Hi, I'm new in this forum....
I'm glad join to this forum....
Before this I played until level 35 with 120 stars but in android OS,
and I changed my device to ipad mini right now and starting from zero again......
My game username is RNK - item needed
Now I'm in level 22 with 41 stars
I need item for upgrading repair base (level 4), amperemeter 2x, lining plate 3x, hull parts 1x and laser cutter 3x,
Could anyone add and share me those items please......I have 5 planes and 4 are broken right now and can't repair it because I have to finish the repair base first......
So I have to make a flight to Sydney to get those items with my last jet plane untill it's broke.......
Items I can share :
Fuel(3 units), Bright Lantern, Old Lantern, Sleigh Oil, Robotic Lawnmower, Single-Malt Whiskey, Cockpit Glass, Welder, Landing Lamp, Copy Machine, Sandbag, Bath Towel, Passenger (10), Powerful Radio Transmitter, Slide Rule, Cognac, Fuel Supplay, Jet Engine, Weather Display, Fuel Additives, Power Source, Additional Radar, Makeup, Shredder, Spare Wire, Server Rack, Landing Gear, Flight Catering, Oscillating Beacon, Cooling Chamber, Navigation Module