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Official iPad2 Jailbreak Chat Thread

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Hi i have recently bought and iPad 2 and straight away downloaded iOS 5.0.1 but now want to jailbreak it!!! Is there anyway possible or have I not got any chance of doing it?



No, sorry, there is absolutely nothing you can do as things stand except wait. Nobody knows when a JB may be released for 5.x on iPad2.
Cheers looks like am going to have to wait!!! have you saw the team dev video on YouTube? I'm wondering if it's safe and a reliable source?
Jailbreaks are never announced or released on YouTube. It is not a safe source for JB news. As soon as there is any legitimate news it will be posted here as well as every other legitimate Apple forum and blog on the planet.
erezsha said:
Isn't it any way to workaround the downgrade blocking issue from ios 5 to 4.3.3 in IPad2 if I don't have the blob saved?

No. It is impossible. If there was, everyone would be doing it.
Stupid Noob Mistake

I am in the same boat as Tazlaa. However, I have a question...

This may be a dumb question but within iTunes, there is an option to restorethe device, "If you are experiencing prolems with your iPad, you can restore its original settings by clicking Restore." If I do this, will this revert my device back to its original factory setting, including the pre 5.0 software?
I think that as soon as they come out with a version for Windows that I am going to send them my crash report(s).

I will definitely be doing the same. Though the depressing reality is that the magic 5 exploits are patched and there is nothing in the works. This is an ingenious snooping method though.
I am on 4.3.5...i want to know if is there anyway to jb on this FW? or shud i upgrade to ios 5.1?? OR shud i stay on it?? by the way found some videos..are they legit?

[Moderator edit: Removed links to external jail break methods. We have our own tutorials here, that are well written and up-to-date. Please don't post from other sites. Thanks.]
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There is no jailbreak for the iPad2 on iOS 4.3.5, nor is there one for it on iOS 5.x yet.

If you have found other jailbreaking sites that claim to jail break those versions for the iPad2, they are not legit. Stay tuned to this forum (or other legitimate jail breaking sites ... that are referenced on this forum) for the latest news on jail breaking the iPad2.

Unfortunately, iPad2 owners are playing a waiting game. Could be a while ... could be tomorrow. Regardless, when it happens, all boards like this one will light up with the news and you'll know right away that it's legitimate.

Just, have patience....

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