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Airport City Trading Centre

stewartsathome said:
Am ready to gift again and have names, so what is everyone's requests

captain flop (level 26)

Hey captain flop,

Do you have a sandbag, channel bar or a rope block? Those would be great. Have the handling line already.
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I just sent out a bunch of handling lines this afternoon... Just not exactly sure who got them!

I can send more to anyone who needs them in the morning.
lilly2 said:
Hey captain flop,

Do you have a sandbag, channel bar or a rope block? Those would be great. Have the handling line already.

I will send you a channel bar

Sian and David ( level 35 )
Just got to level 20' can gift channel bar, oscillating beacon, landing gear and flight catering in addition to the usual passengers and fuel and items listed in my signature. Let me know what you need and I'll send them later. Can't seem to see any names now with the user name problem.

Jim - have sent you a neighbor request. Let me know what u need.

Letgnis, lvl 20
Will send handling line tonight. All I need are the rope blocks to finish the dock. I'll be flying to Bali all day :) Do you want me to switch you back to catering after this?

User Fannie Fargo 32

Thanks. I still need a channel bar (too bad we can't send gifts to ourselves) and 3 sandbags and 3 rope blocks. Hopefully I'll be able to collect it all before my time runs out. If you have nav modules or fuel hoses to send I'm going to stockpile. I've been sending you beacons. Would you rather have something else?
Letgnis said:
Just got to level 20' can gift channel bar, oscillating beacon, landing gear and flight catering in addition to the usual passengers and fuel and items listed in my signature. Let me know what you need and I'll send them later. Can't seem to see any names now with the user name problem.

Jim - have sent you a neighbor request. Let me know what u need.

Letgnis, lvl 20

Flight catering would be great. I have been sending you fuel supply every day. Do you still want that?

Sian and David ( level 35 )
Jbg364 said:
Thanks. I still need a channel bar (too bad we can't send gifts to ourselves) and 3 sandbags and 3 rope blocks. Hopefully I'll be able to collect it all before my time runs out. If you have nav modules or fuel hoses to send I'm going to stockpile. I've been sending you beacons. Would you rather have something else?

I've got channel bars. Do you want one tomorrow?

Sian and David ( level 35 )
Hey captain flop,

Do you have a sandbag, channel bar or a rope block? Those would be great. Have the handling line already.

How many channel bars do you need? I can send one in the morning.
Jdm0101 said:
Thanks to those who sent me fuel yesterday. I've only got 6 aerosols to get now but have run out of supplies again! If anyone can send landing lamp, fuel supply or ossilating beacon that would be great.

Jdm (level 29, level 4 runway, 6 hangers - 3 brown, 2 green 1 red all above the runway)[

I'm pretty sure we are already neighbors but I can't find you. I can send you all 3 things. Tell me more about your city please.

User Fannie Fargo 32
Ewikaa said:
I've just sent you one. If you can I need landing lamps.

I would send you 1 but I can't find you anywhere. Please give me your level and a description of your airport

User Fannie Fargo 32
L1ttle Angel said:
Hi Fannie!

I don't have a handling line, but may be I can send you something else in return for your Wide-angle Binoculars.

Little Angel (level 25)
Video Board, Air Conditioner, Cockpit Glass, Welder, Landing Lamp, Radar, Handling Line, Bath Towel, Flight Helmet, Jet Engine, Stapler, Power Source, Amperemeter, Laser Cutter, Landing Gear, Packaging Machine, Navigation Module, Archive Box, Fuel Hose, Gyroscope.

Power source (1), Insulation (2), Shredder (1), Stamp (2), Wide-angle Binoculars (1), Weather Display (2), Stapler (1), Calculator (2), Bench (1), Video Board (3), Do Not Disturb Sign (4), Bath Towel (1), Disposable Shampoo (4), All-inclusive Bracelet (1).

I have looked a few more times and I still can't find you!

User Fannie Fargo 32
Did anyone get shampoo to finish hotel? Is anyone who has somethink like this?

P.S. I can't finish Halloween mission because I can't get 'velvet' from Halloween shop. Did/do you have the same problem? I have maximum numer of shops - 10 and from 7 days I didn't get velvet :(.

Pls send me all-inc. bracelet if you can.

lilly2 said:
Hey captain flop,

Do you have a sandbag, channel bar or a rope block? Those would be great. Have the handling line already.

I have sandbag but I lost my names again and have a few level 32. Can u describe your airport including hangars and runways and I will have a go at sending u one

captain flop (level 26)

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