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Official iPad2 Jailbreak Chat Thread

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I'm not a JB guy, so Leigh will probably give me an infraction (:D) but I found this article interesting...

Nothing wrong with that Tim. Good effort!
It's a demarkation dispute - I shouldn't try to answer questions when I have no idea what I'm talking about....

Yes - cool avatar - it appeared by magic!! I wonder who could have done that? :D

Also found this in slideshow format.

Jailbreaking iOS

I also downloaded the files in pdf and keynotes/powerpoint format to read later, so if anybody wants me to upload them somewhere just let me know.
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~ moderated - no need to respond to a spammers message or take the discussion further off topic - let the moderators moderate ~
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Im sorry but did chpwn give that bootstrap to comex already? I have read their tweets an i had no clue. Maybe i missed something or i just dont understand comex's last tweet regarding the image.

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f4780y said:
No idea why it was closed, however I have re-opened and merged the new thread in here.

As frustrating as it is to moderate, I want to keep all you scamps in one place until the JB is released :D

Your so considerate mod that's why we love you guys ;)

Sent from my iPad with no flash :(
Update from Comex twitter:

'Just read the latest Dev Team blog post... if you have an iPad 2, it would be a very good idea to save your 4.3.x SHSH blobs.'
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