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Official iPad2 Jailbreak Chat Thread

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graywolf said:
I wouldn't go to 4.3.3 yet just in case the jb is for 4.3. If you go to 4.3.3, there would be no way to downgrade if the jb is available for 4.3.

I though the JB is for 4.3.x

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skinnytjj said:
I though the JB is for 4.3.x

Sent from my iPad using iPF

I really don't know. I don't have an iPad 2 so I really haven't been keeping up to date with this thread. My point is still valid though if the jailbreak is only for 4.3.3.

Appreciate the suggestion, as all indications seem to point to a JB for 4.3.x, but, it does not seem very clear cut and becomes a dilemma for all that are on 4.3 given that we cannot save a blob, as well until we go to 4.3.3.
Apologies for the post, this must have been answered in the past but could not find it. I am on 4.3 waiting for this JB. I understand that to be able to save my current blob I need to go on to 4.3.3. Are most of you on 4.3.3 already? Would you all recommend for me to go to 4.3.3 now before JB'ing?

First of all, you don't have to update your iPad to 4.3.3 in order to save your blob. The issue is that even if you do save your blob right now, it would only be for 4.3.3 because that's the only version that Apple is returning results for. It took me a bit to understand this. Basically, the process allows you to downgrade to the latest firmware as of the time you run TinyUmbrella. So, it doesn't matter that you're still on 4.3, TinyUmbrella will only receive a signature for 4.3.3 from Apple's servers. I wish I had known this as I would have definitely saved my blobs the day I received my iPad. By all means though, save your blob now in case the jailbreak is released and Apple pumps out 4.3.4 that blocks the jailbreak. Just know that you will never be able to downgrade to 4.3 (at least not using the currently available tools***).

Still, I agree with graywolf. The safest bet is to stay on 4.3 since no one knows for sure what version of iOS for the iPad 2 will be supported by the jailbreak. Who knows, maybe it'll be an untethered jailbreak for 4.3 and a tethered jailbreak for 4.3.3. You've made it this far...why not wait and see. Believe me when I say I know it can be difficult to wait. I have to remind myself over and over! :)

***Please note that iFaith is available and allows you to recover a blob from your own device (no need to ping Apple) and so you might be able to get your 4.3 blobs at some point, but for now, iFaith does not support the iPad 2.***
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NickHillUK said:
But isn't that the issue, that there no updates? All the fuel for this thread is speculation coming from within.....

iWant my iCloud

My point is simply that the reason comex hasn't released his JB is just because he is not done
As for the updates they aren't to tell us he is done or to give us an eta it's just to tell us what he is
currently on. If he doesn't give us any updates then it's because he just doesn't feel that
his current progress isn't worth posting.

The problem is that everyone is just to quick to start assuming things at the first sign of an update, the lack of updates, or the time he is taking in finishing.

He post something everyone starts assuming he's almost done
He doesn't post something everyone starts assuming he's holding out or is having problems
He takes too long and everyone starts assuming he isn't planning on releasing until iOS 5 or he is just holding out for publicity.

So basically the only thing users should be looking for is when he finally post that tweet "it's done here you go" and quit stressing over the rest
I think that was the main reason p0sixninja stopped working on his JB as it was initially only going to be for 4.3 where as comex's JB was going to be for all firmwares so it really didn't make much sense to continue working on it.
Well looks like comex is posting a lot on twitter the past 24 hours so I'm guessing he is done with the jailbreak and dosent have so much work to do. And he also answers on his twitter that the will put the source code on github, Comex himself confirming something like this must mean that he is finished with the jailbreak and already has a set release time in his mind to confirm a question like this. These are just small simple deductions
Well looks like comex is posting a lot on twitter the past 24 hours so I'm guessing he is done with the jailbreak and dosent have so much work to do. And he also answers on his twitter that the will put the source code on github, Comex himself confirming something like this must mean that he is finished with the jailbreak and already has a set release time in his mind to confirm a question like this. These are just small simple deductions

Its all a matter of Saurik sending him the bootstrap or whatever the heck that guy is supposed to do..I presume it takes him 24 hours to do it..for those familiar with how Saurik works, is there any chance he refuses to do it for Comex..or will it automatically be done? Once its done the jailbreak will be posted
I don't see him saying no to comex, cydia depends on jailbreak so you don't really want to mess with the dev team who make the jailbreak happen.
brrip said:
I don't see him saying no to comex, cydia depends on jailbreak so you don't really want to mess with the dev team who make the jailbreak happen.

I respect those guys who make the JB :O

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Some people just don't understand that these things take time (I don't mean you cryptic)
The reason another team drops out from the project, in this case p0sixninja, is because they don't all find the same exploit.
They each usually find a different one. So the one that's furthest from finishing their respective JB drops out in order to save their exploit for later in the hopes that it will still be available in the future.

This was the case if I'm not mistaken with greenp0ison. The original exploit which they named shatter was supposed to be used in that JB but geohot came along and released his limera1n exploit before them so they decided to save their exploit and go with his. Which was also one of the reasons that greenp0ison was delayed.

All updates regarding future JB are simply to inform the rest of us in where
they're currently at with the project and nothing more. It's not for publicity or anything of the sort. People want to know the progress on these things so they give them to you and in turn it makes the wait feel longer bcs everyone begins to assume that they are almost done with every update, but it's nothing more than them trying to keep you up to date with their progress.

Talking about Geohot- shame he's out of the scene- last time I heard about him was when he accepted the jailbreak challenge for the ipad2, next think he's WORKING for Facebook!
Comex, you are our only hope (for now). :eek:
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