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Official iPad2 Jailbreak Chat Thread

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knobtasticus said:
It is glaringly ironic that the current jailbreak we're focusing on has apparently been delayed because of bugs in a process to make the jailbreak quicker. Surely that defines counter-productivity?

I admit that I know far less about the JB details than I want to, but as I understand it, the previous process required moving a lot of original files. The unionfs allows making "mirrors" of these files, meaning that they can be left where Apple intended them to be. I think that the fewer changes the JB has to make to the original system the better it is for stability as well as for speed. The fact that the files won't have to be copied in the JB process is probably not "just speed related".
Hello, I've been following this forum for the last few months and like everyone im excited for a JB whenever it comes.

Anyway, rather than moan that nothing has been released etc, I wondered if there is something we could do to help... and although donating to jailbreakers helps, it is limiting and could be better...

My idea is if someone setup a pot where we could all donate to, and whoever creates the first jailbreak wins it. we could show what the pot gets to and gives a real intensive if it gets big! Makes it a bit of a competition, its fun and could encourage more donations! what do you think?

Also, people ask how to get the news first, twitter is good and I use this list. I cant post a link but if you add this to a twitter url it will show anyone associated with jailbreaking: AshTemple/jailbreakers
Few issues with that:

1) who do we trust with the money
2) its currently a one horse race so the prize pool can only go to one guy.

The jailbreak is done, comex is just sorting out some issues
Hello, I've been following this forum for the last few months and like everyone im excited for a JB whenever it comes.

Anyway, rather than moan that nothing has been released etc, I wondered if there is something we could do to help... and although donating to jailbreakers helps, it is limiting and could be better...

My idea is if someone setup a pot where we could all donate to, and whoever creates the first jailbreak wins it. we could show what the pot gets to and gives a real intensive if it gets big! Makes it a bit of a competition, its fun and could encourage more donations! what do you think?

Also, people ask how to get the news first, twitter is good and I use this list. I cant post a link but if you add this to a twitter url it will show anyone associated with jailbreaking: AshTemple/jailbreakers

What you are asking for is illegal. A provision in the law was made for jail breaking. But the main point of the law is that monies cannot be made directly off his work. Donations is even a reallly really slippery slope. People need to show support for this provision because it is only temporary, Up for review every 3 years. If anyone is to donate to keep jbing alive it would be Cydia. The whole jbing thing is s nightmare in courts, common sense and logical people are fighting using old laws in court to keep companies from running us like a governement. All that needs to be said is apple is imposing their culture and beliefs on us, which is bull**** you are a company that's barely older than I.
Yeah, trust could be an issue, but if the mod of a trust worthy site (cough, like this one) wanted to setup an account then I think people would trust paying into that account. Or maybe create some kind of escrow account where all donators become an member but only 1 is a trustee (although that could be more complicated).

Once the account has a decent endorsement then it would be easy to host within a site

And yes, I am really am hoping that the jailbreak comes out soon, but I've heard that for months. but we will always need new jailbreaks, iPhone 5 is out soon etc etc
Froznking said:
What you are asking for is illegal. A provision in the law was made for jail breaking. But the main point of the law is that monies cannot be made directly off his work......

Really? Where does it say that? I only ask, as some apps cydia are paid, right? And would not work without the jailbreak, right, so therefore all the people taking money for those apps are getting it 'directly off his work' and should go to court?

iWant my iCloud
NickHillUK said:
Really? Where does it say that? I only ask, as some apps cydia are paid, right? And would not work without the jailbreak, right, so therefore all the people taking money for those apps are getting it 'directly off his work' and should go to court?

iWant my iCloud

Unless they are directly tied together it would not happen that way. Curia would have to be directly involved in the jailbreak process to be able to be sued over this otherwise it's just another quick way to make a buck.

Sent from my iPad with no flash :(
Meanderpaul said:
Unless they are directly tied together it would not happen that way. Curia would have to be directly involved in the jailbreak process to be able to be sued over this otherwise it's just another quick way to make a buck.

Sent from my iPad with no flash :(

My iPad auto correct kept changing cydia to Curia as well :)

iWant my iCloud
It's crazy all the comments @comex is getting. People asking him to release it today, some asking for him to release it on Sunday... It sounds like it will be out at least by Sunday. :)

Comex didn't give any indication as of to when it will be out. All he as said is that he's having issues with unionfs and if he couldn't get them sorted out today, it's cut.
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