted to unblock TU. I did, and then was able to save 5.0.1. So you see, it is not always that the newbie isnt following steps or directions properly, sometimes other factors may be involved.

But, whatever...........the bottom line is I got it done and couldnt have without everyones help here on this site. So.......................thanks!
rickyricardo said:
Well sir, I appreciate your help, really.........but I was following the steps to the T. What I did realize though, I was using an older version of TU, not sure if that really made a difference but what I did discover after installing the newest version of TU was that my Antivirus was blocking TU. After installing the newest version of TU a popup window appeared asking me if I wanted to unblock TU. I did, and then was able to save 5.0.1. So you see, it is not always that the newbie isnt following steps or directions properly, sometimes other factors may be involved.

But, whatever...........the bottom line is I got it done and couldnt have without everyones help here on this site. So.......................thanks!

My apologies. When you said you "looked" at the tutorial and queried whether you could get 5.0.1 without it being installed, it didn't give me much confidence you had followed all the steps or read the information posted here about SHSH Blobs. Most folks just glance over and assume what they did was the same.
Glad you got it fixed.
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