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Official iPad2 Jailbreak Chat Thread

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Based on some recent tweets from MuscleNerd and NitoTV (bile), it looks like Apple may have found a way to block jailbreakers from downgrading firmwares via saved SHSH blobs in iOS 5... If I understand their tweets correctly that is.
Wookiee2cu said:
Based on some recent tweets from MuscleNerd and NitoTV (bile), it looks like Apple may have found a way to block jailbreakers from downgrading firmwares via saved SHSH blobs in iOS 5... If I understand their tweets correctly that is.

F4780y have started a thread about this.

- Sent from my BRAND-NEW iPad 2! :D
these people ( comex, et al.) are obviously just enjoying the mass attention from this. He has an ipad 2 jailbreak that works and now it has been delayed and delayed because he wants to make it faster? people who are still making excuses for these people are really just clueless.

is it right to dangle a treat in front of a dog and lead him around for hours upon hours without letting him have it?

sure we all really want this but these people are ~ edited by moderator ~ for the way they have gone about it.

Watch your language please.
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They owe us nothing, they will release it when they are good and ready. If you don't like it then learn to code yourself. I'm also guessing your going to get a warning in 3,2,1...
koenan said:
sure we all really want this but these people are real **** for the way they have gone about it.

Be careful with the language, that can earn you a warning, or worse.

Just saying...

Sent from my Nexus One using iPad Forums App
Ipad 2 Jailbreak Imminent!

@comex‎: okay, I need a bootstrap and I need to convince myself that I'm being silly about @chpwn's extra 673 bytes of image, and...
Via twitter

@iH8sn0w: I doubt @comex would release it this late.
Via twitter in answer to someone saying he should go to bed and wait till next Sunday!

I think it's finally coming!
kanyewesttx said:
Ok, so with that being said I'm guessing the bootstrap is one of the final stages of the jailbreak being done. Correct?

That's what veeence said and ih8sn0w corrected him saying not even close. After that ih8sn0w tweeted that he thinks we ain't gonna have too wait till next Sunday.

So my opinion is...we are getting really close to the "final stage"
Crossing fingers that its released tomorrow. Monday can be Funday. I dont know what bootstrap means but I Guess it means hes in the final stage of the jailbreak? Anyone care to explain what the heck bootstrap means
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