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What do you think you'll use your iPad for?

I watch two toddlers everyday. I think my Ipad will help me keep my sanity while having to watch cartoons. I'm and avid reader and it will replace my Kindle.
it'll be educational if i can find a way to read all my pdf files
my songwriting hobby will be easier if i brought all my sheets
reading books
For me it will replace 2 things that are currently in my briefcase.
iPod Touch and the "book du jour".

I too travel extensively and do a lot of flights from LAX - LHR or LAX - SIN, so having movies or TV shows to see after I seem to have been through the video library on the airlines after a few flights will be great. I am looking forward to using the Internet function now that WiFi on airplanes is becoming more and more a reality daily but for me 3G is a requirement as I just always want to be able to connect not just 80 - 90% of the time when traveling.

I ordered the 3G 64MB model on the first day you could so hopefully will have mine within the next 10 - 15 days. I already have the Apple cover and stand/keyboard now just need to unit to get going.

I've already downloaded 6 or 7 apps (free ones for now) as well as the apps I already have for the iPod touch........is it the end of April yet?????
Ill probably get an extra one for the bathroom....with a rope!
... careful not to confuse it with the soap pad! :p

Do they make ziplock bags big enough to handle the iPad?
Sure they do. And that is a good point. Carry some with you in the trunk of your car if you need to be out in really bad weather to protect the iPad from water damage. I have seen men with zip locked electronics dump a canoe and get everything back in working order after some frantic diving and grouping around.

My question is will the iPad float?
I want the iPad do for me my day-2-day computing stuff as much as possible.
I want it to replace my MacBookPro for 80% of my day. But I already know, that this will not happen before fall (OS4.0).

And because we are using Lotus Notes in our company, that will be another "hot" topic.

Currently I bought a 32GB model, but I'm considering a 64-3G, once it's out in Europe and I do have some experience with the iPad (which I hopefully pick up from customs tomorrow).
Mine would be surfing and check all the sites I check daily. Schedule my due bills and plan ahead with then calendar. Is mainly going to be my organizer in a way.
hoping to use mine for assistive technology


I am Kati from UK. I wondered if you would mind me picking your brains for info as you already have the iPad over in the US!

I am hoping to get an iPad when it comes out here at end of May. I want to use it for Assistive Technology, it will have the Proloquo2go text-to-speech app on.

I was wondering if anyone can tell me if you can alter screen sensitivity on iPad so its not over sensitive and wouldn't activate a button/icon I caught accidentally whilst trying to press a different one? (I have difficulties with co-ordination)

I also need a tough case just in case its dropped off knee (am wheelchair user), one that also has a stand would be good so I can prop it up on a table indoors to communicate with or have it on lap outdoors I would like pink.

Anyone know what the screen glare is like for outside as touchscreens are not usually good outdoors? (I can never see Nintendo DS screen to use in garden!)



I am Kati from UK. I wondered if you would mind me picking your brains for info as you already have the iPad over in the US!

I am hoping to get an iPad when it comes out here at end of May. I want to use it for Assistive Technology, it will have the Proloquo2go text-to-speech app on.

I was wondering if anyone can tell me if you can alter screen sensitivity on iPad so its not over sensitive and wouldn't activate a button/icon I caught accidentally whilst trying to press a different one? (I have difficulties with co-ordination)

I also need a tough case just in case its dropped off knee (am wheelchair user), one that also has a stand would be good so I can prop it up on a table indoors to communicate with or have it on lap outdoors I would like pink.

Anyone know what the screen glare is like for outside as touchscreens are not usually good outdoors? (I can never see Nintendo DS screen to use in garden!)



As an American I like the fact that you used the word "whilst".

I do not own an Ipad yet as it is slated to arrive "Late April" AKA April 30th, but that is a whole other story. What I can say is that I have seen an Ipad out in the wild and the glare can be severe. However this is often the case with many glass screen devices. The application of an appropriate screen protector can rectify this to an extent. The issue is most apparent in direct sunlight.

The touch sensitivity? Great question I hope someone can chime in. A Google search did not turn up any results.

In regards to mounting your Ipad. I would suggest taking a look at ram-mounts.com here is a direct link Apple iPad Mounts

I use Ram mounts to mount a GPS to my Harley, Laptop to my Treadmill, TV on my deck. They make an excellent product and can mount anything to anything else.

If there exists a tendency for things to fall off your lap I would be very careful with the Ipad, even in a case. I have seen a number of websites demonstrate that it can easily get damaged from a 3-4 feet fall on carpet.

Good luck and I hope you get the Ipad to work out for you. At my organization the Ipad is up for consideration as an assistive technology tool. Our primary concern is durability.
As a yorkshire lass I love the fact you have an Harley.. lol! :)

Don't you use the word 'whilst' over there? I don't tend to use it in everyday conversation but it came up on word prediction.

Thanks for the link, the apple mounts look good, the car mount that clamps to something further down might possibly clamp onto wheelchair frame. It seems to be a US company though would they ship to UK? (I'm thinking a metal pole/plate would be heavy for shipping costs!)

Its worrying that it can be damaged easily from fall onto carpets as I dont have any. (special vinyl that's easier to clean up tyre marks from chairs - looks like wood flooring but waterproof backing).

I'm mostly housebound so it should be ok for indoor use ipod/movies also planning to use it as jumbo touchscreen remote via something like mini red eye app as I struggle with small buttons. I do have a Lightwriter SL40 as well I can use for outdoor appointments. Do you work in 'Assistive Technology' field?
iPadOne. was that necessary?

I know the spam is unbearable on here at times, but sheesh, chill. Just spam him with a PM telling him that it's against the rules or something, I saw it too but passed up the opportunity, expecting that a Mod would end his exploitive attitude by morning when they get on.

I personally would like to know what quick button we have for marking threads or posts as SPAM, perhaps a call button to make the mods aware. How soon do they actually see these by morning? not sure...
There is a report post button, right below your user pic. Its two yellow !! marks, next to the little msn looking guy. Looks like this.

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