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Official iPad2 Jailbreak Chat Thread

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Of all the tweaks, I miss my 5 row keyboard the most. I upgraded to 5.01 a few days ago, and that's the hardest thing do do without surprisingly, lol.
Thanks for the reply. I tried to save SHSH blobs but 4.3.5 was already out and it would not save 4.3.3.

The good news is that WHEN Apple releases 5.1 or 5.0.2 - the MOMENT it happens it will post here and then you have 18-24hrs to get upgraded to 5.0.1 before the window closes. So stay close in touch with this thread and enjoy your 4.3.3 jailbreak for a while longer. But you'll need to check in with here if you want to live dangerously. The servers will be very busy for that final 24 hours too.. SO -- one thing you could do to make sure you'll be ok is to 'download 5.0.1 to iTunes' NOW -- since that's what takes forever but MAKE SURE to NOT INSTALL it yet.. That's an option in iTunes. Download but NOT install. THEN the moment you hear about either the jailbreak being released OR that 5.1 is available at iTunes THEN you can actually INSTALL the 5.0.1 file you already downloaded to iTunes- that's in there waiting to be installed. That gives you the max time jailbroken before you HAVE to upgrade. That's what I've heard several are doing too.
AfternoonShift said:
don't be cheap! :P Most apps are .99cents and are totally worth the purchase. Plus it makes it much easier for updates :)

In my country if I wanna by 15$ iTunes gift then I have to pay around 40$ by our currency I think this gonna be a good excuse to wait for the jailbreak till it formed ...may I right?!
DaftPunk said:
In my country if I wanna by 15$ iTunes gift then I have to pay around 40$ by our currency I think this gonna be a good excuse to wait for the jailbreak till it formed ...may I right?!

Watch out, we got a pirate over here! :P
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Watch out, we got a pirate over here! :P

Unfortunately, in my country we are not allowed to purchase thru our credit card from itunes. So just like the previous poster we have to pay premium prices for apps. I am puzzled why Apple has this poilicy yet allow China unlimited access to itunes.
In my country if I wanna by 15$ iTunes gift then I have to pay around 40$ by our currency I think this gonna be a good excuse to wait for the jailbreak till it formed ...may I right?!

Let this be a warning to all who post here: IF you are talking about stealing apps ~ not paying for them that is piracy, illegal, low and a forbidden topic on this forum.

Be careful.
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SweetPoison said:
Let this be a warning to all who post here: IF you are talking about stealing apps ~ not paying for them that is piracy, illegal, low and a forbidden topic on this forum.

Be careful.

Got it darling :p thank u
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