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Airport City Trading Centre

marsm said:
Just accepted your friend request.

Thanks for the explanation on the ice castle which explains why the gifts have stopped falling... it's just annoying now because I haven't completed the "Five Continents" collection - three balls missing before I can get my box of balls :rolleyes:

I'm in exactly the same position! I have had one ball drop from the Christmas tree but it was one I already had, so maybe over time the others will drop.

Sian and David ( level 35 ) Need lanterns for Siannnnn or propeller for me. I will gift back for both of us.
I'll send you another amperemeter when my gifts reset. I need an ergo chair, lanterns, and stuff for another sleigh hanger, heaters, sleigh covers especially. Thanks

level 27

Will send you heater when gifting resets. Plse return the gift if possible. Thanks!
help me please......all my 5 plane was broken......so I can't make a flight anymore......I need 2 amperemeter right now for repair base......and for control tower (amperemeter 1x, ergo chair 1x, and smoke detector 2x)
so I just waiting for your share.........:(:(:(.....bcause nothing I can do right now.....

Will send you smoke detector, let me know if you need more.
Como vc conseguiu a toalha e o xampu para o hotel? Seus vizinhos te deram? Ninguém me enviou esses itens até agora e eu nem tenho eles como opção para enviar para ninguém. As pessoas tem opções diferentes de presentes a enviar?
marsm said:
I thought they did, but I've started to doubt myself. I've probably flown in excess of 20 flights to Lapland today and nothing comes back... my sole source for gifts right now are the Xmas Gift shops, but, as you've said, the drop rate is not good - still better than my conversation from flights though.

Yesterday was a good day for me but there are days where it seems like nothing comes back from any of my sleigh flights.
I collected as much star dust as I could (even bought a Santa chest for $6 that had 20 old lanterns and 20 star dust) then used a spy glass (for $4) to fly sleighs. It helped a lot to receive gifts from Lapland. I was able to complete "forgetful Santa" and "five continents" collection to earn Santa house, igloo, and ice sculpture park. I am still flying to get the items to open these winter buildings. Tip: have extra fuel saved up so you can land as many planes possible while you have the spyglass activated. Porter 029
Usernames reappeared for a few minutes this morning so was able to send out a few more gifts: lanterns to Lilly and Porter029 and spare wire to Letgnis and Vibbster. Sorry if you didn't get what you wanted but thought I should get my gifts out before the usernames disappeared again - which they have.
Vibbster said:
I could need a beacon, propeller, deicer or wire thanks.

Beacon sent. Can you send me flight catering? Thanks!

Level:32 Pingways, I need: lanterns / xmas items / catering / pax / fuel.
tumbuang said:
help me please......all my 5 plane was broken......so I can't make a flight anymore......I need 2 amperemeter right now for repair base......and for control tower (amperemeter 1x, ergo chair 1x, and smoke detector 2x)
so I just waiting for your share.........:(:(:(.....bcause nothing I can do right now.....

Have sent red paint, don't have any of the control tower items. Please send me flight catering or lanterns or sleigh cover.


Level:32 Pingways, I need: lanterns / xmas items / catering / pax / fuel.
Yesterday was a good day for me but there are days where it seems like nothing comes back from any of my sleigh flights.

I know what you mean. I just zapped 12 of my elves and got 1 (!) star dust. Have made a total of 35 flights to the continents and have had 2 ornaments, 2 snowmakers and 1 fridge drop. I think when GI says that items drop 'very seldom' they really mean 'almost never.' And, for the last few days when I visit neighbours with, rinks, igloos, etc. I see old versions of their airports so I haven't been able to finish my Cold Winter collection.
Hollyman said:
Anybody knows how can I free one repair slot????Because after the upgrade of repair base to level 4 I cannot repair anything!!!!It asks me 5 cash in order to release one repair slot!!!This really sucks!!Is it the only way to free a repair slot or is there another one that I cannot see???

Scroll to the far left you should still have a slot free normally

lvl 35 Need old lanterns, pos terminal(x3). glass display (x2) , sleigh covers , propeller,spare wire. thanks

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