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Official iPad2 Jailbreak Chat Thread

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iRuthlessPad said:
So it seems tommorrow will be D-day...and then....nothing..this discussion starts all over again..people coming and asking 'so how do i jb?'

Sent from my iPad using iPF

If its PDF and then they as how to,, then they [Moderation: derogatory comment deleted - DM51] :P srry for my language

Sent from my iPad using iPF
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RudyL90 said:
Someone heard anything about a possible release of a iPad 2 JB tomorrow?

No. It's already Sunday here, though. (I'm 15hrs ahead of LA)

- Sent from my BRAND-NEW iPad 2! :D
Half past twelve now... Let's see what the Sunday brings..

bad news. if PST time is the closest we know Comex to follow, then it's only Saturday there. Which means that you will have to wait until (basing this on your statement which leads me to believe that you are GMT +1) around 22:00 which will then be 13:00 on their Sunday. so still some waiting for us in the gmt + zones.
The last time sunday was funday, it happened on Monday GMT, around 5 am if I remember correctly. Going by that, even if Sunday was promised to be funday, I wouldn't expect anything till I wake up monday morning.
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