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Airport City Trading Centre

Thanks to those who sent me fuel yesterday. I've only got 6 aerosols to get now but have run out of supplies again! If anyone can send landing lamp, fuel supply or ossilating beacon that would be great.

Jdm (level 29, level 4 runway, 6 hangers - 3 brown, 2 green 1 red all above the runway)[
Jdm0101 said:
Thanks to those who sent me fuel yesterday. I've only got 6 aerosols to get now but have run out of supplies again! If anyone can send landing lamp, fuel supply or ossilating beacon that would be great.

Jdm (level 29, level 4 runway, 6 hangers - 3 brown, 2 green 1 red all above the runway)[

Sent fuel supply

captain flop (level 26)
Hi everyone!

I'm back on now but unfortunately I lose my old game. I have had to start from the beginning again and my new username is jimghjj2. I'd appreciate it if you could all re add me as a friend with the new username. Still waiting for gi to compensate me but it looks as if I'm only going to get the 96 bucks I bought back! I only have pretty rubbish gifts at the moment but if anyone needs Leyden jars or fuel I can sort you out.(if I can find you with this pathetic username situation).

Glad you're back! What would you like me to send tomorrow?
Jdm0101 said:
Thanks to those who sent me fuel yesterday. I've only got 6 aerosols to get now but have run out of supplies again! If anyone can send landing lamp, fuel supply or ossilating beacon that would be great.

Jdm (level 29, level 4 runway, 6 hangers - 3 brown, 2 green 1 red all above the runway)[

Have just sent a beacon.

Sian and David ( level 35 )
stewartsathome said:
That's so annoying for you :( have added you. Let me know what you want am just gifting now

captain flop (level 26)

Can you gift bright lantern? If not surprise me,I need everything as I progress as I've lost all of the gifts I had off everyone in the past. It also looks as if they've taken my ability to gift tv panels to people too.:(
Thanks Sian and David and captain flop - have received them. Will send something back.

Jbg364 said:
A landing lamp please. I'm trying to build the Airship Dock.

Already sent catering today but have put you down for landing lamp tomorrow.

Sian and David ( level 35 )
Jbg364 said:
Would you please send me a handling line today? Did you manage to get all the sandbags and rope blocks for the Airship Dock?

Will send handling line tonight. All I need are the rope blocks to finish the dock. I'll be flying to Bali all day :) Do you want me to switch you back to catering after this?

User Fannie Fargo 32
Barbara59 said:
Propeller for me please and a Leyden jar or something for the airship dock ( other than channel bar) for Sian.

Are you still after additional radar?

Sian and David ( level 35 )

I have you for a spare propeller and I will switch between a handling line and a Leyden jar for Sian. Radar still good for mr thanks!

User Fannie Fargo 32
stewartsathome said:
Once I get rid of my Halloween shops I am going to build a hotel so towels would be good thanks

captain flop (level 26)

Towels coming tonight. Let me know when you have enough.

User Fannie Fargo 32
jimghjj said:
Hi everyone!

I'm back on now but unfortunately I lose my old game. I have had to start from the beginning again and my new username is jimghjj2. I'd appreciate it if you could all re add me as a friend with the new username. Still waiting for gi to compensate me but it looks as if I'm only going to get the 96 bucks I bought back! I only have pretty rubbish gifts at the moment but if anyone needs Leyden jars or fuel I can sort you out.(if I can find you with this pathetic username situation).

Jim- welcome back to the game! What do you need?

User Fannie Fargo 32

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