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Airport City Trading Centre

I need the following:

1 x ATM
4 x Sandbag
4 x Rope Block
2 x Red Paint

Let me know what you need in return?
Just sent my ticket in to GI about not being able to see friend's holiday buildings when visiting. Will let you know if I get anything other than a form letter back.
I'm not sure how to say this but... no, I didn't. But I love you for trying so hard! :) I can't see your avatar in the game either? (just sent you a lantern though :))

Okay, so I won't try that again. That's too bad because I had them to gift this morning. I'll see if I can send one tonight. So, some can see my pic in the game and others can't. Nothing about this game is ever simple, is it?
Thx for sending stuff to Siannnn. Unfortunately she has messed about with her phones clock and is not able to gift or visit neighbours. Not sure how long it will take to correct itself.

Sian and David ( level 35 ) Need propeller, nav module, beacon, fuel hose or catering.

Is she still able to receive gifts?
Watch out for the Christmas tree that comes with the ice palace and make sure you use it. It gives one gift per day of an item for a collection. So far I have had a surf board and a lassi! This looks as though it might prove useful.

Sian and David ( level 35 ) Need propeller, nav module, or fuel hose

Thanks for all the tips today!
Jbg364 said:
Thanks for all the tips today!

No problem Glad to be able to help. By the way if you can afford to buy the Christmas gift shop it gives gifts needed for the sleigh flights.

Sian and David ( level 35 ) Need propeller, nav module, or fuel hose
Frenetta said:
Well, just had an interesting gifting session. Started out very nicely; lots of pretty avatars to find! I started with my usernames because they are generally the toughest to deal with. For some reason, Lilly's avatar was missing and while I was trying to go back out because I couldn't get the gift she needed, my game crashed. When I went back in, my usernames were scattered to the heavens and I had now lost the avatar for the Captain. Finally found everyone but it was a bit of a mess. Jdm and Vibbster - hope you got the display cases. Esther - I managed to nab a security camera for you. Hope it arrived. Jim and Lilly - I tried so hard but failed. You got lanterns along with everyone else who asked for them. Hope they all got to you!

Thanks for the display case - I have got it. Also got some lanterns so thanks whoever sent those. Wish we could see profile pics with the gifts!

Thanks to all those helping vibbster to see me!

Will gift once my day resets later.

jdm- level 31. need: old lanterns, POS, security camera, glass display case, anti-theft case
In my game he is level 22 with a level 3 runway, 2 green hangers and 3 brown. Has a couple of green multi storey buildings by the town hall.

Sian and David ( level 35 ) Need propeller, nav module, beacon, fuel hose or catering.

Thank you!
Vibbster said:
Thank you!

Yeah - have sent you heater to celebrate (have a couple of spare gift slots left before the day resets)

jdm- level 31. need: old lanterns, POS, security camera, glass display case, anti-theft case
Do You see My picture?
I don't know how to change My pic on the game. I think is the facebook pic

Sent from my iPad using iPF
Vibbster said:
I cot the Glass Case - hurray! And thank for uploading the pic, that really helps, found Jdm ;)

Chocolate from me, enjoy it ;)

Guys, if you have still some free gift slots, I'm trying to get below items...


Need: sleigh cover, pos, security camera, a-t gate, glass display case, stamp, city model, master plan
Chocolate from me, enjoy it ;)

Guys, if you have still some free gift slots, I'm trying to get below items...


Need: sleigh cover, pos, security camera, a-t gate, glass display case, stamp, city model, master plan

Just added you. Have one gift left to send this afternoon so . . . .
Jdm0101 said:
Thanks for the display case - I have got it. Also got some lanterns so thanks whoever sent those. Wish we could see profile pics with the gifts!

Thanks to all those helping vibbster to see me!

Will gift once my day resets later.

jdm- level 31. need: old lanterns, POS, security camera, glass display case, anti-theft case

Sometimes I do see the pics with the gifts. It's a mystery as to why.

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