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Airport City Trading Centre

I haven't even gotten a surfboard :) Maybe we could swim there and bring them back ourselves! Better yet, let's take your surfboards!

User Fannie Fargo 32

Sounds like a plan! Do you want another landing lamp tomorrow?
Frenetta said:
Hi Captain - could you add me for landing lamps or fuel please? I've got you for a towel or do you have enough yet? Would you like me to put you on the list for something different?

User Fannie Fargo 32

Landing lamps sent. Towel or something for airship dock, seems I still need one of each item apart from rope block which I need 4 off

captain flop (level 26)
I am also missing wax and have loads of all the other items! Down to only 3 aerosols needed now though. Does the new mission with the airdock have a time limited? Worried how much time I have lost on these aerosols.

Have discovered that every now and again a black waith appears at neighbours. Have just spent 30 mins going back and forth 6 neighbours (max I can visit) until I could click on black waiths. Got 2 aerosols which is about as many I used to get from visiting neighbours with the soul net bonus before the update.

I am also missing wax and have loads of all the other items! Down to only 3 aerosols needed now though. Does the new mission with the airdock have a time limited? Worried how much time I have lost on these aerosols.

Have discovered that every now and again a black waith appears at neighbours. Have just spent 30 mins going back and forth 6 neighbours (max I can visit) until I could click on black waiths. Got 2 aerosols which is about as many I used to get from visiting neighbours with the soul net bonus before the update.


I don't understand second part :(
I do in this way - I am runing /starting soul net and I wait. In two minutes (4 to finish active soul net) appear one black waith and I kill it, after next two minutes (2 to finish active soul net) and kill again. After this I have almost 2 minutes active soul net and I visit as many neighbors as possible. Always I click in white phantom. I visit about 7 neighbors and click always 5 white phantom and I am getting few aerosols.
You're not doing anything wrong. I found that my Halloween shops dropped lots of velvet but I did't get one piece of wood. I finally got the wood block from a neighbour's shop so maybe you can get a piece of velvet from a neighbour. Keep trying!

Thanks a lot for advice. I'll be try.

stewartsathome said:
Landing lamps sent. Towel or something for airship dock, seems I still need one of each item apart from rope block which I need 4 off

captain flop (level 26)

Will send handling line today and towel tomorrow.

User Fannie Fargo 32
TomekOla said:
I don't understand second part :(
I do in this way - I am runing /starting soul net and I wait. In two minutes (4 to finish active soul net) appear one black waith and I kill it, after next two minutes (2 to finish active soul net) and kill again. After this I have almost 2 minutes active soul net and I visit as many neighbors as possible. Always I click in white phantom. I visit about 7 neighbors and click always 5 white phantom and I am getting few aerosols.

I didn't realise you could still get aerosols from white waiths at neighbours - that would have helped!
If that works then no need to do my painstaking route to wait for black waiths at neighbours. Drop rate is just as bad though.
I just kept visiting my neighbours and waiting for the black ones to appear and then clicking on them.
Think I have send propeller to Sian and David and a sandbag to captain flop. Let me know if you get them so I know I found the right airports.

Need to spend some time finding the rest of you. Can you give details of your airports when asking for things please. Thanks.

Can everyone send me landing lamps until further notice? I need hundreds of them to upgrade by the looks of it!

Here is a screenshot of my airport if it helps anyone find me

captain flop (level 26)
I am also missing wax and have loads of all the other items! Down to only 3 aerosols needed now though. Does the new mission with the airdock have a time limited? Worried how much time I have lost on these aerosols.

Have discovered that every now and again a black waith appears at neighbours. Have just spent 30 mins going back and forth 6 neighbours (max I can visit) until I could click on black waiths. Got 2 aerosols which is about as many I used to get from visiting neighbours with the soul net bonus before the update.


It does have a time limit but I don't think the clock starts until you build the dock and then you have 3 days (?) to collect all the items to finish it.
Will try again tomorrow captain flop. Have been through my neighbours from level 20-26 but didn't find you! Used to be able to find you with no problem - but it's late so I am probably overlooking your airport.


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