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Official iPad2 Jailbreak Chat Thread

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To check for iPad 2 JB, go to 'www.jailbreakme.com/_'. If it's there, it's there.

- Sent from my BRAND-NEW iPad 2! :D
KaiHD said:
To check for iPad 2 JB, go to 'www.jailbreakme.com/_'. If it's there, it's there.

- Sent from my BRAND-NEW iPad 2! :D

No offence but i think people still gonna ask when that JB online is etc etc..

Sent from my iPad using iPF
Oh no, not this again ... Just ignore the site until the JB is out ... Check tweets and the thread fatboy has .. Official jb something something (can't remember the name) :)
Really guys? Again? Have we learnt nothing since the teaser was posted?

You are only seeing a problem with the distributed caching of the site. Nothing more. It has been posted about dozens of times in this very thread...

Until you see the actual iPad2 jailbreak on the site, please do us all a favour and stop posting that it has changed! IT HAS NOT!
f4780y said:
Really guys? Again? Have we learnt nothing since the teaser was posted?

You are only seeing a problem with the distributed caching of the site. Nothing more. It has been posted about dozens of times in this very thread...

Until you see the actual iPad2 jailbreak on the site, please do us all a favour and stop posting that it has changed! IT HAS NOT!

I agree n.n

Sent from my iPad using iPF
For those familiar with the original jailbreakme.com, when Comex does not tweet for three days(Since Im on the West Coast it shows up for me as three days) is that normal for him to do before he releases something.? Very odd that he has not posted in a while
For the last **** hes on vacation for 1 week

Stop reading only what you want

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That means nothing. When comex jail broke chpwn iPad 2 on 4.3 Musclenerd stated he was 2000 miles away from it. He doesn't need to be in his own 4 Walls to do his magic :)
RudyL90 said:
Someone on twitter said he is probably on vacation in Greece.

Smomeone and probably says it all ...

I don't care if he is on vacations or not, but before people saying he is they should provide the sources...

Btw, wasnt that tweet a joke about greece's current financial status? Just putting 2 and 2 togheter...

Sent from my iPad using iPF
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