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Airport City Trading Centre

Everyone who's here now tell me what you want from my next gifting. None of you will be around when I wake up and it's time for me to gift!

Sorry, sent you a lantern. Will send catering or, if available, something else on your list tomorrow. I don't know if anyone has had anti-theft gates to gift but I still need one for L2 DFS. I can always use a lantern. Thanks!
Frenetta said:
Everyone who's here now tell me what you want from my next gifting. None of you will be around when I wake up and it's time for me to gift!

Lantern please just waking up here its 6.38am ....

Xmas gifts only please old lanterns or gifts for the gift shop thanks
Gifts sent today: (1) Old Lantern - Little Angel, Captain flop, Fannie, Lilly2, Jimghjj2, Ircro; (2) Pearl Earrings - Vibbster, Fred123; (3) Fuel Hose - Sian and David; (4) Sleigh Oil - Vic123, Yorkshireguy, Avoxio; (5) POS - Provost
Barbara59 said:
Just what Vibbster already posted

Sian and David ( level 35 ) Need fuel hose, propeller or nav module.

What was the deal about Santa House and Christmas tree? I'm now building the ice castle, Christmas tree and Santa's House. Should I not Finnish Santa's House? Does the tree drop one item every day during Christmas?
Jbg364 said:
Sorry, sent you a lantern. Will send catering or, if available, something else on your list tomorrow. I don't know if anyone has had anti-theft gates to gift but I still need one for L2 DFS. I can always use a lantern. Thanks!

I can use the lantern! I realized that I'm really low on catering so I need to stock up fast. I have yet to see a gate in the gift list. I need them too!
Fred123thytdytdg said:
Lantern please just waking up here its 6.38am ....

Xmas gifts only please old lanterns or gifts for the gift shop thanks

Good morning to you! Lantern will be headed your way but for now, I'm off to bed.
Frenetta said:
I can use the lantern! I realized that I'm really low on catering so I need to stock up fast. I have yet to see a gate in the gift list. I need them too!

Catering sent :)

captain flop (level 29) old lanterns, fuel supply, spare wire. Thank you, I love u all ;)
Vibbster said:
What was the deal about Santa House and Christmas tree? I'm now building the ice castle, Christmas tree and Santa's House. Should I not Finnish Santa's House? Does the tree drop one item every day during Christmas?

This is the note I have written down: get the liquid nitrogen, 2 snow makers, and artificial ice for the Ice Castle before you build it. Items cost $8 each and you can't get them from sleigh flights once you build the building.
Make sure to use the Christmas Tree daily. It gives good gifts.
I'm not this far along on the challenge myself, so I'm not sure about any of this. Good luck!
Jbg364 said:
We were neighbours - I have a photo of your airport. I've had a couple of friends just disappear and you must be one of them. With the username issue it's been hard to keep track. I'll notice that I'm down a neighbour but can't tell who it is. The pics are really helpful. I'll try adding you again in a minute.

I had to re add lilly2 after she disappeared from my list. A few others couldn't see her either,so I'd check for her first.
lilly2 said:
News flash...

I sent the GI support a complaint and then photos of the "username" issue and the issue when names randomly appear only to disappear when you visit someone. Here was their response... Note - he says it is expected to be resolved in the upcoming update. Seems like they've said that before, but we will see...

Michael Pastorius, Dec 11 18:58 (MSK):
Thank you for reporting this matter and providing me with the details requested!
Our engineers have been informed and are taking necessary measures to troubleshoot the problem. Anticipating your question on the time when the issue is completely resolved I would like to let you know that it is expected to be eliminated in the upcoming update.
As a note, I am going to mark the request as "solved" to avoid sending you system reminders asking to update the request. As mentioned above, fixing the issue is in the process, and it might take us some time to test the new version and make it available for you. Please, keep it in mind and check for the updates uploaded.
Thank you for choosing our application!
Michael Pastorius
Your Support Team


I sent one about the username issue. First I was told to close my game correctly and when I told them that doesn't work I got the same response as you. I think they've just resorted to cutting and pasting the standard reply for all complaints now!

Have just done my gift run. Hopefully everyone has the gifts they are after. I'm building DFS2 and ice rink, so items for those please or just return gift. All helpful at the moment!


Level:32 Pingways, I need: Xmas items / catering / pax / fuel.
i have sent a ticket asking how to re add my missing neighbours (like jbg364) and also how to add lilly2 (thanks for the pm lilly).

Will see what rubbish they send back!


jdm- level 31. need: old lanterns, POS, security camera, glass display case, anti-theft case
Frenetta said:
Almost everyone shows up at a lower level for me.

Me too and with older versions of their airports.

Sian and David ( level 35 ) Need fuel hose, propeller or nav module.

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